Chapter 1

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Welcome to my new story, Mischief Night! I hope everyone enjoys!

Stiles brimmed with excitement as he stood on the pavement, waiting with Scott in anticipation. Tonight was going to be one of the best nights he had ever experienced. As soon as it was an hour to ten pm, he had driven over to Scott's house and picked him up and then almost went 100 mph to get to Beacon Hills High. Why, may you ask? All because of Mischief Night.

And on Mischief Night, you could play the best pranks ever on your favourite teachers, your most hated teachers, hell, even the students if you so desired. The pranks played on the favourite teachers weren't nearly as bad as the ones played on those the students hated. However, the duo's favourite teacher? You've probably already guessed.

Good ol' Coach Finstock. He was the funniest to prank and, surprisingly, the easiest.

When they arrived, Stiles parked as close to the school doors as the road would allow him and got out, waiting beside the Jeep with Scott for Lydia, Jackson and Allison. Since Allison was new to the school, Scott had wanted to show her what Mischief Night was all about. Stiles found it absurdly ridiculous how hopelessly in love Scott was with her but he also found it sweet. He knew Scott was happy and that was all that mattered to him. It may or may not have helped that it was extremely funny to watch him make a complete fool of himself in front of her.

In the thirty minutes it took for the others to arrive, Stiles had been paying close attention to the time, checking every minute. It was now half past ten. Not to mention, the sounds of the crickets was starting to severely annoy him. "Scott, do we have to wait? We can get started without them and meet up with them later." He whined. He was itching to start this night with a bang and make the pranks perfect before any of the other students arrived to set theirs up.

"No, we're waiting for the others." Scott said firmly, his eyes scanning the parking lot.

'No, we're waiting for Allison.' Stiles internally thought. "But it's cooooold." He groaned.

"Then you can wait inside and I'll wait for them here and meet up with you." Scott grinned, looking at his best friend with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Me? Go in there? The school? Alone? Scott, do you have any idea what happens to teens who go into their schools alone at night?"

Scott sighed, shaking his head in amusement. "What?"

"They get murdered, Scott. Brutally. I don't want someone to find my mutilated corpse, especially my dad. That would be way too embarrassing and heart-breaking. I can't do that to him. Besides, getting murdered in your own school? Lame."

Scott playfully rolled his eyes as another grin appeared but he didn't budge. Stiles went back to pouting until the two of them were blinded by headlights as a car pulled into the parking lot and came to a slow stop beside the Jeep. Stiles' pout immediately disappeared and his expression remained passive as the car's owner cut the engine and graciously restored their sight. The make of the car was now visible as the inhabitants got out and of course Jackson had taken the Porsche. Why wouldn't he? Though Stiles grinned when he heard Allison yelling at Jackson for using the high beams.

"I told you not to have them so bright, Jackson! You could have caused a crash!" She scolded, shaking her head. She turned to face the duo and smiled widely when her eyes landed on Scott. She quickly bounded up to him and hugged him tightly. "Hi." Her eyes lit up with happiness.

"Hi." Scott smiled back, looking at her with the same level of happiness.

"Finally. Let's go. It's cold and I wanna get started as soon as possible." Stiles said, rubbing his hands together.

Jackson rolled his eyes and sighed as Allison grinned, looking between Scott and Stiles with excitement. "Let's go!" She ascended the stairs and got to the door first, Scott quickly behind her heels. The rest of them followed with Lydia flinging the doors wide open and marching her way inside. The doors were always unlocked on Mischief Night with security coming by to check that the last of the students were out of the school before they locked everything up. Scott and Allison linked their hands together and Jackson tucked Lydia up under his arm as they walked through the halls.

It hurt Stiles to see Lydia and Jackson act like such a couple. Yes, he had formed a serious crush on her in the third grade that had seemingly gotten stronger throughout the years but she only had eyes for Jackson. It hurt to see them be so lovey dovey but he had to face reality. He'd probably never get a chance to be with her so he decided that his sophomore year was going to be the year he got over it and he had been doing pretty well. She barely even paid any attention to him anyway.

They headed down to the boys' locker room first to gather the supplies Stiles and Scott had stashed ahead of time. The boys had somehow managed to fit everything inside their lockers, mainly because Jackson refused to have anything stored in his, the pompous prick. Stiles still didn't know why they had to actually be there with them other than to appease Allison's father.

Yes, Stiles severely disliked the other teenager. No, it wasn't because Jackson was constantly an ass to him and Scott, who mentioned that?

When Scott and Stiles had to fit everything in, they had argued over what went in who's locker and honestly, how they managed to fit the items was a mystery best left guarded by the universe. However, when they arrived at their intended location, they were confused to see the lights on. The group stopped and looked at each other.

"Have you guys already been in here?" Allison asked, looking between Stiles and Scott.

The boys shook their heads. "No, Scott wouldn't come in with me while we were waiting for you guys." Stiles said, eyeing the door. Somewhere inside, a locker door shut, making the group jump. "Should we check it out?"

"Why the hell would we check it out when your dad can check it out for us?" Jackson looked at Stiles with a look of utter boredom.

"Because I'd get told off for disrupting his sleep when he explicitly said not to disrupt him tonight except for emergencies." Stiles rolled his eyes at Jackson. "Some people actually have work to do in this town."

"And you're implying my parents don't?"

"Oh, wow, you caught onto my sarcasm for once! Well done!" Stiles smiled sweetly at Jackson before looking at the door. Being the son of the sheriff, and due to the fact that nobody else had moved, he reached a hand out to place on the door handle when it suddenly opened itself and they came face to face with none other than the junior Derek Hale, the missing part of their friend group. But he seemed to be glaring at them? Stiles yanked his hand back in shock.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Derek asked with a sigh, folding his arms over his chest. He hadn't expected them to come and set things up so soon though he should have.

Again, the group looked amongst themselves before their eyes landed on Stiles, nominating him to be the one who answered. Stiles sighed and shook his head before he responded. "What are you doing here?" He asked in a curious voice. When Stiles had messaged the group chat with his and Scott's plan of Mischief Night, Derek had declined to partake. Derek sighed in annoyance and leaned against the doorframe and observed them with no intention of replying. Classic Derek Hale.

"We're here because of Mischief Night. Why are you still here?" Allison ended up speaking.

"Finished a practice. You're really participating in Mischief Night?" Derek asked with an unimpressed look.

Stiles grinned. "Of course we are. The one night you get to spend in the school and get payback on the teachers you hate that equally hate you? Why wouldn't we?"

Derek sighed and rolled his eyes. "Just don't break anything." He picked up his bag, intending to leave.

Stiles kept up the grin. "No promises, Sourwolf!" He called out as Derek walked away. He chuckled softly when he heard the last exasperated sigh Derek let out and turned back to the group. "Let's get started."

Derek was quiet as he headed to the front entrance. The reason he was still at the school was because he had some extra energy that he needed to burn off after his basketball practice before he felt comfortable enough to head home and finally get some sleep. Once he got to the doors, he pushed on them to exit and frowned when they only moved slightly, accompanied by the sounds of chains rattling. He moved to look through one of the glass panels to see chains wrapped tightly around the handles on the outside and secured in place with a padlock, effectively locking him and the others inside.

"What the......?" He mumbled to himself. He wouldn't put it past Stiles and Scott, particularly Stiles, to find it funny to lock them inside. He sighed in irritation and headed back to the locker room, looking very pissed off. Sure enough, the group was still there, sorting various items out. "Which one of you idiots put the chains around the handles on the front entrance?"

Everyone paused and looked at Derek. Stiles stepped away from his locker and met Derek's gaze. "What chains?" A clear look of confusion rippled over his facial features.

"There are chains on the handles locking us inside. Who put it on?" Derek asked again, getting every bit more pissed off. He just wanted to go home.

"We haven't put anything anywhere yet. Besides, how would we have put the chains on when we're all inside?" Scott stood from the bench he had been perched on.

Derek paused, thinking over what Scott said. He had a good point, how would they have put the chains on if they were all inside. As silence settled over the group, the lights suddenly cut out, blanketing them in darkness. What the hell was happening?

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