[6] Coffee Break

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Chapter 6

Coffee Break 


    "Ugh, Ccino, are you sure I'm doing this right?" Reaper groaned.

    "Reaper, you're doing fine, you agreed to this job."

    "But I didn't expect to actually be making things. I like getting coffee, but I never make it myself!"

    "Well then it shouldn't take you too long to figure it out." Ccino  demonstrated how to make the items correctly as Reaper watched intently. "Plus you get a discount on anything on the menu."

    Reaper stopped complaining after that and just watched Ccino make different menu items and make pictures out of foam. He never understood how people made foam pictures, even after Ccino showed him many times.


    "No! The powder puffs!" Ccino ran towards the oven with smoke billowing out of it. "Ehhh, Reaper you put it in at too high of a temperature."

    Reaper looked at him confused and ashamed, "Sorry I thought it would bake faster." He rubbed the back of his skull.

    "Reape-y'know what. It doesn't really matter. I think we have enough stuff to open anyway." Ccino smiled brightly at Reaper, "We can work on getting you comfortable with taking orders.

    Reaper nodded. He was uncertain he would be able to be much of a help, but Ccino's soft temperament with him had given him an immense amount of confidence.


Geno growled as he walked down the street. He had just spent over an hour looking for any information he could find on the infamous gang he was assigned to help put behind bars.  Despite his best efforts, he still didn't find any more useful information on them. Not to mention the spam of calls he was receiving from Blue.

So, he decided that he might as well calm down at his favorite place, Brews and Mews, Cafe and Rescue. He loved cats, he loved coffee. It was a match made in heaven

Geno walked through the front door of the building. Immediately greeted by a warm atmosphere and quite a few cats, he smiled. He spent time petting a few of the cats before a smooth voice caught him off guard."

"Ooh, I must've died because all I'm seeing is an angel." 

Geno looked up to see a skeleton in the uniform of the cafe, "Do I need to tell Ccino that you're harassing me?"

Reaper tensed, "No no no, I promise that was just meant to be a joke. I promise I'm not a creep, you just looked kinda tense so I thought I'd lighten the mood a bit." 

Geno laughed at how much Reaper backtracked, "And you thought the best way to do that was through bad pick up lines?"

"Let's just forget this happened okay. Um so what can I get you?"

"Another bad pick up line."

    Reaper jumped up in excitement, "Okay, Okay," Reaper took a deep breath and a small smirk drifted onto his face, "Are you an artist? Because you're great at drawing me in."

    "Pfft, you must be my highschool GPA, Cause I swear I could do better."

    Reaper laughed, his face was dusted with a dark blue. No one had ever wanted to hear more of his pick up lines. "Well the only thing your eyelights haven't told me is your name."

    "It's Geno"

    "Geno, well my name's Reaper, just so you have something to scream when I get you in bed."

    "Who said we'll make it to the bed?"

    They both ended up laughing their asses off. They had moved to a booth and cats had swarmed them. A specific shiny black kitten taking an interest in Reaper.

    "Aww how cute, looks like you've got an admirer, well another one." Geno saw his chance and took it.

    "Yeah she's pretty mewvoulous" 

    "Is she your's"

    "Mine> Like my own cat." Reaper was shocked at the idea.

    "Yeah, she certainly likes you. Maybe you should adopt her if your place allows cats?"

    "It does, but I don't know the first thing about owning a cat. I mean I know one of my housemates has owned cats in the past but still..." Reaper trailed off.

    "You could always ask Ccino for advice,"

    "Yeah, I could."

"Now Reaper, I need your help."

"With what>"

"Well I was looking at the menu, but the thing is, the thing I want to order isn't on the menu so I was wondering if I could get your phone number instead?

Reaper laughed and they exchanged phone numbers.

They both jumped as the TV that usually only played soft music suddenly blared with, "BREAKING NEWS: KNOWN CRIMINAL TRAGEDY CAPTURED"

"What." Reapers eyelights we're glued to the screen immediately.

He wasn't the only one who was staring intently at the screen. "Really!" Geno said with much more excitement than Reaper.

A reporter came on screen,  "Here we are at the screen  where Officer Ink Comyt caught the infamous criminal."

Reaper felt his magic pool in his body, waiting for him to  his scythe and rip apart the officer that dared to hurt one of their own. He restrained himself however and kept watching the TV and the officer blab about how he 'did such a great thing' 

Geno was also surprised, but for a different reason, "That idiot actually managed to do something useful." He grabbed Reaper, "I have t go so i'll talk to you later, yeah?"

Reaper was in a daze, "Huh? Oh yeah definitely..."

As soon as Geno left, Ccino called Reaper over to the breakroom with him, "You can have the rest of the day off."

Reaper was shocked, "Huh, but why?"

"A member of your gang just got caught. You have a prison break to do."

Reaper froze, "Wha-how?"

CCino chuckled, "I'm friends with Nightmare" He pulled out a picture of him with a very annoyed looking Nightmare who was holding a book in front of his face. "He's told me a lot about all of you, why else would I accept your crappy application and interview."

"Hey, I'm sure it was great."

"Not the point, go! Plan your prison break with Nightmare and the others, go!"

"Oh yeah, okay." Reaper got out and started walking to the bathroom to change.

"Oh and tell Nightmare I said for him to fuck himself."

No one noticed the small black kitten following Reaper into the bathroom.

Hi guys I hope you like it. I sure did. This was my favorite chapters to write. Bad pick up lines for the win!. Anyway I hope you do great and I see you next week!

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