Chapter 15

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A/N: Sorry it's been so long, I've been busy with uni. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Stiles' body locked up in fear. "What?" His voice was small.

"She has a shotgun. Whatever you do, stay out of her way as much as you can." Derek looked at Stiles. "Promise me you'll stay out of the way."

Stiles nodded. "I promise."

While Derek and Stiles couldn't see the other four members of their group, Derek knew the other two werewolves had relayed the same message he had to Stiles to their respective partners. Once the smoke cleared due to a fan kicking in in the gym, somehow Lydia had managed to sneak around Kate, keeping to the edges and stood behind her.

Kate glared at Scott and raised her shotgun to him. Allison raised her bow in equal defiance.

"Shoot him and you won't live to let off another shot." The bow user warned.

"Allison, he's dangerous. He will kill you."

"No, he won't. Not when I'm his anchor." Allison argued.

As the conversation occurred between the two Argents, Lydia carefully began to place the conical flask she had been holding on the ground behind Kate so there would be less of a chance for her to get burned when Allison shot an arrow at it. Unfortunately, Lydia lost grip of it when it was a couple of centimetres off the ground and a small clink was heard at the end of Allison's sentence.

Kate whirled around to face her, her shotgun maintaining its position and ready to shoot the redhead. Jackson quickly tackled Lydia out of the way, cradling her so she didn't hit her head and rolled them quite a bit away as Allison shot an arrow into the flask.

A shout emanated from Kate as she shielded herself and dove out of the way as the flask erupted, distracting her from the couple. She faced Allison and glared at her.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into." She seethed.

"I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm protecting my friends." Allison drew up another arrow.

Kate let out an enraged scream and raised her shotgun again. Scott immediately put himself in front of Allison just as a large wolf burst through one of the entrances, ripping the doors off the hinges in its wake. It didn't stop, barrelling towards Kate and knocked her off her feet as a shot rang out from her gun. Three other wolves ran over the threshold of the broken door albeit they were in more of a human form.

Derek looked over at Jackson and Lydia. "Are you guys okay?"

Jackson nodded. "We're fine."

"I'm okay, Scott, I'm okay. It didn't hit me." Allison reassured him. "It didn't hit you, did it?" Allison asked, dropping the arrow and bow.

Scott shook his head. "No, I'm okay." He promised.

"Derek........." Stiles whispered, looking at his hands covered in blood.

Derek's head immediately whipped around and froze when he saw blood blossoming on Stiles' shirt around his lower abdomen. The younger teen stumbled and if it hadn't been for Derek catching him, he would have collapsed. "Mom!" Derek's voice was filled with worry as he looked over at his mother, who transformed back into her human side with a cloak draped around her.

"Keep her contained." Talia instructed Peter and Jonathan and rushed over to the two teenagers. "Take him outside, the Sheriff is here. He'll know what to do." She instructed after inspecting Stiles' wound.

Derek nodded and secured his hold on Stiles, taking some of his pain as he ran. Stiles sniffled, tears flowing from pain. "Derek, it hurts." His voice broke.

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