Specks x reader pt 1

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F/d favorite drink f/s favorite show y/n your name, s/n your irl school
You POV: I wake up and I'm so tierd I remember that I have school lucky I'm a l trisk. How you may ask? [2 months earlier] it's the end of a mafia fight "ok.. you win just take this pill." The pill looked like how old video game 3d looked 2d but olso 3d. I take the pill and I become a trisk. Any way I teleported to my new school.  I got there and went to go get a f/d at the vending machine. I walk to visualedics. I go to throw empty f/d. "Ahhhhhhh" why the fuck is the trash can a black hole.... I will make this work. I'll do what I did at s/n. "Kobe!" I yell as I threw the empty cup of f/d. It goes write in. The whole class claps even the teacher. I go to a drawing station this looks like a drag and drop style art. I look to my left and saw someone there name was specks it said on her name tag. She's kind of cute, well In this demention. She looks like satin in the 500th lol. I start blushing.I turn a way and hide it. I can make a card here yea I can put a hart here an- "OOooOooh that's a nice hart who's it for?" She asks. I don't know what to say. I lie, "it's for a holiday calld Father's Day" I tell them "it's a holiday you selibrate you dad." "Oh neat" she teleported away. I made the card and sloped it in her locker. Crap I'm late for socionic arts!I couldn't teleport that far I had to teleport in small parts. I saw the corner of my eye she was checking her locker, I'll see her later I guess. I say blushing. I get another f/d and go to class. Specks POV: oh. My. God. The new kid likes me back...

 The new kid likes me back

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