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                 Where you can drop AU requests for KaiA

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AUs (Alternative Universes) are basically a alternative scheme and life and universe for your already existing character.

It can be a universe where KaiA fights Vampires to one where they are in New York fighting robots.
Or where Diana is Draco's Wife🤡💅
It all can exist in different one-shots or just short series' under this category.

Basically original version of KaiA fanfictions

It can be anything.


1) Needs to include all the members in one way or another, somehow closely related to
main character!KaiA member. They can be sisters or just bestfriends, doesn't matter. They don't need to be all main characters but  prominent side characters.

2) Could be AUs with other idols who aren't already chosen as KaiA love interests. It won't be canon at all.

3) Could be related to any famous well known Universes (i.e. Hogwarts/HP, Avengers, TVD etc.)

4) Can be original AU and not related to any  sort of book or movies. (As in an au with similar concept of Vampires and stuff but not IN any universe. You can add other idols as characters in your fanfiction 💀)

5) Everything that you want needs to be explained to make it more satisfactory and upto request.

6) You can request for other members too, doesn't just have to be a AU for only oc owned by you. It (the idea) just has to be agreed to by the owner.



MAIN CHARACTER (S): (Choose one or multiple kaiA members)


GENRE/UNIVERSE/ THEME: (eg: Tragedy/MCU / Zombie appocalypce)

STORY EXPLAINATION: (get creative and write whatever you need in it.)

TYPE?: (IdolxIdol, MemberxMember💀, IdolxNon!Idol AU, MCxUOgCharacter, MCxOgCharacter )

Would you participate in writing? Yes OR no

Oneshot or Series?

Rainey here, just wanted to leave something ya'll can participate in writing since our canon AU is blocked because of me being away💀i mean it'll be hard to figure out what I had in mind.

Whoever will like to write stuff can write AUs or just basic chapters/Shows and stuff because OFF CAMERA section is kinda planned and...yeah.

This is basically fanfiction section for a fanfiction. 😔

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