[1] Troubling news

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Chapter 1

Troubling News

    Blue ran through the hallways of the police station, swerving around other officers and jumping past civilians. This was a normal occurrence for them, however, so they quickly went back to their own tasks. Blue always acted like this when Dream called him to his office. It usually meant he was assigned to work on a new case and he was always ready to see what new challenges it would bring. 

    He stopped just before he ran into the door and instead knocked, “Hey Dream! I’m here.” 

    The sounds of paper shuffling and soft curses were heard before the door opened to a troubled-looking Dream, “Hey, Blue. Come in.” 

    His tone of voice worried Blue, “Are you okay? You sound and, well, look tired.” Blue put a hand on Dream’s shoulder, not failing to notice how wrinkled his normally very neat uniform was.

    “Yeah Blue I’m fine. I just received some very troubling information.” He shrugged off Blue’s hand, “You’ll understand soon. Now, where are Ink and Geno?” He looked past Blue to get a glimpse of the hallway, hoping to see the aforementioned skeletons. The hallway was empty.

    Blue saw Dream’s unimpressed look and tried to make an excuse for the two that were missing, “Maybe they didn’t get your message?” 

    Dream scoffed, “Yeah sure Blue, and maybe I’m a criminal. They got my message. They even replied to it.” Dream shook his head, “Let’s just wait for them in my office. Do you want anything from my mini fridge?” 

    “Sure, can I have soda?”


    20 minutes. 20 minutes is how long they waited for Ink and Geno to arrive. They waited, and yet neither was there. Dream sighed, maybe he should start without them. “Blue, I think we should start-” 

    Dream didn't have a chance to finish his sentence before a very irritated Geno came bursting through the door dragging a disheveled-looking Ink behind him. “I’m so sorry for being late, someone lost their keys and I had to drive 10 minutes to his house and another 10 minutes to get to the station because someone has to live so damn far from the place he works!” Throughout his speech, Geno slowly shoved Ink into a chair. 

    Dream smiled, a bit intimidated by Geno’s violent mood, “Well now that everyone's finally here, we should get going with what I originally called you here for.” That got the attention of everyone in the room, “It’s a bit troubling. Do you remember the recent string of break-ins and robberies that have been happening?”

    Ink looked confused, “A string of robberies and break-ins?” Geno hit the back of his head, “OH those break-ins and robberies, with the big group?” Genno looked slightly impressed that Ink had remembered that piece of information.

    “Yes those, I asked around and managed to get the information of the criminal group responsible.” Dream told them.

    Blue stepped in, “Isn’t that a good thing? You seemed pretty worried earlier.”

    Dream grimaced, “Well, yes, it would normally be a good thing, if there was more information on them. “

    Geno, the most serious one in the group, asked, “If we don’t have a lot of information on them, then what do we have?” 

    Ink agreed with  Geno, “Yeah what do we know ‘bout them?” Geno slapped the back of his skull for his incorrect grammar.

    “Geno, please refrain from hitting Ink, you might make his memory worse than it already is.” 

    “Shush Dream.” 

    “Guys can we please get back on topic.” Blue tried to stop Geno from hiring Dream. Lucky for Dream, Geno was a-okay with getting back on track.

    “Right, well we don’t have much more than their aliases,” He opened a file showing 6 sections. “The leader, described to be tall, dark, and…goopy, is known only as The Deadly Nightshade, and from what they were able to gather is only ever called boss by the other members of the group.” He smiled weakly, “That’s the only information we have on him.”

    “That’s IT!” Geno burst out in disbelief, “When you said we didn’t have a lot of information I was expecting at least a little bit more!"

    “Hehe, yeah we do have slightly more information on the others. “ Dream pointed to the names on the page, “It seems all of them are tied to a flower in some way.”

Blue pointed to one of the flower names, “Aconite? Isn’t that Wolfsbane?” 

“Uh, yes it is. That flower is tied to the one we know as Tragedy. He is the most recognizable one we have info on, with him apparently having quite a nasty injury on his skull.” He pulled out a blurred photo from the file depicting a skeleton with a hole in his skull. “This is the only photo we have of any of them. 

    “That’s not good, well it looks like we’ll just have to work twice as hard to catch them!” Geno looked like he was about to slap Ink again. But stopped as he had actually said something smart for once.

    “That’s the spirit! Don’t worry Dream I’m sure we’ll be able to catch them and help them become better people.” Blue encouraged his friend.

    “I hope so.”

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