You're Invited

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It's the day after Christmas. Paul and Amanda are currently staying at Chamberg until New Year's. At this very moment, the two are spending some quality time at Swan Lake, where Odette stayed when she was under her swan spell a while back.

"Did you come here often during our separation?" Asked Paul. "Every day. I was actually here when I met the Russos over the summer." Said Amanda. "In your swan form?" Paul asked. "How did you know that?" Amanda asked. "They told me and the lads that when they met you." Said Paul. "That's the same day I met the Barlows." Said Amanda.

"Speaking of the Barlows, can we stop by their place before the end of the holidays?" Paul asked. "Of course we can. It's been twenty days since I've seen them last, and you never got to know them after they brought me back to the Cavern." Amanda said. "True." Said Paul. "Wanna head back? I'm getting kinda tired." Said Amanda. Paul nods, and the two head back to the castle.

While they were walking, a flying piece of paper catches their eyes. Paul tries to reach for it, but can't. "Can you get it, love? It's too high." Paul said. "No problem." Amanda said. She changes into her swan form, flies up, and catches the paper in her beak. She then flies back to Paul as he takes the paper, and she regains her human form. "It's a letter." Said Paul. "Who's it from?" Asked Amanda.

Paul reads the letter.

Dear Amanda and Paul,

I hope you two are enjoying the holidays so far. Anyway, I'll just get right to the point.

Considering we're all pretty busy with Christmas that already came and went, and New Year's is fast approaching, I'm inviting you both to see the sights of my hometown, Gotham City.

I'll even allow you to see my home, which is known as Wayne Manor.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Bruce Wayne

A.K.A. Batman

"Wow! We've been invited by Bruce Wayne to see the sights of Gotham City!" Paul said excitedly. "How exciting! This'll be the first time we see him without the Batman costume." Amanda said with a smile. "Darling, have you ever wondered why he decided to become a crimefighter in the first place?" Asked Paul. "He actually did tell me about it during my stay in Metropolis over the summer, but maybe it's best if you hear it from him." Said Amanda.

Paul thinks for a moment. "You're probably right, love." He said. "Alrighty, let's head on over there!" Amanda said. "Um, do you even know where this place is?" Paul asked in an unsure tone. "No, but I can get us there using my teleportation ability." Said Amanda. "Oh, good idea! Let's hurry so we don't keep Bruce waiting." Said Paul.

The two take each other by the hands and close their eyes. A minute later, the background begins to ripple, and the scenery changes.

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