The Joker's Revenge

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Wayne Manor

In Bruce's study, the batphone beeps. Alfred picks it up. "I'm sorry, sir, but he's gone out for a bit. I'll summon him the first minute he returns." He said. Alfred puts the phone down on the table.

Twenty minutes later, everyone returns to Wayne Manor. "Gotham City is amazing!" Said Amanda with a smile. "I'm glad you two enjoyed the tour." Said Bruce. Alfred approaches the three. "Master Bruce, the batphone rang while you were showing your guests around." He said. "Thank you, Alfred. Excuse me, you two." Bruce said. He heads off while Amanda and Paul face Alfred.

"So, Alfred, Bruce said you're one of the few people who's aware he's Batman." Amanda said. "Yes, Miss Amanda. And I also know where his secret batcave is." Alfred said. "Has anyone suspected Bruce's whereabouts?" Asked Paul. "A lot, Master Paul. Sometimes I had to make something up so people wouldn't become more suspicious." Said Alfred. "So like telling a white lie?" Asked Amanda. "Exactly." Alfred said.

Bruce returns a minute later. "I just got off the phone with Commissioner Gordon, and it turns out the Joker escaped from prison recently." He said. "Sounds like this is a job for Batman." Amanda said. "Yes it is." Said Bruce. He rushes off and slides down the batpole, getting into his Batman costume.

"What should we do in the meantime while Batman is on duty?" Paul asked. "I can fix the two of you some tea." Said Alfred. "I don't drink tea." Said Amanda. "Okay then, how about some milk for you, Miss Amanda?" Alfred asked. "Yes, please." Amanda said. "Alright, I'll be right back." Said Alfred. He heads off while Paul and Amanda wait for him.

"Well, well, well." Said an unpleasant voice from behind. The two turn around and notice the Joker smiling wickedly with his arms crossed. "Who the heck are you?" Amanda asked. "You can call me Joker." The Joker said. "I thought you were in jail!" Said Paul in an annoyed tone. "Yes, but I was getting bored in there, so I planned my escape. But I'm also here for revenge!" Said the Joker. "Revenge on what?" Asked Amanda. "Him!" The Joker said as he pointed at Paul. "What?!" Paul said in shock. "You heard me, pretty boy! Get over here!" Said the Joker. He grabs Paul by his arm and covers his mouth.

"Hey! Let him go!" Amanda yelled angrily. "You want him? Come and get him, sweetheart!" The Joker said. He leaves with Paul afterwards. Amanda tries to stop him, but he's long gone.

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