Stay for Christmas 2

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She crawled off his body, tickling him lightly. After another five minutes he finally made it to the bathroom, in the meantime she prepared breakfast.
When they had finished eating, he drove her to the studio.

Have fun and good luck.

Thank you!

Remember, I want to hear results later!

Playfully she rolled her eyes as she peeked through the rolled down window of the car door to give him a kiss on the cheek. She had just barely missed the corner of his mouth, on purpose.

I'll pick you up later. I was going to do some shopping now do you want anything?

Could you bring cookies? Or no, bring ingredients for cookies, then we bake some ourselves.

I will.

She smiled again before waving and going into the studio.
A few hours later, his cell phone rang. It was Stefani, letting him know she was ready. Perfect timing, because Bradley had also just finished all his shopping, including a visit to a flower store to get her her favorite flowers.
As soon as his car pulled to a stop in front of the studio, she hopped in and hugged him as greeting. The biggest smile was on her face.

You have to tell me what you think of this, okay?

She linked her phone to the car radio via Bluetooth and turned on her latest creation. Eagerly Bradley listened, swaying back and forth to the beat.

That's amazing Stef!

For a brief moment he looked off the road, straight into her eyes.
Once they arrived back at her home, Bradley carried all the bags into the kitchen.

I have something for you.

He pulled out the bouquet of roses from behind his back and put a big smile on her face again.

You are such a charmer! A gentleman!

She bent down and gave him a kiss on the cheek, again just missing his lips by centimeters.

What do you say I cook dinner now, you take a shower and we watch a movie afterwards? The day was long, so you deserve a little relaxation.

That sounds like a wonderful plan! You are an angel!

No sooner said than done, Bradley stood in the kitchen and started cooking dinner for the two of them while Stefani took a hot shower. After the food was ready, he quickly took a shower as well, fittingly they were both done at the same time. After they ate, Stefani headed upstairs.

Oh, I thought we were going to watch a movie?

Let's do that, come on.

She motioned him to join her.

The living room?

The risk of me falling asleep there again is way too high.

Bradley raised his eyebrows at this remark. When they arrived in her bedroom, she patted the spot next to her. Immediately he sat down a few inches away, letting her tuck him in.
As soon as the opening credits rolled over the big TV, she slid closer to him, snuggling into his body.
This time it was him who got tired first and closed his eyes. Half asleep he mumbled something to himself.

Let's lie down properly ok?

She gently pulled him down by his shirt sleeve, making him lie down next to her so he wouldn't have to sit leaning against the headboard any longer. A yawn escaped him, mixed with a smile on his face.

Christmas Special (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now