3 - the perfect receive.

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You awoke to the continuous vibrating of your phone

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You awoke to the continuous vibrating of your phone. Your fingers comforted your weary eyes, carefully rubbing them at specific locations. After you had finished getting ready, you gave your phone a quick look. Tsumu had texted you, pleading for your early arrival. Apparently, volleyball practice was in the morning. Supposedly, Tsumu was just that eager to officially meet you.

When your foot graced the grounds of Inarizaki that day, the sounds were limited to the rattles of the dry branches and your own footsteps. However, the closer you got to the gym, the more apparent it became that you were not the only person on school grounds.

Poking your head inside the slightly ajar door, you noticed two things right away: One—it was extremely loud. The slamming of volleyballs and constant squeaking of shoes thrummed against your eardrums. Two—holy fuck were they energetic. 6:40 in the morning and they were hopping from side to side like kangaroos.

Lingering near the door, unease spiraled through you. You knew you were supposed to stay and meet Tsumu, but did you really want to sit through this ear-bursting practice? It might've not been that loud, but it was so early. Transitioning from an empty courtyard to a bustling gymnasium was not in your favour. Adding the fact that Kita was probably in there, your body seemed to switch to auto-pilot. Foot backing away, you were interrupted by the coach.

"Good morning, young lady."

"Good morning," you greeted simply.

"Would you like to watch practice?"

Your body moved before you could think. Your head bowed slightly before you raised it. As easily as that, the coach allowed you in.

Settling along the side of the wall, you stared blankly at the flying volleyballs. Samu had just pounded a volleyball, hitting it so hard that you might've just hyperextended your elbows attempting to receive it. The volleyball had tumbled over beside you, and you could already guess what that meant.

"Oi! Are you L/N?" Samu picked up the ball in an instant, towering over you.

"I am," you replied, standing up. "You're Samu, right? Where's Tsumu?"

Samu's expression deflated, as his mouth hung agape. "Seriously, L/N? You see me first and your first question is about my brother???"

His tone and face carried a hurt tone, but it was evident he was joking.


"Aw, L/N, not even a drop of sympathy coming from you," sighed Samu, melodramatically wiping away a tear. "I'm just messing with you. Tsumu was so scared of Aran that he's been making frequent trips to the changerooms. I—uh—personally would not recommend going there, for reasons obvious enough. Just wait until he stops being a pussy."

"Alright. Thank you."

Your back slides against the wall as you sit back down again. Eyes jumping from one person to another, you could recognize a few of the players. Aran was gulping down water on the opposite end of you. Watching as he got up, he spiked a ball. If you had seen him spike it before Samu's, you definitely would not have thought as highly of Samu.

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