Louis + Dylan prepare to plan the wedding + they're finally happy + can't wait to spend the rest of their lives together with their son Freddie + the nanny Olivia. Dylan goes out to work + doesn't come home til 11:45 at night. Freddie is upstairs playing with Olivia. There is a knock at the door, Louis answers it + recognizes who's at the door. (Louis) Harry, what are you doing here? You're violating the restraining order! (Harry) I came here to tell you something. Dylan is not at work. (Louis) What are you talking about? Of course he is. He texted me an hour ago, that he was on break. (Harry) What time does he get off? (Louis) 10:00 tonight. (Harry) Well, he got off of work about 3 hours ago. He lied to you about being on break. (Louis) He wouldn't do this. He would've told me that. Louis + Harry step outside so Freddie + Olivia don't hear the rest of the conversation. (Harry) I saw him getting coffee at Starbucks with another guy in his car. (Louis) Maybe it was just a friend. He wouldn't cheat. (Harry) Louis, the guy came up to me + told me that he was Dylan's ex. They've been talking for a year. How long have you two been together? (Louis) A year. (Harry) So when you're at work, they're texting + calling + telling each other that they love each other. (Louis) What is this guy's name? (Harry) Clayton. (Louis) Do you have this guy's number? (Harry) Yeah. It's 251-323-0414. (Louis) I'm gonna talk to him when he gets home tonight. Now leave. (Harry) Bye. Tell Freddie I love him. (Louis) You're not in his life anymore. Don't come back here again, otherwise I will call the police + tell them that you were violating the restraining order. Harry leaves and Louis goes back into the house, with a broken heart.
11:45 pm
Dylan comes home + realizes that Louis' not there to greet him back home. (Dylan) Louis? Babe, you home? Olivia? Olivia comes downstairs all angry. (Olivia) What do you want, Dylan? (Dylan) Where is the love of my life? (Olivia) Upstairs playing with his son. (Dylan) He's also my son! (Olivia) Why don't you start a family with Clayton? (Dylan) How do you know about Clayton? Louis comes downstairs. (Louis) Harry told me! Dylan + Olivia both look. (Dylan) Harry was here? (Louis) Yes he was because he was here to tell me something. (Dylan) What did he say to you? (Louis) That while you say you were on break at work, you were really with your ex boyfriend, Clayton. Why would you do this to me? After everything that we have been through! I gave you the title of "Freddie's Other Father" because Harry treated me like freaking crap and he cheated on me. We're getting married soon and now it's in jeopardy because you decided to go behind my back and cheat on me with your ex-boyfriend. The entire time we've been together, a year, you've been talking to Clayton. Why couldn't just come out and tell me the truth? I've been open and honest with you about anything and everything but now I don't believe you anymore or trust you anymore. What do you have to say for yourself, Dylan. Because you have seen and heard the way that Harry cheated and has hurt me in the past. I thought you were gonna be different. Hell, we were best friends before we got together, while I was still with Harry. Then, I broke up with him and went with you. (Dylan) Louis, I'm sorry. I never ever EVER meant to hurt you, I really didn't. I want you to give me another shot and start fresh and new. I love you and that little boy so much. You both are my freakin worlds. I can't live my life without you both in it. And we have the best nanny in this world. Louis. Dylan gets down on one knee and grabs Louis' hand. (Dylan) I promise you that it will never ever happen again. I want you to give me another chance to prove to you that I love you and our son. I only want to be with you and only you. I don't want to be with Clayton. What Clayton + I had was the past. You are my present and my future. (Louis) Are you + Clayton gonna go back to being friends or are you done with him for good? (Dylan) I am done with him for good. I want nothing to do with him anymore because he used to be my best friend. And now he's not anymore. I'm gonna talk to him tomorrow and tell him straight up that I'm done with him and that I just want to focus on my relationship with my handsome fiance and our family. I'm gonna have him meet me somewhere so we can talk and then tell him that I'm done with him for good. I don't want him in my life anymore. I only want you, Freddie and Olivia in my life. So Louis, will you take me back? (Louis) I need time to think about this. I'm gonna go upstairs and just think about everything. (Dylan) I'll come with you. (Louis) No Dylan. After so much hell, you have put me through today, you're staying down here and might as well just sleep in the guest room or on the couch tonight, I don't care, Because I don't want you ANYWHERE me, Freddie or Olivia right now. I was actually looking forward to some alone time with you tonight. But after the stunts you pulled tonight, just forget about it. See you later, Dylan.
The next morning.
Dylan wakes up the next morning feeling bad about what happened last night between him + Louis. Louis is still asleep but Freddie is brought down by Olivia. Olivia comes down with Freddie. (Dylan) Good Morning Olivia! (Olivia) Don't talk to me right now Dylan. Louis told me what happened between you two. (Dylan) I didn't mean for it to happen! (Olivia) Well it did! Louis has to make a decision: is he gonna stay with you or go with me. (Dylan) I don't wanna lose him or Freddie. (Olivia) You have til the end of the day Tomorrow to make your plea to get Louis to stay with you. (Dylan) Is Louis still asleep? (Olivia) Yes especially after the big fight. (Dylan) Hi. Freddie waves. Louis starts walking down the stairs. (Olivia) Me + Freddie should get going. Louis told me I can take him out for the day. (Louis) Morning Olivia + my little handsome man Freddie. (Dylan) Morning Louis! (Louis) Hey. Olivia, go have fun with Freddie! (Olivia) We will! Have fun this one! Olivia turns to Dylan. (Olivia) I swear dude, if Louis gives you one last chance, you better not screw it up because you'll just mess up again + never ever get my trust ever again. (Dylan) I pr--- Olivia cuts him off. (Olivia) Don't say you promise because the last time you said that you promise, it almost cost your relationship with my cousin Louis for good. (Dylan) I don't want to lose him again, I really don't. (Louis) Look, I made you Freddie's second father because Harry couldn't be a great dad + Olivia has been a great mother figure to him. She's our nanny. (Dylan) I'm trying my very best to be there for him. But I've been working to provide for all 3 of us. (Olivia) Me + Freddie are gonna go. (Louis) Alright. I love you, Olivia. I love you, Freddie! Louis kisses Freddie on the top of his head. Olivia + Freddie walk out the door. Now it's just Dylan + Louis. (Louis) I've been working to provide for all of us + I've been putting some of my paycheck into Freddie's college fund. It's never TOO EARLY to be thinking about my son's future. (Dylan) Louis, he's my son as well. (Louis) How is he your son when you haven't put ANY of your paychecks towards his future, why do I always have to do all the work? It's 50/50. (Dylan) I'll get started on it when I get paid again. (Louis) You have til the end of the day Tomorrow to make your plea to me. (Dylan) I know I do. (Louis) You better get started on it because this is getting old. Louis leaves the room. Dylan gets started on the plea.
4 hours later.
Dylan is still working on it. While having not only Louis' but also One Direction's music on. Olivia walks in the door with Freddie. Dylan turns around + sees who's coming in. (Dylan) Hey Olivia, hi Freddie. (Olivia) Don't talk to me until you apologize to Louis. Because as of right now, you are nothing to me. (Dylan) Okay. Olivia walks upstairs with Freddie. Dylan finishes up his plea for Louis.
2 hours later.
Dylan's plea is complete + ready to go.
Louis + Dylan
Teen FictionLouis broke up with his ex-husband and former band mate from One Direction, Harry Styles, and moved on to this new guy named Dylan 6 months after they broke up. Dylan is the type of guy who Louis was looking for. He was good looking, had a wonderful...