Chapter 4

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Tyrone ( POV) 

"Honey can you believe this as I'm walking back to the room. I see some nurses and doctors taking care of people that were here after us" I say.

"What the hell you mean they are taking care of patients that were here after us" she all but yells. 

"Calm down I don't know why they decided to do that we just got to be patience" I tell her.

"No I won't be patient because there is a literal baby coming out of me and I'm in pain". 

" You got to be they are sending a nurse and the doctor" I tell her.

As I'm talking a nurse walks in.

" Hi I'm Liz I'm going to be your nurse today and make sure your delivery is as smooth as possible" she says . 

Shante (POV)

"It says on your chart your name is Shante William is that correct?" she questioned.

" Yes it is" I answer.

"You are in your third trimester and you are 39 weeks is that correct?" she asked.

"Yes I am" I respond.

" Do you have any complications during the last few weeks? "she asked.

"Yes my chest has been hurting and I have been feeling lightheaded" giving her more information.

" We will run an EKG on your heart and check your blood pressure, okay" she tells me. 

" Okay , thank you" I say.

She runs more tests on me and the doctor comes in only to see the baby on the sonogram. He didn't say anything to or greet me. He was in a rush to check up on me. I felt some type of way about how he was treating me. 

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