Chapter 10

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Demi's Pov

I woke up the next morning, excited. Well, sort of excited, I think. I didn't quite know what this feeling was. Was I excited to go and meet Joe?

I wasn't meeting Joe until about 10am so I got up along with Jess and then after giving Jess some breakfast, all of us went into the living room. Jessica played with some of the toys that she had left on the floor in front of the TV. She was quite happy playing as me and Alice talked.

"So are you excited to meet Joe again?" Alice asked

"Yes and no..." I replied. Alice gave me a puzzled look. "I mean that I am excited, I think but I really don't want things to be awkward. And also, I don't know whether I should be completely honest with him at the start, you know, about Jessica."

Alice thought for a moment "I think the best thing you can be in honest, honesty is the best policy"

"Thanks Alice, but I can't just throw it at him though"

"I know and I didn't mean that, I mean just when you are talking about family or something, mention Jessica"

"Sounds like a plan!" I replied as I looked at the time and realizing that it was almost 10am, I got up, made sure that Alice was alright to look after Jessica and then I grabbed my bag and headed towards the park.

When I got to the park I saw Joe sitting on a bench by himself. I didn't want to just walk over to him so I texted him. But I turned around so that I couldn't see him.

Me: 'Hey Joe, I'm here, where are you?"

Joe: 'I can see you, turn around"

I turned around and sure enough he was waving at me and signaling for me to come over. I sat down next to him.

"So, how are you?" asked Joe

"I'm good, you?" I replied

"I'm ok" he said "And, how is your friend?"

"Alice. Yeah she's good too!" I said "How's your mom and dad?"

"Good, I guess. I don't really know to be honest"


This was starting to get awkward and this is what I had feared.

"Joe, I have something to tell you"

"Yes" he said looking pleased

"Well, actually never mind"

"Ok..." he replied looking puzzled

Joe's Pov

I really like Demi, I really do. I know we've only just met but I can tell that she is special and that is something different about her, a good something. She wanted to tell me something, I could tell. But we've only just met so I'm sure she'll tell me when she is ready.

We sat and talked for a while about friends and family, before Demi said that she had to leave; she didn't give a reason but I guessed that it must have been important.

I made my way back to my house and when I walked in the front door I was greeted by my mom who told me it was lunch time.

I walked in and sat down with my family and ate dinner. It was sausages with mashed potato and gravy. I was so hungry that I ate it all.

I decided to text Demi

Me: 'Hey, thank you for meeting up with me today it was nice'

Demi: 'I thought it was nice too, thank you for a nice morning'

Me: 'It's quite alright, are you having a nice evening?'

Demi: 'Yes thank you, you?'

Me: 'Yes, me too'

Demi: 'Well, I need to go and make dinner, speak soon'

Me: 'Yeah, speak soon x'

Demi's Pov

Joe just sent me a kiss on a text, did he mean it? And if he did does that mean that he has feelings for me? Because I think I've got feelings for him.

I put my phone away and then got up and started making dinner for Alice, Jessica and myself. I made homemade pizza.

We all sat down and ate the pizza between us. I had cut Jessica's piece into smaller bite size pieces so that she could manage.

When we had finished eating I washed the plates up and then put them away.

I sat down on the sofa and pulled my phone out, but I didn't have a text from Joe. He must be busy but does he have feelings for me? Did he mean to send a kiss at the end of the text?

I fell asleep that night dreaming about falling in love again and even though I was scared it was a lovely feeling that I might be able to feel for real. 

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