Chapter 8

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After speaking to the police women and deciding that I wanted to file for a divorce I feel proud of myself for making that decision but at the same time I sort of wish I hadn't. Can I really move on from the guy that I once loved?

I decided to brush that thought out of my head. I mean, he did go and try to hit Jessica. I can NEVER forgive him for doing that. As I've said before, hitting me is one thing but almost hitting the person I love more than anything in the world is another thing completely. 

I sat back down in the living room with Alice, Jessica was playing with some dolls in the middle of the room.

-2 months later-

It's been two months, that's a long time really. Let me update you. Max and I went to court and we were divorced, much to the dismay of Max. I have come to the conclusion that he liked having power over somebody and because he was married to me, he felt as if he had that power. Well, he doesn't have that power any more.

The case was closed and Max was put away, it's only for a short while but hopefully that will give me time to move on and to start a new life, one, that doesn't include Max. 

I have been staying at Alice's house this whole time, but, to a certain point, I feel like I am outstaying my welcome; even though Alice says that I am welcome I still feel like being in her house for a total of 3 months now is a long time. 

The whole time that I have been staying at Alice's I haven't really had any time to myself. I know it sounds silly but I really haven't. I've been trying to look after Jessica and also help around the house. And about a month ago, Jessica turned 5. It is now September and Jessica started school a week ago; even though she has only just started a new school I am seriously considering moving out of town, maybe closer back to where I grew up. I need a fresh start, so maybe I need to try a different town, somewhere where Max won't find me.

I turned on the my laptop and begun to look at towns that were still in the same state but just a little further away. I found a few and started comparing prices of houses. One town was completely out of the question, the house prices were way too out of my budget. The other town had manageable prices, so, I started looking at specific houses. I found one that I really liked so I spoke to Alice and even though she was disappointed that she wouldn't be able to see me as much, she agreed that it was for the best.

I made some calls and soon the house was mine. I then begun looking for schools for Jessica. After looking online, I decided that it would be best if I actually went and visited the 2 that I liked the best. I made arrangements to visit that afternoon.

"Wow, you've been busy!" Alice commented looking at the number of screens that I had open on the laptop.

"Yeah" I replied "I'm just really motivated to get this sorted and to move on with my life"

"Makes sense" she nodded in agreement. "But..." she continued "Maybe you should take a walk? You know, to give yourself a break?"

"Umm..." I said "Ok, then" I replied with slight hesitation

I closed the lid to the laptop. I had an hour before I needed to leave anyway and a walk might do me good. Alice kindly agreed to look after Jessica for me so I grabbed my phone and went for a walk down the street.

I got out on the street and I pulled out my phone, I walked along as I begun texting my mom.

Just then I bumped into someone "Oh, I'm sorry" I said as I slowly got up and saw a smartly dressed guy looking at me.

"What you staring at?" he laughed

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't really know what happened there. Sorry, I shouldn't be staring at anyone let alone a stranger"

"It's ok" he replied "My name is Joe" he said sticking out one hand

"Demi" I replied, sticking out my hand and shaking his.

"It's nice to meet you Demi" he said "How come I haven't seen you around here before?"

"I don't know" I replied "I used to live not far from here actually and I used to take regular walks through here as my friend lives just across the street" 

"Oh, nice. Well, I live there" he said pointing a a house

"Nice" I replied "Well I'm sorry for bumping into you and all that. I'll look where I'm going next time"

"It's ok" he replied

Joe then walked off towards the house that he had pointed to. I decided not to go on a walk but instead I walked back to Alice's house. I rushed in the front door, not caring if Joe saw which house I went into. 

I threw myself onto the couch next to Alice and told her all about it. About how cute he looked and everything. About how embarrassed I was to be staring at him and all the things I felt. 

"I think I know who you mean" Alice said

"You do?" I replied, very shocked

"Yeah, he lives at number 14" she said

"Omg! Alice, you know who I'm talking about!"

Just then there was a knock on the door, I got up and opened the door but there was no body there, instead there was a piece of paper that had been posted through the letter box. I walked back into the living room and Alice told me to look at what it said first. 

It read:

'Hi Demi...I couldn't help but notice which house you went back into after you bumped into me. I hope this letter finds you and that I haven't made a mistake. Joe.'

At the bottom he had also put his number.

"Do you think I should text him?" I asked Alice

"Yeah! Of course!" 

I looked at my phone and realised the time, I needed to leave in 10 minutes. "Alice I need to leave in 10 minutes!" 

"Ok, don't panic!" she said "You can text him later"

"I'll go and get changed and then go" I said

I rushed up the stairs and found something smart to wear. Then I grabbed my bag and phone and headed out of the door and got into my car.

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