Chapter Two: Painting A Picture

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Emily appeared popular, her profile filled with different types friends, along with different activities. She was in dance, holding up a trophy from a competition. She played Sandy in her school production of 'Grease'. There were pictures with her mother and with her father. Last year, she'd gone to Mexico, the year before, Puerto Rico. It appeared she'd only cut her hair more recently, all the pictures from a month ago showing it well below her shoulders. There wasn't a single photo of her showing attitude, unlike his own profile. All in all, she appeared a carefree teenager looking forward to a life filled with possibilities and opportunities.

Kayla Grayson was four years older, and her picture from this past spring showed her graduating from college, gleefully holding up her diploma. Her hair was darker than her sisters; not quite brown, but not quite blonde either. Somewhere in between, if there was such a thing. Most of the pictures taken more recently were her and her boyfriend, along with well over a dozen photos of a dog sleeping or playing in the yard.

It didn't show what she did for a living, and nothing told him what she'd majored in. Short of her birthdate, and list of family members and some photos, there was little in the way of personal information. The thing he found interesting was near the bottom of the photos. A picture of her, no older than sixteen, boxing. Decent form, good tone, serious look.

Andrew was the oldest, but still six years younger than Elijah. Full beard, darker blue eyes than his two sisters. Most of his profile showed him at small concert venues, playing guitar and singing. When Elijah searched the name, he saw he was in a band he'd never heard of, but seemed well known enough to have a full list of upcoming performances, mostly on the west coast.

There was a sprinkling of family photos on his profile, but it primarily focused on his music. They had similar cheekbones and eyebrows, but not much else.

It was no secret, at least not anymore, that Elijah took after his mother's side of the family. Growing up, he'd assumed he only inherited his personality and little else. The two men appeared nothing alike. Elijah hadn't known the reason, or thought much about it. There was no occasion to be suspicious, after all.

There were strong hints of their father in them. Emily had her father's hair, Kayla had her father's smile, Andrew had his father's facial structure. In family photos, he could see plenty of their mother's features in all of them.

Elijah's phone buzzed at his side a single time and saw a message there from Jay.

'Alicia went into labor! We're at the hospital right now. It might be a few days before you hear from me.'

Followed by another buzz.

'Alicia says to tell you it's going to be longer than a few days, and to stop texting everyone I know. Hope you're doing well. Wish me luck!'

Elijah smiled, and shot his best friend a 'good luck' text, not realizing how damn late it was until just now. Just after three in the morning, and he still wasn't tired.

Knowing what town his younger sister now lived in, Elijah searched his father's first and last name, able to focus on his area. Still nothing. Nothing but a few sprinkled photographs throughout his children's social media.

Elijah saw a notification at the bottom of his screen and clicked on the small bell. Jeremy sent him a friend's request only fifteen minutes earlier. Apparently Elijah had more in common with the guy than just appearance and work history. He accepted the friend's request and swiped the app away, then placed a call, hoping like hell he wasn't laying in bed next to his sleeping wife while scrolling through his phone.

"Heard your night got interesting after you left," Jeremy answered.

Elijah could tell soon after he'd gained his bearings at the party that Jeremy was a good guy, and easy to get along with. Once the hype died down as much as it could, they just sat on patio chairs overlooking the garden, chatting about this and that. Considering they'd only just met each other, the connection was a bit surreal, but evident. If Madeline had the energy, he would have stayed there all night talking to the guy.

"What do you think?"

"Dude, you can ask for as many opinions as you want to, but this is all on you. My opinion's the same as my dad's. I think he deserves to know why someone is looking for him, and I think he deserves to hear it from you. And you lose nothing by giving this guy a chance. Worst case, you're disappointed. Best case, you gain a second dad and three siblings. I think only a dumbass would walk away from this chance, but hey, that's just me."

He had to give the guy credit for not sugarcoating.

"Think about it. He lives halfway across the country. If shit doesn't work out the way you want it to, you just let it go. You've already got a dad who loves you like there's no tomorrow, so you're not losing out on any bond you don't already have."

"Exactly. I already have a dad who loves me, so I'm not losing out on anything by not going for it," Elijah pointed out.

"Nice try, but no dice," Jeremy told him. "The guy comes with an entire family you share blood with, and that means something. I watched my dad look for you a few times over the years. He barely knew you, but he loved you because you were blood, and having you in his life meant having a piece of his sister back.

"You and me, we met eight hours ago, and here you are, calling me for advice. It isn't just about DNA, it's about what that passes down. It's about connection. You gave us a chance, so I don't get what your hang up is with this guy."

Elijah put the phone on speaker and set it down on the cushion beside him, then leaned back and rubbed his temples. "I don't know," Elijah admitted. "This just feels different."

"You're scared, man, and that's okay. I get it. But my dad and I will be right by your side if you want us there. So will all your M's."

A chuckle escaped Elijah at the way he phrased the last part.

"What's that thing Teddy Roosevelt said?"

Elijah's eyes narrowed at the screen by his leg. "How the fuck would I know?"

"Hang on," Jeremy said. "give me a minute to check."

All Elijah could do was shake his head as he waited. And waited. And waited some more.

"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, and difficulty. I never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives, and led them well.

"That means that by you struggling to make this choice, it makes it worth it. Just look at you and Madeline. You suffered a lot of pain and difficulty, and put in the effort to give the two of you a second chance.

"Just talk to him, dude. Something tells me that once you talk to him, you'll know what you want."

"You could have easily gone without that quote, you know."

"Honestly, I was thinking of a different quote, and just sort of rode it out."

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