Chapter 1

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I am going to post the first chapter of this story to see what you guys think of the idea.

This story isn't defiantly going to stay, so please comment if you want it to.

When I have 4 comments or so, saying that you want it to stay, then I'll probably continue writing it.

If I don't get many people wanting it to stay, then I will be deleting this story.

Okay, so before I ramble too much, (although I probably have done that already!) here is the first chapter for 'Heart Attack'


"YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!" I heard Max shout up the stairs

I didn't reply, I was scared already.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS DEMI!" I heard him shout again

Just then I heard crashing and banging from downstairs and then the slam of the front door. I looked out of my bedroom window as it was at the front of the house and I saw Max drive away. I had no idea where he was going, but he was most likely going to the pub.

I had married Max 5 years ago, he seemed like my true love, the person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. But, that all changed when I had Jessica.

I had fallen pregnant with Jessica 4 years ago. Max obviously wasn't ready for a child because he shouted at me and told me to have a abortion, but I just couldn't do that. To me, the baby inside of me was a life, a beautiful life.

But when I turned around and told him that I wasn't going to have an abortion, he shouted at me and beat me. He hit me in the stomach and I was scared that he had killed the baby.

I basically had to go through the pregnancy alone, Max went out to the pub that night and when he was dropped off at home again he collapsed on the sofa.

The next morning he beat again, told me that he didn't want a child, that he never wanted a child and that I was stupid for getting pregnant. That I should had taken the morning after pill.

After that I stayed at a friends for a few days to let him calm down and then I went back home, scared that I was going to get hit again.

He didn't though, I could see in his smile as he opened the door that he wanted to, but he didn't.

But one morning when I woke up with a swollen belly that made it obvious that I was pregnant, I tried my best to hide it because I knew that it could possibly set him off again.

I didn't hide it well enough though, even though I wore baggy clothes; he noticed and he hit me in the stomach again. Telling me again that I was stupid and that I couldn't possibly look after a child when I was only 20.

He stormed out again and went to the pub. I grabbed my bag and made a doctor's appointment, scared that he had hurt the baby.

When I got there and was in the room, I told the doctor that I had fallen on my stomach and that I was pregnant. I told her that I was scared I had harmed the baby.

She tried to reassure me that a fall alone was unlikely to cause any damage, but of course I knew what had actually happened, so I asked her to check anyway.

She did a scan and everything was fine, which put my mind at ease.

I went back home, Max was back, he asked me where I had been, I lied and told him that I had just gone on a walk.

6 months later, I woke up to a sharp pain, I knew it was time, but I also knew that the way Max had acted recently, he wouldn't care.

I called Alice, a friend who knew I was pregnant, but didn't know was Max had been doing. She agreed to come and get me, not asking any questions, and that she would text me when she was outside.

I got up and started to pack some things for me and the baby, occasionally stopping to breathe through a contraction.

When I got a text saying she was outside I breathed a sigh of relief, the contractions were getting stronger and the sun was coming up, meaning that Max would wake up soon; I wanted to be out of the house before he did.

I grabbed the bag and quietly made my way through the house and out the front door. I paused outside, bag over my shoulder and hand on my stomach as another wave of pain came over me. Alice got out of the car and rushed over, took the bag off of me and held my hand until the pain stopped.

I then waddled over to the car, got in, and Alice drove me to the hospital.

When we got there I was admitted and 8 hours of pain later, Jessica Lily Lovato was born.

I decided not to give her Max's last name, but gave her my maiden name instead. After what Max had done to me and after seeing Jessica I knew I had to protect her, but I needed to pluck up the courage to do so first.

Today was the last straw, Max had hit me again and then turned to go and hit Jessica, but didn't. Jessica got scared and ran up to my room to hide. I then ran upstairs following her, closed the door and I locked it. That's when Max started to shout up the stairs.

When he had gone I whispered "It's okay Jess, he's gone now"

Jessica came out of where she was hiding and ran to me, giving me a massive hug.

"Why do you and daddy fight?" she asked

"I don't know pumpkin" I said

I hated that she just called him daddy, to me, he wasn't close to being her dad. Yes, by blood he was, but he was nothing else to her.

I decided that today was the day, I was going to leave Max, enough was enough. Hitting me was one thing, but turning on Jessica was another. What if next time he actually hits her?

I grabbed a big suitcase and Jessica's little suitcase down from on top of my closet, we then both packed as much stuff as we could. I decided that I needed to tell Alice, get a lawyer and divorce Max. He's not going to like it, but I've finally found the strength inside of me to stand up to him.

Okay, so what did you think?

Please leave a comment saying that you want this story to stay if you like it :)

Heart Attack - A Jemi FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now