Chapter 6

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Demi's Pov

I woke up the next morning, Jess was still asleep. I got up gently as I didn't want to wake her just yet. I walked downstairs in my dressing gown to find Alice eating breakfast.

"You want some breakfast Demi?" she asked

"You know I don't eat straight away when I get up" I replied

"I know" she said "But I thought I'd ask anyway"

I shook my head.

I walked around and sat down next to Alice and we started chatting until we heard the familiar sound of tiny footsteps making there way slowly down the stairs.

Then appeared Jess' little face from around the corner. "Mommy!" she whined as she walked up to me with her arms outstretched.

When she got closer to me, I picked her up and gave her a morning hug. I held her tight, thinking about how lucky I was to have her.

I let go and put her down gently. I took Jess into the living room, sat her down on the couch and turned the TV on. I turned it onto the children's channel and Jess smiled as she watched it.  

I sat down next to her as Alice walked in with a plate of toast for Jess. She placed it in front of her. 

"Thank you Alice" Jess said

"It's quiet alright darling" Alice replied

Jess gave Alice a big smile and then looked down at the plate, picking up a piece of toast and nibbling at it.

Alice and I sat down and starting talking "So, did you manage to get all your stuff in the end?" Alice asked

"Yeah, just about" I sighed

"Well...why don't you and Jess go and unpack?"


"Don't worry about it Demi, you can stay here for as long as you need"


"No buts" Alice said holding up a finger at me "I insist"

"Okay" I sighed, still thinking that this was very unfair on Alice.

"Come on Jess" I said to her after she had finished her toast "Let's go and unpack"

"Yay...okay mommy" she said, running off upstairs.

I followed Jess up this staircase and into the guest bedroom. The guest bedroom had two closets and a double bed. It also had an en-suite. 

When I got to the room Jessica was already sitting by one of the suitcases which was on the floor and I could see that she had unzipped the zipper. I walked over to her and sat down next to her.

I pulled the suitcase lid off and was faced by a mountain of clothes, both mine and Jessica's. I had started to pack neatly yesterday when I went back to get my stuff but then I realised that I might not have much time, so I just started stuffing things into cases, not worrying about what I was putting where.

I reached an arm out and pulled the first item of clothing out "Okay" I said to Jess "Let's make two neat piles, one for me and one for you"

She giggled "Okay mommy"

I lifted up the first item of clothing, "Yep, too small for me!" I joked

Jess giggled even more. "Mommy's being sillwy" she said

"Sorry" I said laughing along with her

Jess and I continued holding things up and then placing them into the right pile on the floor. Once we were done I stood up. "Okay that's one case done" I said

"How many more?" Jess said moaning a little

"2" I replied "But first we need to put all of this into the closet, one closet for you..." I said pointing at one of the closets "And one closet for me" I said pointing at the other closet.

Jessica came over and gave me a hug "Mommy, I'm bored!" she whined

"Okay Jess, go and ask Alice to put the TV on for you"

Her face lit up "Yay!" she said as she ran out of the room

I heard her walk quickly down the stairs, one step at a time and then I heard her run from the bottom of the stairs but I couldn't make out what she was saying to Alice, it was muffled. 

I bent down and moved Jess' pile of clothes closer to her closet and I had only put the first item away when I heard the familiar sound of Jessica coming back up the stairs again.

Jess walked slowly round the corner and into the room "Mommy..." she said

"Yes sweetie" I replied

"Alice you want something to eat?"

"Tell her that once I'm finished unpacking I'll eat"

"Ok Mommy" Jess said as she walked out the room again and down the stairs.

I carried on unpacking. Once I was done with the first suitcase I closed it and put it on top of one of the closets. I then pulled the other suitcase into the middle of the room and opened it. I sighed. 

I heard my stomach growl. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, it was 12 noon. I decided that I was going to go downstairs and get something to eat.

I walked out of the room and down the stairs. When I got downstairs Alice was sitting next to Jess who was watching TV, Alice got up as I walked round the corner at the bottom of the stairs.

We both walked into the kitchen. The kitchen had a half wall at the front which overlooked into the living room, so Alice and I could still keep an eye on Jessica. I turned around and put some toast in the toaster.

"You do realise that its nearly lunchtime Demi" Alice said, laughing a little.

"Yeah, but I'm hungry and I didn't have breakfast!" I replied, giggling as well.

The toast popped up and I carefully put it on the counter being sure not to burn myself, I got the spread out of the fridge and, opening it, I spread some on my toast. I put the toast on a plate and carried it into the living room.

Alice and I sat down on the couch next to the one which Jess was sitting on. As we sat down Jess briefly looked up from her programme but then turned straight back to continue watching it.

Alice and I sat down and starting chatting, while we did so I slowly ate my toast. Once I was finished I got up and placed the plate in the kitchen. Alice remained seated.

When I came back I decided that it was nice out so that we should all go outside for a bit; I could finish the unpacking later.

"Come on Jess, let's go outside"

"But Mommy..." she whined

"Come on" I said "You can play on the swing"

"Yay!" she exclaimed

Jess then ran outside and was straight on the swing. Alice and I sat down on the chairs on the deck and continued our conversation.

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