Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Anya knew immediately what the best way to bring Sirius would be.

"Hey Mom, I found this Dog outside. Can we keep him?"

"Why, I don't see why not." Yor said, as she bent down and looked at Sirius. "What a cutie!"

Sirus' tail was wagging.

'I could say the same to you.'

Anya tapped him on the head, a little bit too hard.

"What are you going to call him?"


"After the criminal on TV?"

Yor cast a look at the television, which just so happened to be giving a report on the escaped convict, Sirius Black, at that very moment.

'I have orders to kill him.I hope I don't kill the dog by mistake.'

Anya had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. "I'm going to show him the house and train him a bit."

"Have fun!" Yor said, as she turned back to her cooking.

She was humming to herself as a spray of liquid bounced off the frying pan and burned a hole through the counter.

Anya led Sirius up to her room, closed the door behind her, and locked it.

"You probably shouldn't become a man again while you're here." Anya said casually, as she flopped onto her bed. "Father wouldn't like that at all."

"Of course he wouldn't."

"Don't think he wouldn't hurt you." Anya went on. "I don't care how many people you've killed, Father-"

"I have killed no one." Sirius said.

Anya shot him a look. "Aren't you wanted for murder?"

"I did not do it. I'm innocent. It was Peter Pettigrew."

Anya fingered her temples. "Okay... you need to back up. I don't even know what Azkaban is, you're going to need to start from the beginning."

Anya sat there half the night, listening to the most fascinating story she had ever heard.

How Sirius had been framed as a traitor by his friend, Peter Pettigrew, and how he had spent the last twelve years in Azkaban Prison.

Kept away from his godson, Harry Potter.

"You're his godfather?" Anya asked, surprised. "You could have taken him in, then?"

"That's right."

She had already gotten to her feet. "I don't know if you've noticed, but he hates the family he lives with." She said. "The sooner we clear your name the sooner he can get out of there, and go live with you."

She paused.

"Errr, assuming YOU want to take him, of course."

His tail was wagging again.

"That.... I like the sound of that."

Anya smiled at him affectionately and rustled his head.

"Why don't you meet our real dog?"

Once she introduced Sirius to Forger, Bond Forger, and arranged some bedding for him, they had dinner.

"We don't need another dog." Loid said immediately, upon seeing Sirius.

"Anya, he's probably a stray. He needs to go to the pound."

"I'm sure his owner is nearby." Anya stressed. "Harry and I will look for them tomorrow. Promise!"

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