4 - talking to u.

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(a/n: guys help idk how tf to name chapters but i wanted to make it look aesthetic

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(a/n: guys help idk how tf to name chapters but i wanted to make it look aesthetic. im such a sucker
for those aesthetic fanfic formats but i cannot for the love of me DO THEM AKJHJECHXKJXNJX)


"How are you faring, L/N?"

Your mind blanked. You knew that nothing could help you at this point. The first thing that came to your mind would be said, whether positive or negative. "I'm great now that I'm talking to you," you blurted.

Kita's mouth opened and closed twice, as if at a lost for words. Finally, he uttered out a simple "Oh. What a coincidence." 

Your head tilted, eyebrows slightly arched. "Whatever do you mean?"

He quickly dismissed your question, head shaking. "No. No, nevermind. I wasn't thinking."

"You're quite good at volleyball, you know."

You could swear his eyes widened, even if by less than a millimeter. "Thank you, L/N. It's very refreshing to hear someone compliment me, other than my team."

You were surprised to hear that, as it implied not many people went out of their way to say pleasant things. Perhaps he seemed unapproachable. You personally could not relate to those who wouldn't want to compliment him. Although, now that you're recalling that this is your first interaction with him offline, you did feel hypocritical. "I could compliment you about anything," you breathed. "For hours," you felt the need to add.


You blinked. This is what you get for speaking without thinking. "I--uh--" You looked away, before hesitantly meeting Kita's unwavering gaze. "If you want me to, then I'll compliment you anytime. No requirements."

The bell rang. Without a second look at Kita, you sat up and lugged Emi with a hmph. "Y/N?" she had questioned, "why are you so happy to leave lunch today?" You simply gave her a somewhat curt headshake, which she was accustomed to. Do now, talk later.

That afternoon, you desperately wished you shared afternoon classes with Emi. You felt like you could burst with all the energy you'd gained from the short, and terribly straight-forward words you shared with Kita. Seriously, what the fuck were you thinking?

Oh right.

You weren't.

"L/N? Please answer the question on the board." A piercing knife slashed away at the chains your thoughts conjured, freeing you. "L/N?"

You bowed slightly in apology, before answering. "What the author means to portray through the gradual change of her style is how it reflects onto her eventual acceptance of how the world is."

"Yes! Correct!" The teacher gave you a pleased smile. "See, class? If you had done your reading and reflections, you would've been able to answer just as pleasantly as L/N had. Do better."

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