0.12 {A family}

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Today the weather is bad all over Bangkok, raining and windy, I got up this morning to turn on the heating while pulling the blanket around me as I moved about the house to warm up, it's 6 am, too early for me to wake up but Venice's crying gave me a headache.
I pad quietly into his room, taking his crying form and wrapping him in my blanket against my chest, I sit in the rocking chair, holding his body close I press my lips to his head to calm him down and it works.
"Sleep darling " I sang quietly smiling as I felt his breathes even out.
I thank god for meeting Venice, never knowing he's make this much of an impact on my life.
Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I hadn't of met Vegas.
I would still be the head bodyguard who like to act tough but sits on his balcony at night crying to the moon for feeling lonely.
I smile relieved that I'm not anymore.
I have the main family who treat me like family, bodyguards who are my best friends, a fiancé who would kill for me and love me like no other, Maccu who loves me as his brother, and Venice who brings light to my life.

I trail my finger along my scar, realizing that I could've died that day, I would've broken Vegas, but for some reason I didn't.
I didn't think about it before but now I am.
God gave me a second chance because he still had a journey for me, a plan.
This is it, being a father to Maccu and Venice, being Porsche's call for help and loyal friend, being there for Arm as he battles with his sexuality and identity, being a husband to Vegas, loving him for the rest of my life.

I walk into Venice's room to see Pete fast asleep with Venice looking at me with my eyes that are planted on his face.
"You keep steeling my wife" I grumble playfully tracing my finger along his face.
A giggle erupted from his lips startling both me and Pete, "Did he just giggle "? Pete gasps turning Venice to face him, I feel a smile ceep onto my face seing as Venice has his first ever laugh.
I bent down onto my knees and carressed Pete's face.
"And many for to come" I say pressing my lips to his nuckles.
He smiles wide kissing Venice.
Tears fall from his eyes and I wipe them.
"Why are you crying love "? I smile softly.
"We feel like a proper family now" Pete says smiling.
My hearth races at his words.
My lips are crushed against his in bliss as Venice pokes his finger to my cheek to get me away from Pete.
"You little monster " I laugh kissing his cheek.
He smiles with no teeth making Pete smile gently at me.
"I told you so" he says smirking.
I raise my brows wanting him to explain.
"I knew you'd be the best father"
My only anser is to kiss him again.


I switch off the light as I climb into bed next to Vegas, placing my head on his stomach as he pulls me close.
My eyes close as his fingers threaded through my hair gently.
"I love you " I say out of nowhere looking up at his as he takes his attention from his book to look at me.
"I love you more" our lips press together softly before I pull away placing my head where it was before.
We're both asleep within seconds of holding each other.
Hold me like this always Vegas.
Lever let me go

The Angel who chose me [book2] vegaspete Where stories live. Discover now