1 - looking at u.

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Shinsuke Kita fixed his eyes on the teacher, who was explaining the concept of a new math unit

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Shinsuke Kita fixed his eyes on the teacher, who was explaining the concept of a new math unit. Eventually, his eyes wandered. As they drifted towards the opposite end of the room, his gaze was caught by the inscrutable eyes of a girl...staring right at him?

Kita's brain reeled back, and he blinked. She was still staring at him, carefully holding his gaze. Giving the slightest of frowns, Kita shifted his gaze back to the front. No one's ever purposefully stared at him, and in such a manner that seemed...no, not inscrutable. Rather, it was unknown to him. Perhaps that was why he didn't know how to feel about it.

Scouring his memories for previous mental notes he had taken of the girl, which he now remembered as Y/N L/N, he seemed to be at a loss for a lasting impression. She'd always blended in, only talking when called on. It wasn't like Kita found that everyone had a lasting expression; it was quite the opposite. However, he did pick up habits. For L/N, he found nothing.

Kita found it useless to ponder any longer on the subject, and so he dropped it. His attention reverted back to the board, letting the information wash away his thoughts on L/N.

When class concluded, Kita gathered his belongings. He made his way to the door, only to bump into L/N.

"Apologies, L/N."

Y/N lifted her ever so drooping head and gave an unwavering stare. "Don't worry about it, Kita." Not another word was exchanged. She left the class, and Kita found his gaze lingering on her.






Okay wtf

Ykw I'll just tell u at

woah no way..

im so shocked rn u
dont even know

I'm capable of texting
first too😐

im so proud of u🥺🥺🤞


You sat alongside the outer walls of the school. Bento box in your hand, you peered thoughtfully at the cherry blossom resting in the courtyard's center. Lately, the air had chilled to a considerably lower temperature. You enjoyed it. However, this forced the serene petals of the cherry blossom to whittle away, which irked you-just slightly.

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