Returning Home (Finale)

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Wayne Manor

Amanda stares out the window as Alfred comes up behind her. "I sure hope Batman brings Paul back safely." Said Amanda. "Don't worry, Miss Amanda, Batman never lets his citizens down." Said Alfred. "I know." Amanda said.

"If you don't mind my asking, were there other times when Master Paul was kidnapped?" Alfred asked. "Oh, heck yeah! The worst was when he was taken by this woman who tried to convince him I was a liar, and it happened shortly after we reunited over the summer." Said Amanda. "Reunited?" Asked Alfred.

"The two of us were separated for seven years. We were very close as kids, but when we were in our early teens, Paul lost his mother and spent most of his days shutting out everyone he cares about, including me. So I wrote him a letter saying I'll get out of his way." Amanda said. "I'm sorry you went through such heartache." Alfred said. Amanda sighs. "It was a long time ago, but things have gotten better for us." She said.

Batman returns a minute later. "The Joker is back in jail where he belongs." He said. "What about Paul?" Asked Amanda. "He's right here." Said Batman. He then exits the room for a minute. Amanda smiles as Paul holds his arms out for her, and she runs over to hug her fiance. "Are you okay?" Amanda asked. "Now that I'm out of a straight jacket, yes." Said Paul. "Straight jacket?" Asked Amanda. "When the Joker took me to the Arkham Asylum, he put me in one." Paul said. "That crook will never learn, will he?" Amanda asked in an annoyed tone. Paul shrugs his shoulders.

Bruce, who's out of his Batman costume, returns a minute later. "Aside from that episode with the Joker, how do you two like Gotham City?" He asked. "For my first time being in a city, I loved it." Said Amanda. "Probably the biggest city I've ever gone to." Said Paul. "Master Paul, your tea is still warm if you still want it." Said Alfred. "Oh, thanks, Alfred." Paul said. He picks up his cup and drinks from it, finishing after three sips.

"I don't know about you, Paul, but I'm ready to head home." Amanda said. "In that case, let's get going." Said Paul. "You two are more than welcome to come back anytime you want." Said Bruce. "Thanks, Bruce. And it was nice meeting you, Alfred." Said Amanda. "Likewise. Have a safe journey home." Alfred said.

The two exit Wayne Manor, join hands, and close their eyes. The background ripples as the scenery changes and Gotham City fades out. A minute later, the Chamberg scenery returns. "Phew, I rather enjoyed that." Amanda said. "Me too. Here's hoping the Joker stays in prison for good this time." Paul said. "I don't think he'll be bothering us anymore after today. After all, he doesn't even know where Chamberg is." Said Amanda. "Thank goodness for that. Anyway, we should fill Derek and Odette in on our trip." Said Paul.

Amanda nods in agreement as she and Paul enter the castle.

The End

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