Part Two: Trust

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On a lone highway, abandoned and rotting carcasses that were once cars sit still among the over growing plant life.

AIDEN jumps over the hood of a car, and stops in his tracks, looking at a small map.

Well, I suppose it could be this way. I'm not too great with maps.

Another person slides across the hood and stands next to Aiden. This is VALERY, his new traveling mate.

Let me see.

She takes the map from him, peering at it.

Yeah, well we're definitely going in the right direction. We're facing east here, and this grocery store up the road is right there.

She points on the map at the grocery store.

Just keep moving this way on the highway.

She hands the map back to Aiden and begins down the highway, kicking a rock in the process.

Aiden watches her for a moment.

Not only is she helpful, she's good company too.

He begins following her.

AIDEN (vocally)
Hey, we should stop in at this grocery store. Might be somethings we could take.

Yeah, sure.

They both make their way towards the abandoned store.

Hey, why the ocean?


Well, you said that's you're going. Why the ocean?

I don't know. Why'd you want to come along?

I've been alone for a long time. I didn't have any direction. Just survive and hide.

The two reach the doors, which are locked.

Aiden picks up a rock and smashes the glass door.


Aiden reaches through the hole in the glass and unlocks the door, opening it. The pair enters into the dark building.

Aiden turns on his flashlight and begins searching the desolate shelves.

Shout if you need any help, alright?

You too.

They separate.

Aiden moves to the left side of the store, looking up and around the dusty shelves. He eventually finds a shelf full of canned foods.

I'm starving.

Valery moves to the right side and finds the frozen section, which hasn't been operational in a long time.

She opens one of the doors to be met with a horrid stench, bugs and flies bursting out. She quickly shuts it and moves on.

Aiden slowly moves into an aisle where bandages and medicine is. He picks through it, stuffing white gauze and bottle of pills into his bag.

Suddenly, a scream.

He throws the bag onto his back and swings the rifle back into his arms, loading a round into it.

He moves quick through the aisles, keeping low.


He spots her through the security mirror, tussling with an INJURED. Valery grabs the Injured's arm and breaks it at the elbow, the bone protruding out and stabbing into her forearm. He kneels down and moves quietly down the aisle, turning the barrel of the rifle around the corner. He takes a shot.

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