True memory / job x efficiency pt 1

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Efficiency bot POV: the human just got his last memory! Now he has got them all! I wonder who vacation bot has invited? "Human! You just got all memory's! Now let's party!" I said.
The human pulls the lever and the party loads.
Job bot POV: vacation bot has told me the human has got all the memories. And she wants me to go to the simulator. I get there and I see vacation bot and she tells me to hide in a bush until the human pulls the party lever. I do so. Human / 3rd person POV: efficiency bot sees job bot. And starts blushing. Efficiency bot POV: oh god it's job bot. Play it cool. "W-what? Job b-bot?" I say flusterd. "I contacted him when the human made his last memory!" Said vacation bot. "Now with job and vacation together we know what it was once like to [HUMAN]" said job bot. I'm to scared to tell him I like him. Not infront of the human. "Human can you go enjoy the party for a bit, I want to talk to Job bot for a moment..."


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