Chapter 4

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    Far far away from where Henry and Yami had found the locked away grimoire, there was a demon. Not just any demon mind you, a demon of lust. A demon who was meant to play with the heartstrings of mortals and bring them to hell if necessary. A succubus.

    She was beautiful, with long rose colored hair that fluffed its way down her body before cutting off at her hips. Two horns came curling up above her head, with dark stripes running up them. Her skin was a pale pink that was accentuated by the rose hue of her hair.

Her name... was Vannessa Enetoca.

    She was known in the Underworld for luring humans in with wine and wine platters, slowly watching as they intoxicated themselves. They would spill so many secrets, so many things. She could go days with a single person in mind, but the satisfaction that everyone had seeing that she had succeeded was worth it all.

    However there was always one slight problem that succubi and incubi faced. Due to them being free to go between the overworld and the Underworld, they were the most likely to be called. It was almost funny how often someone would call for demons and devils like Lucifer and Beelzebub only to get a succubus or incubus. This led to many things. Some humans got lucky and could get a deal, some died. And some... some were insatiable.

One such human was known as the Witch Queen.

    A human obsessed with the concept of immortality, she would summon demon after demon after demon after devil after devil after devil. Most of them escaped. And after a while, she had none left. Fury blinded her, and she summoned a new one with a plan in mind.

She summoned Vanessa.

And trapped her.

    For years, Vanessa was left in a cage made from magical salt. Her only company was string creatures she made with her magic and the Witch Queen. Every day, at the strike of noon the Witch Queen would come to her and the same interaction would go down.

"What is the secret to immortality?" the Witch Queen would ask, cold as ice and the room around her.

"I do not know, I was born immortal not gifted with immortality" Vanessa would answer.

"You lie! I will be back tomorrow and you will give me answers!" the Witch Queen would shout and storm out of the overglorified bird cage room.

    The cycle continued on for almost a century. The Witch Queen got more and more agitated every year that she had to bathe in the Fountain of Youth. Until one day, it all came crashing down on her.

    Just as she entered the room ready to repeat the daily task of asking for the secrets of immortality, one of the walls came crashing down. Bricks flew everywhere, and a cloud of dust came bursting through the room. The sounds of crystal breaking broke her out of her trance, and she started to run towards the cage she had one of her children create almost a century before. As the dust cleared, a dingy but large building came smashing down in front of her. Standing in the room before the she-devil and the succubus, was a giant bull house.

    Vanessa stood there, as the salt pillars around her that had trapped her for a CENTURY came crashing down in an incomplete circle. A giant crescent moon of salt was all that was left of her room, with her just barely out of the line of carnage.

She was free.


    Vanessa jumped off of the salty remains of her prison, running to jump onto the giant house that had freed her. Reaching for a window she slammed into one, rolling her way into the room with glass flying through the air behind her. As she stood she stumbled, nearly tumbling as the room she had jumped into was moving up, with her still inside of the fist. The shadows moved around her as the sun shone from a new angle, as the wall she was leaning against suddenly jolted forward, launching her through the room, to the shoulder of the giant House Bull that had saved her.

"You alright there Ms?"

    Her head shot up off the couch she had oh so "gracefully" landed on. That was to say she looked like she had been thrown onto the poor thing with enough force to break the damn thing. Before her were two very peculiar people.

    One was a pretty buff masculine person, with tan skin that seemed to shift between various darker hues before landing back on the one it was currently fronting. The person's hair was almost ebony black and also seemed to shift, but this time between being spiked in a wavy way and spiked in a pointy way. It was peculiar. The person was wearing a white tank top and dark brown pants that were tucked into sturdy boots. They seemed to have a permanent resting bitch face, but had an eyebrow raised as if a fairly scantily clad demoness landing on their couch happened every other Thorsday.

    The other person looked like they had climbed out of a dumpster the week before and had exactly one(1) bath since. They had long hair that was a pale blue but you could see how matted it was from a kilometer away. Their clothes were covered in a fine layer of dust and dirt and if her friend from the demon realm who had magic called "Cartoon" (whatever that means) were here then they could probably have seen literal stink lines coming off of this person. If it wasn't for the person being the one who was holding the steering wheel for this bull, she probably would have grabbed a hair brush from her purse (lovely enchantment on it from a friend, held her entire wardrobe and then some) and would be brushing that hair in such a way that it would be ready for a cut because there was NO getting the mats out of there.

"Iiiiii thiiiiiink weeeee brooooooke heeeer?"

"Maybe. Let's get out of here before the human peacock starts throwing shit"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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