Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen


"You look stunning, Anya."

Anya blinked her large, green eyes at the mirror in front of her. In her mind she looked the same as she always did. Small for her age, a little bit too skinny, with a smile that looked just a little bit too mischievous. 

"Thank you." She said.

Yor brushed her hair with her hand. "You don't look very happy. Are you nervous?"


"Hmmm." Yor fingered her hair lovingly. It suddenly dawned on Anya just how close the two of them had become over the past several years. For all intents and purposes, Yor was her Mother. 

"They say a wedding is the most important day of a woman's life." Yor said. "Looking at you now, I wish I had had a real one."

"You should talk to Father about it." Anya said. "Tell him how you feel."

She turned. The white wedding dress fluttered as she moved.

Yor bent her head.

"I couldn't ask that of him." She said, her voice oddly distant. "I'm sure... he still misses your real Mother."

Anya couldn't help herself. She leaned forward and gave her a hug.

"You are my real Mother." She said, her voice gentle. "We'll talk to him together, alright?"

Yor looked as if she were about to cry.

The wedding between Anya Forger and Harry Potter was to take place at Hogwarts Castle, at the request of Harry Potter himself. Harry had initially been concerned about her muggle relations attending, but Harry assured her that the entire event was being handled by the Ministry of Magic. Muggles they knew were pouring in from King's Cross station with no idea that they were attending a wedding at the premier school for magic in the entire world.

"Dumbledore would have wanted this." Harry had told her, happily. She leaned into him, smiling, but said nothing.


Her Father's friend, Franky, was deep in conversation with an English Agent named James Bond, who had worked with her father on a number of assignments. Bond, advanced in age and nearing the very end of his life, was dozing at the foot of Hagrid's cabin. Hagrid's giant boarhound Fang was keeping him company, watching the proceedings with a keen eye. 

Professor Trelawney, the Divination Professor, had come down to observe the proceedings.

"I sense a great seer amongst this crowd." She had told Anya, eyes wide. Bond had been with her then, but her eyes, enlarged by her spectacles, flew right past him and observed only the crowd.

To her very great surprise, Harry's relatives the Dursleys stepped off of the train platform, dressed smartly in formal attire. Vernon and Petunia hung back as Dudley approached her.

"Hello." He said, a little bit apprehensively. He was afraid that she was going to punch him again.

"Hello." Anya had said, amused. "I'm surprised you came."

"Well..." Dudley cast a look behind at Vernon, who scowled. "Dad thinks that Harry did the right thing. Marrying a normal girl, and all of that."

"A normal girl." She repeated, bemused. "Is that what I am, now?"

"It's what he said." He had said, shrugging. They had sat down next to Arthur Weasley, who greeted them enthusiastically, much to the annoyance of his wife.

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