Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I looked around in suspicion, scanning every tree and bush. It was getting dark so it was hard to make out everything. All of a sudden a guy with brown hair comes out from behind a bush and gives me a sheepish smile.

"I'm sorry, I got lost trying to find my uncle and I didn't want to interrupt you." He rubbed his neck, and I let out a slight sigh of relief.

"It's fine, you just startled me." I stand up, brushing off my pants, "What's your uncle's last name?" I walk over to him, noticing that he's not bad on the eyes.

"Satterfield. I'm not familiar with this area, let alone this cemetery."

"The cemetery is ordered by last name" I say as I begin to walk the path I've become accustomed to. My mother's last name was Smith, taking it after my father. I walked him over to the beginning of the SAs, stopping once we reach Satterfield. There was a couple of different stones, and since I didn't want to pry, I just stood there in the middle without saying anything.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I say as I look up at him.

"Don't be sorry, he was a terrible human being." He chuckles lightly and I'm a bit creeped out to say the least.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound insensitive towards the dead," He must have seen the look on my face, "My uncle just wasn't the best person." I nod in understanding when I hear Jenna calling me.

"I gotta go, nice meeting" I pause when I realize that I never got his name.

"Lucas." He says with a smile.

"Well Lucas, maybe I'll see you around." I smile and rush off to find Jenna before she starts to freak out.

"Where were you Carson?" Jenna asks as I approach her."I was just helping someone find the grave they were looking for." She nods and wraps her arm around my shoulder, leading us out of the cemetery. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and see I have a message from Sarah

Sarah: Wanna go out tonight?

Me: Where to?

Sarah: Laser tag with me ryan and lucy

Me: I don't know Sarah, I haven't gone laser tagging in a while

I wasn't lying. I hadn't been laser tagging since the 6th grade. But that wasn't the real reason I didn't want to go. I hadn't hung out with anyone besides Sarah and Ryan in a while. When we hung out it was always at one of our houses, never out in a public place. I felt another buzz and looked down to see that Sarah had texted me again.

Sarah: Exactly. Cmon Carson, it'll be good for you!

Me: Fine fine. What time are we going?

Sarah: We'll pick you at 9

It was currently 8:30 and by the time we got home I would only have 15 minutes to get ready. I let out a small sigh, mentally planning my outfit. As soon as I got home I sprayed some dry shampoo into my hair and did a fishtail braid. I slipped on my ripped jeans and cuffed the bottom. As I scanned my tops, my phone buzzed signaling that I had a text message.

Ryan: Be there in 10

I read the message and dropped my phone on my bed, taking out my Harvard Law muscle tee and blue flannel, pairing it with my black Vans. I applied light makeup and slipped my phone into my pocket. I popped my head into Jenna's room to let her know I was about to leave.

"Bye sweetheart!" She called once I walked away from her room.

"Bye!" I call, walking out to the porch to wait for my friends. I saw them pull up in Ryan's car, Sarah sitting in the passenger seat.

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