Specks x reader pt 3

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My detention is over finally, so I can go home now. While on my way I saw specks again. "Hey hows it goin?" She says "new boyfriend" she says under her breath. "It goin good I can go home now" "sweet can I come over?"she asks. "Ok sure here take my number" I say. "Call me when you wanna come over, ok?" I say "ok!"

[2 hours later]

I get a text from an un known number

???:hello is this Y/N?

Y/N:idk who are you?

Specks;maybe:it's me specks!

Y/N:ok leme add you as a contact brb

Specks;maybe: K

Y/N:wanna come over?

Specks:of course!

Y/N: ok I live at 746 space drive goo York

Specks:ok I'll see you there at 8:00?

Y/N: ok see you then!

It's 8:05 and she's still isn't here. She finally arrived at 8:08. "Hey sorry I'm late" she said we watched a movie when I fell asleep specks POV: Y/P fell asleep I grab Y/P and put Y/P in Y/Ps bed and cuddle with him as we fall a sleep. Y/N POV: I woke up the next morning. I try to get up, but someone is hugging me. It's specks, shit did I.... No but she looks... and I don't remember... ACCCK stop think about it... I teleported to the fridge to get a F/D "AHHHH" I hear in the distance. Guess she was leaning on me.she teleported to me "morning bae" she says tiredly and happily. "Morning!" I say. "Crap I'm late for school!" I rush for my backpack and teleported to school.
I go to cemosrapy class "meet our new student B/N (bestie name)" the teacher says that name sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on why (flashback time oohofnfhshsh)

Past Y/N POV:I pin him to the floor with my foot "I thought we were friends B/N... but he foolery is a powerful weapon and I respect you for using it" i say "ok you win just take this pill" he says and hands me a odd pill it looks 2d sorta. "Why will I take this!?" I ask "ok don't take it BOYS SURROUND Y/P!" B/P (bestie proun) said The rest of the mafia surrounded me. I say "FINE I'll take your pill" (ohhh the flash back ends dhrhdjdhd)

Holy shit. It's B/N. Why is he here as a trisk? Did he take a pill? I thought I killed him durring that fight? Fuck well I guess hopefully he is here for educational purposes and not for me. B/N POV: "he's here" i say in my wire. He seems to remember me. That's not good. He can stop me from getting my revenge. I won't let him, not twice. Who's that? A fully adapted prismi? This will be fun...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2022 ⏰

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