Camera Psychopath: Hernandez Verdurouz

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[The prophecy has returned for the fullest of many women nor the existence of becoming the same]
Man: Find her, Men!
(Marleen is seen running through the desert)
Marleen: {Panting}
(Marleen starts seeing that the men is still chasing her)
Marleen: For the purpose of all, I must be the one to keep the lord's trust.
(Marleen continues running ahead)
Other man: She needs to stop running away before she breaks her bones.
Another man: Don't worry about it, I'll just shoot her legs with these bullets.
(Another man starts shooting at Marleen's legs)
Marleen: Gaaagh!
(Marleen starts falling down)
Marleen: Blood... Blood is coming forth!
Another man: We got her!
(Marleen starts crawling slowly while leaving a blood trail on the sand)
Marleen: I must rush on. I must be near the hour of today.
Other man: Grab that new woman!
(A dynamite gets thrown in the air to the ground and started exploding and left a lot of foggy smoke)
The two other men: {Coughing}
(The man starts appearing)
Man: What happened?
Other man: I can't tell you what happened. There was just an explosion.
Another man: Look!
(The men starts seeing that Marleen is missing)
Man: Gaaagh! The two of you are going to be in trouble if you can't keep her up!
Other man: We're sorry! We could do better!
Man: Enough of that. I will have you two search for the rest of the day from now on. And be sure to lose her tracks.
(The man starts leaving)
Other man: This is terrible. There is no way that we can do this!
Another man: And I never did any good things when this was fast.
(Herekuriou Shenhirlo starts holding Marleen while walking)
Herekuriou Shenhirlo: Keep walking. We're close to the shed.
Marleen: You, sir... where did you come from?
Herekuriou Shenhirlo: I came from China. Thailand was when I was born in. I came here to see if there's any war that is already coming out of nowhere lately.
Marleen: That is not what I meant. You arrived so fast. But... why would you do that to get me?
Herekuriou Shenhirlo: If I didn't get you, those men would probably do worse things to you possibly. And I wouldn't let that happen with you.
Marleen: You might be correct on that.
Herekuriou Shenhirlo: We need to stop.
(Herekuriou Shenhirlo starts putting Marleen down and pulling up dress to see her bullet wound her leg)
Herekuriou Shenhirlo: Hold onto the ground.
Marleen: Okay.
(Marleen starts holding on the ground and then Herekuriou Shenhirlo starts getting bandages and starting tightening the bandages up to Marleen's wounded leg)
Marleen: Gaagh!
Herekuriou Shenhirlo: I am almost done.
Marleen: Haaagh...
(Herekuriou Shenhirlo starts tightening up the bandages on Marleen's wound)
Herekuriou Shenhirlo: There. You should be able to walk now.
(Marleen starts slowly standing up until her bone starts cracking)
Marleen: Haagh...
(Marleen starts putting her hands on her knees)
Marleen: I am fine. {Pant} We should be able to depart. I have to go.
(Marleen starts walking away)
Herekuriou Shenhirlo: Wait. I am not going to let you go out there.
(Marleen starts stopping and turns around and looks at Herekuriou Shenhirlo)
Marleen: Why is that?
Herekuriou Shenhirlo: It's too dangerous for you to go alone. You'll just get killed out there. They'll murder and have you get used for sexual activities.
Marleen: That is truly horrifying...
Herekuriou Shenhirlo: So you need to walk behind me so they won't be able to confront you first.
Marleen: Okay.
(Marleen starts walking to get behind Herekuriou Shenhirlo)
Herekuriou Shenhirlo: And there is one option that you need to do.
(Herekuriou Shenhirlo starts pulling up Marleen's hood to cover her head)
Herekuriou Shenhirlo: Don't let them know that you're noticeable through your face.
Marleen: Okay. You have my trust.
(Marleen and Herekuriou Shenhirlo starts walking forward)
Marley: Aaagh...
(Marley starts waking up and starts seeing that she's in a moving truck)
Marley: What? What is this?
(Marley starts crawling up the two men)
Marley's mind: What the hell is up with these two? Did they notice that they're not going to even let me know about this?
(Marley starts thinking real quickly)
Marley's mind: Wait...
(Marley starts remembering the Hernandez group)
Marley's mind: They must be from the Hernandez group. The same one who wanted to take Momi!
Marley: Hey, you two right there! I know that you got Momi! So just tell me where she is!
Man: You want me to turn this music up?
Other man: Sure, I don't mind.
(The man starts turning up the music on the radio)
Marley: Damn it! They're not listening to me! Might as well jump off.
(Marley starts jumping out of the truck and landed very hard on the ground and started rolling on the ground)
Marley: Ow... Fuck...
(Marley starts seeing that she has bloody scars around her legs and arms)
Marley: One thing for sure, always know that the road will always keep a current moving rotation.
(Marley starts getting up)
Marley: Alright. Where is Momi?
(Marley starts thinking while her stomach is growling)
Marley: Eaagh... I forgot that I didn't eat anything...
(Marley starts looking around)
Marley: There should be a place that should give me some food.
(Marley starts running up ahead through the desert)
Marley: Hm... I just see more sand. Even more sand.
(Marley starts seeing a place)
Marley: Oh! That's the one!
(Marley starts going up to the place and starts seeing that it's bar)
Marley: Oh, it must be one of those areas that would give you drinks and stuff.
(Marley starts walking up to the counter)
Bartender: Hey, good Lady. What takes your part in here?
Marley: Well, I did manage to do a lot of crazy stuff. So I guess many.
Man: Oh, we got a tough girl! Whoo! This one is a badass!
Marley: No, I can't be a tough girl. I am not that tough.
(The bartender starts getting a bottle of Moonshine and pours it on a glass)
Bartender: Well drink this. This is a treat for a good lady like you.
Marley: No drinks for me. I need to eat food.
Bartender: Oh, then we got one of the chefs that will cook up a good meal. Now Sandra would give you a good one. Sandra, give this one a meal!
Sandra: Got it, Sir!
Marley: Hm...
(Marley starts laying her head down)
Marley's mind: It is such a crowded place. I guess you can call it a good place for now on.
(Sandra starts getting out a plate of chips with guacamole and Salsa)
Sandra: Here is your plate of a delicious meal. It only took me less than a minute. So it can't be too supplementing.
(Sandra starts placing the plate of chips with guacamole and Salsa)
Marley: Chips? Haven't tried these ones for a while now.
(Marley starts picking up a chip and dips it on the Guacamole and starts biting the chip with the Guacamole)
Marley: Mmmmm... That is great in my tasting!
(Marley starts dipping the chip on the Salsa and starts biting the chip with the Salsa)
Marley: Mm... That one is quite spicy. It's like putting fire in my mouth.
???: Hey girl, we should be able to find that little girl and take her to the new trading.
Marley: What?!
(Marley starts looking behind and starts seeing girls in biker gear)
Girl: Yeah, that's the plan! We should have it done in no time!
Other girl: Okay, let's go so we don't miss it!
(The girls starts putting on their helmet and starts walking out)
Marley: No! They must be talking about Momi! I have to get her!
(Marley's stomach starts growling)
Marley: Alright, this will be the last time that you will fuss at me!
(Marley starts grabbing all of the chips and starts munching the chips with her teeth and starts licking up the Guacamole and started licking up the salsa)
Marley: Aaaagh... Haaagh... {Belch} I think I ate too much...
(Marley starts getting up and starts leaving outside and starts seeing the girls revving on their motorcycles)
Girl: Last one first will be the one to kiss my ass!
Other girl: You know that I'll be the one to kiss ass!
Marley: There they are! I need to get to them!
(Marley starts picking up a rock and throws it at the girl's helmet)
Another girl: Hang on, leave me behind. I think something just tapped me.
Girl: Alright, see you pass by!
(The two other girls started driving away while the another girl starts taking her helmet and then Marley starts picking the rock and beats the another girl's head with the rock)
Another girl: Aaagh! Come on, man!
(Marley starts getting on the motorcycle and started driving off)
Another girl: Asshole!
Marley: Alright. I should be able to follow those girls so they can show me where they're keeping Momi at.
(Marley starts seeing the two girls stopping at a coliseum)
Marley: What? That must be the place.
Girl: Okay, we should finally get that money.
Other girl: Hey, be sure to split the money with me.
Girl: No, you're probably going to spend on those dresses again!
(Marley starts crashing the motorcycle on the girls leaving them dead)
Marley: Aaagh... There wasn't a way to stop this...
(Marley starts getting up)
Guard: Hey, that should be Buh'plork.
(The guards started seeing Marley)
Other guard: Nah, that can't be her. She's more stylish to appear.
Guard: This might be the special one. She would always surprise everyone.
Marley: Okay, I should be able to go through there.
(The guards starts going up to Marley and starts picking her up)
Marley: Hey, let go of me!
Guard: Sorry, but your schedule is on right now.
(The guards started taking her inside the coliseum)
Guard: Okay, Buh'plork. You should be able to do a good performance with these people. We got this new gadget that you wanted us to get for your audience.
(The guards started taking Marley to a room with a crowd waiting)
Guard: Okay, everyone. Here is Buh'plork.
(The guards started throwing Marley to the stage and then the crowd started cheering)
Marley: Gaah... Another one of those times...
(Marley starts seeing the DJ machine)
Marley: Oh, it must be a machine that can play music. I think it's the same like my synthesizer...
(Marley starts walking to the DJ machine)
Marley: I should be able to do this.
(Marley starts scratching the records with created a piecing harsh sound)
Crowd: Aaaaaagh!
(Marley starts pressing multiple buttons and it made several different sounds)
Man: Turn it off!
(Marley starts mashing her hands on the machine and made the machine fall and explode into pieces)
Marley: Ughh... What do you think, everyone?
(The crowd starts booing and started throwing items at Marley)
Marley: Gaaagh! Aaaagh!
(The guards starts appearing with the real Buh'plork)
Guard: Sorry, everyone. We found the real Buh'plork. Suddenly this one is too ugly enough to actually be called the real one.
Marley: Buh'plork? Hey, I always admire your talent!
Buh'plork: It is quite nice to meet me. But I have to go since the people here are furious right now.
(The crowd started bashing the stage and breaking it into pieces)
Marley: Gaaagh! I have to go!
(Marley starts running and starts coming back)
Marley: And yes, it was nice to meet you!
(Marley starts running away)
Marley: I have to find Momi around here!
(Marley starts looking at the signs to show her the directions)
Marley: Okay. That way!
(Marley starts running and sees the entrance is blocked by a group of people and tries to go through)
Marley: Come on! I need to go through!
(The crowd starts chasing Marley)
Man: I want my money back!
Marley: Crap! I need to find a different route!
(Marley starts seeing the stairs)
Marley: Ah! There we go!
(Marley starts running upstairs and starts heading to the top area)
Marley: Whoa! That's a lot of people!
Announcer: Everyone, we have our master right here and right now to show you the new money trading!
(The master starts appearing)
Man: Damn, that man looks super old.
Other man: Hey, he was the Hernandez's father. So that's why.
Master: Greetings, everyone. I am Fern Hernandez. You might know my son, Hermoncho Hernandez. He was a great son. Perhaps we shall start the trading.
(The guy starts holding Momi and walks to Fern Hernandez)
Marley: Momi!
(The crowd starts pushing forward and starts seeing Marley)
Man: There's that faker!
Marley: Aaagh!
(Marley starts jumping and starts walking on top of the people)
Girl: Ow!
Other girl: Hey, watch it!
Man: You just ruined my popcorn!
Fern Hernandez: Now, he should be proud that I am doing this. Because I should have the money and give it to the person that can guess the woman's last name that he has made love with.
(Marley starts continuing to walk on top of the people)
Marley: I'm so close!
Man: Stop it, Bitch!
(A man from the crowd starts grabbing Marley's leg and throws her)
Marley: Gaaaaghh!
Fern Hernandez: Now, who can guess her last name can be the winner of--
Marley: Gaaaaagh!
(Marley starts falling right by Fern Hernandez)
Fern Hernandez: Oh, who is this cute kind lady?
Marley: Eaaagh...
(Marley starts getting up)
Fern Hernandez: Will you kiss me, Madame?
Marley: Eaaagh...
Fern Hernandez: For I am here to have my legacy get taken to a woman this beautiful.
Marley: I don't have time for this. I need to take Momi now.
Momi: Momi.
(The crowd starts gasping)
Fern Hernandez: It only seems that she copied what she said. Now, if you want this girl, then you must guess this. What is the woman's last name that was given from my son who has taken over to have the Hernandez group?
Marley: Ummmm...
(Marley starts thinking very hardly)
Marley: Ummm...
Fern Hernandez: Wrong. Her last name is not Ummm, umm.
Marley: No, wait! I didn't give out an answer!
Fern Hernandez: Okay, take your time.
Marley's mind: I gotta think through my head. It's been a while since I never used this thing.
(Marley starts knocking on her head)
Marley's mind: Hm... Let's see...
(Marley starts remembering)
Marley's mind: Oh!
(Marley starts remembering the memory of Marleen holding Marley when she was a baby)
Marleen: Your name is now Marley Hernandez. I know that my last name is Renueash. But your last name is from your father. You will find your father. And... if you seem to remember me, I want you to know that I will always love you no matter how different you are.
(The flashback starts fading away)
Marley: Aaagh...
(Marley starts tearing up)
Marley: {Sniff} {Sniff}
Fern Hernandez: Is you running a cold?
Marley: Her last name was Renueash. Marleen's last name was Renueash.
Fern Hernandez: What?!
Marley: Is that right?
Fern Hernandez: She's a trespasser! She needs to be killed! Kill her!
Marley: Shit! Not now!
(Marley starts kicking the guy and started taking the Momi)
Momi: Momi.
Marley: Not now, Sweetheart.
(Marley starts running away while holding Momi)
Guy: She's getting away!
Fern Hernandez: After her!
(A huge crowd started running down and started chasing Marley)
Marley: Shit! Shit! No!
Buh'plork: Hey, you seem to be a nice person. Would want you to--
Marley: Not now!
(Marley starts running ahead and then Buh'plork starts seeing a huge crowd and starts getting knocked over by the huge crowd)
Marley: {Panting}
(Marley starts jumping to outside and starts getting onto the motorcycle)
Marley: Momi, we're going to get out of here!
Momi: Momi!
(Marley starts revving on the motorcycle)
Marley: Come on! Come on!
(Marley starts riding the motorcycle)
Marley: Yes! We're going right now, Momi!
(Marley starts seeing that there's no one seen behind them)
Marley: It seems that we lost them! Finally, there's no one chasing us!
(Marley starts seeing a pole)
Marley: Wait... there's a pole...
(Marley starts squinting closely)
Marley: "If you see this right now, be sure to not run up to this--
(Marley starts hitting her face to the pole)
Marley: Aaagh!
(Marley starts flinging back and made the motorcycle explode to a giant rock)
Momi: Momi.
(Momi starts moving and shaking Marley to see if she's okay)
Momi: Momi.
(A group of men started appearing and then Momi starts looking behind)
Man: Hey, there's that kid that we need to pick up. Should we take this to Fern?
Other man: Nah, man. His money is way less important. I've seen his money, and it's less than a million.
Man: Damn, now what do we have to do with the kid?
Another man: We'll just have to take them to a person that can help us out with a better trade.
(The man starts picking up Momi and starts getting on the truck and starts driving off)
Marley: Gaagh...
(Everything starts turning white and starts showing a memory of a rainy day in school)
Boy: Come on! It's getting crazy today!
Girl: Don't tell me that the second time!
(Teenage Marley starts running and trips to the ground)
Teenage Marley: Aaaagh...
(Teenage Marley starts getting up and gets pushed by a boy to the ground)
Teenage Marley: Aaagh...
Boy: Hey, it's you again. How long has it been?
Teenage Marley: You're that boy from 11th grade?
(The boy starts kicking Teenage Marley down)
Boy: Sure am! Now, since you're 18, I have something to give you. Come on, boys.
(The boys started appearing and picks up Teenage Marley)
Teenage Marley: Hey, let go!
Boy: Keep holding her!
(The boys starts taking Teenage Marley to a mud puddle and throws Teenage Marley in the mud puddle)
Teenage Marley: Aaaagh...
(The boys started laughing)
Teenage Marley: Eaaagh... This mud is all sticky.
Boy: And I'm taking this!
(The boy starts getting close to Teenage Marley and takes her underwear)
Teenage Marley: Huh?! Hey, give that back!
(Teenage Marley getting close to the boy and grabs him)
Teenage Marley: Give it back!
(The boy starts kicking Marley down to the mud)
Teenage Marley: Aaaagh...
Boy: Fuck you, Bitch! You're too weak and pathetic to be created in this world. You need to be aborted instead! Stupid ass bitch.
(The boy starts leaving)
Other boy: Let's throw rocks at her!
Another boy: Yeah, let's do it!
(The boys starts picking up rocks)
Teenage Marley: Wait, it's hard to get up from staying on this--
(The boys starts throwing rocks at Teenage Marley)
Teenage Marley: Stop! Aaagh! You're hurting me! Stop!
(A rock starts shattering Teenage Marley's glasses and then the boys starts laughing)
Some boy: That was a nice shot!
Other boy: Alright, let's go. That was fun.
Another boy: I sure did love seeing that.
(The boys started leaving)
Teenage Marley: {Sniff} {Starts crying} I fucking hate my life. I want to kill those fuckers... I hate it! I hate it! {Sniff} {Sniff}
(Teenage Marley starts getting up and starts putting her nail to her face to make blood drip out)
Teenage Marley: Kill...
(Teenage Marley starts putting her thumb to the blood and starts making a blood mark to the tree)
Teenage Marley: I will make your world way worse.
(Teenage Marley starts walking home and opens the front door and started closing and locking the front door)
Teenage Marley: I'll make them pay...
(Teenage Marley starts heading to the bathroom and unbuttons her shirt and pulls down her skirt and takes off her bra and starts turning on the water and raised it to hot water)
Teenage Marley: I'll fucking kill you all.
(Teenage Marley started walking to the bathtub and starts turning on the shower while it starts spraying hot water on her body)
Teenage Marley: Fuck... Heal off the wounds. God will give you kisses. You'll be fine. I will be fine.
(Teenage Marley starts coughing up blood to the bathtub)
Teenage Marley: You'll be fine.
(Teenage Marley starts wiping off the blood from her mouth and starts turning off the hot water and starts walking to Marlin's room naked)
Teenage Marley: Now.
(Teenage Marley starts pulling the drawer and starts getting out a coat and a skirt)
Teenage Marley: I'll show them what I can do.
(Teenage Marley puts on the coat and starts putting on the skirt and then Teenage Marley starts walking to the kitchen)
Teenage Marley: I'll make them know that I'm not a cute girl.
(Teenage Marley starts getting a knife)
Teenage Marley: Because I'll stab them until I'll see blood.
(The thunder starts clashing)
Other boy: Man, this rain can not go away. It's going to be a long day.
(The other boy starts waiting for the vehicles to pass by until Teenage Marley appears behind the other boy and stabs him in the back and covers his mouth)
Other boy: Mmmm... mmm... mmm...
Teenage Marley: Ssssh... It's going to get worse. You're doing a good job. You're going to be fine. You're going to be fine.
(Teenage Marley starts pulling the knife out from the other boy's back and starts pulling him from the ground)
Another boy: This elevator is taking too long.
(The another boy starts pressing the button again and then the elevator opens)
Another boy: Finally!
(The another boy heads inside the elevator)
Another boy: Okay, I'm just getting a snack and that's it. I need to get home so mom could give me some waffles!
(The elevator door opens)
Another boy: Okay, time to--
(Teenage Marley starts stabbing the Another boy's leg from below)
Another boy: Aaaaaghh! Aaaaaaaagh!
(Teenage Marley starts taking out the knife and starts holding Another boy and starts stabbing him in the back multiple times)
Teenage Marley: Hm-mm.
(Teenage Marley starts pulling the another boy right by the balcony)
Another boy: Hey! Help me! I'm going to die! Help me!
(Teenage Marley starts stabbing the Another boy's stomach)
Another boy: Aaaaagh...
(Teenage Marley starts twisting the knife inside the another boy's stomach and made a open hole)
Teenage Marley: You are going to have fun now.
(Teenage Marley starts heading to the balcony while the dragging the another boy)
Teenage Marley: But I'll say it again.
(Teenage Marley starts grabbing gut out and starts tangling the gut around the another boy's neck)
Another boy: Aaaagh!
(Teenage Marley starts cutting the gut with the knife)
Teenage Marley: You'll be...
(Teenage Marley starts tangling the other end from the gut to the edge of the balcony)
Teenage Marley: Killed by me!
(Teenage Marley starts kicking the another boy off from the balcony and made himself getting hanged from the gut and then Teenage Marley starts smiling)
Some boy: Mm-mm-mm-mm...
(The some boy starts walking by the halls)
Some boy: Let's see if my locker is still open upstairs.
(The some boy starts walking upstairs)
Some boy: Okay. We should be--
(Teenage Marley jumps on the some boy made him get blood trailed through the stairs)
Teenage Marley: One more left.
Boy: Eh, are you back yet? I need you to give me answers to that homework. Come on, where are you?
(The boy starts seeing Teenage Marley with a bloody knife)
Boy: Oh shit, what happened to you?
(Teenage Marley starts rushing up to the boy)
Teenage Marley: Gaaaaaahaaaagh!
Boy: Shit!
(The boy starts running away)
Boy: Aaaaagh! Aaaaagh! Aaaaaagh!
(The boy starts hiding the Janitor's room)
Boy: {Panting}
(Teenage Marley starts opening the door)
Teenage Marley: You should've picked a better spot. This is the same place that your boys took me and beat me up at.
Boy: Look, I'm sorry! It wasn't that serious! It was my fault! I fucked up!
Teenage Marley: Shut the fuck up! You're ruining my moment.
(Teenage Marley starts grabbing the boy's shirt)
Teenage Marley: The one thing that I hate from boys is that they don't think of me this way. They would think that I'll just be a happy girl who always be ignored from her appearance. You know what I find important? Someone's life, emotions and even their heart. And you know what hurts the most? Hm... Breaking my heart...
Boy: Wait! Wait!
(Teenage Marley starts stabbing through the boy's chest)
Teenage Marley: {Panting}
(Teenage Marley starts seeing blood to the floor)
Teenage Marley: Ha ha... Ha ha ha ha!
(Teenage Marley starts putting her hand right by her face)
Teenage Marley: Mmmm... Aaaaggh...
(Teenage Marley starts kissing and licking the inside of the boy's mouth)
Teenage Marley: Mmmm... mmm... mmmm...
(Teenage Marley starts coming out with spit from her mouth)
Teenage Marley: If only love can be that easy.
(Everything turns white and shows a memory laying on the ground naked masturbating while it is still raining outside)
Teenage Marley: Aaaagh... Haaaagh... Haaaaghh... Haaaghh... Aaaaghh... Aaaaghh... Aaaaghh...
(A Thunderstorm starts clashing)
Teenage Marley's mind: I'm so unbelievable! I'm so fucking unbelievable!
(Everything turns white and shows Marley in Reality)
Marley: Mmmm...
(Marley starts opening her eyes)
Marley: Where am I now?
???: Marley, are you up?
Marley: Hm?
(Marley's eyesight starts to get blurry until she can see Chris)
Marley: Oh, it's you again.
(Marley starts remembering who Chris was through several memories)
Marley: Why are you here?
Chris: Well since you were missing, I got my friend Toby to arrange this building and now we're both good guys. He helped me with the management and I just commission the assignments.
Marley: Hm... Why did you take me?
Chris: Well, it's because...
Marley: We aren't friends. Not that I see that for the both of us.
Chris: Hey, there's a child that we're looking for that will soon make the group motivating.
Marley: Ah.
(Marley starts getting up and starts holding Chris)
Marley: Is she a girl? Do you seem to know where she is?
Chris: That's why we're trying to find her. I can't know where that--
Marley: I want you to take me to any other type of sources to make me find her. I need to get to her. I have to.
Chris: Okay, I'll take you to a team so you would be able to find some items around an area that is near the streets. That way, it would be easier for you to get to your girl in no time.
Marley: An assignment... Does this have the little girl?
Chris: From the research, it should.
Marley: Hm... Alright. I'll be sure to make myself capable of that stuff.
Chris: Great, it should start tonight.
(Marley starts looking over and walks to the window)
Marley: What is this place?
Chris: That is South Jersey.
Marley: It looks different.
Chris: New Jersey is where you live. This is a different area.
Marley: I might've confused them both...
(Marley starts looking at Chris)
Marley: Okay, I'll only do this to find her. And if she's not there, then what else should we do?
Chris: It won't be that hard. We just got to look through several places. You know that it has to take time.
Marley: Okay, that's fine.
(Moments later it starts showing Marley inside a large truck)
Marley: Mmmm...
Lady: Hey, new girl. You gotta see that this world is our paradise. It's one of ours! One of ours!
Other lady: I don't think she's listening. She might be in her own world.
(A guy starts going down from the ladder)
Guy: Hey, you three. We're close by the area. We need just someone to go up there and shoot down those people.
Lady: Well, it can't be me. I got my nails done.
Other lady: I can't hold a gun.
Marley: I'll go.
(Marley starts walking by the guy)
Marley: I'll shoot them down and you just stay down here.
Guy: Okay then. Here, take this. It should be able to shoot them down.
(The guy gives Marley a Cmmg)
Marley: Loaded.
(Marley starts clocking the Cmmg)
Marley: Okay, wish me luck.
(Marley starts climbing up through the ladder)
Guy: Hey, Mamner. Be sure to keep going when they shoot at us.
Mamner: You got it, Tub.
(The truck starts moving right by the building)
Marley's mind: Okay, now go!
(Marley starts shooting bullets at the building)
Tub: Hey! Don't shoot yet! We haven't spotted them at this hour!
(The men started coming out of the building)
Man: Hey! We got a group trying to get in here!
Other man: Okay! Let's get this started, boys!
(Marley starts jumping forward and started shooting bullets at the men and left them dead and rushes through the door)
Marley: She has to be around here...
(Marley starts seeing a man and rushes to the man and started holding the man to the ground)
Marley: Where is she?! I know that you have her!
Man: What are you talking about?!
Marley: Stop fucking with me! I want to know where she is! Tell me!
(Marley starts pointing the gun at the guy)
Marley: You need to speak out and say whatever the fuck you need to say! I don't have time to waste with you!
Lady: Hey, calm down with him.
(The group started arriving)
Marley: Mm...
Lady: Now the data chip should be here.
(The lady starts picking up the data chip)
Lady: There it is.
Marley: Wait, where's the girl?
Lady: There's no girl. What are you talking about?
Marley: No! There's a girl named Momi and she should be here.
Other lady: Well, whatever you got that from, it might be a lie.
Marley's mind: Somebody must've tricked me.
Marley: No, I have to find out. I need to see the answers!
(Marley starts running outside)
Marley: This isn't right... It's not right at all.
Chris: Hm... it should be good around this time.
(Marley starts arriving)
Marley: Hey, I know that you did something wrong.
Chris: What is it?
Marley: There was supposed to be a girl there. What happened? What's going on?
Chris: Marley, there's nothing important to you towards that girl.
Marley: You don't know my life. I don't find it important to give those details to you since you wouldn't care.
Chris: How would you know?
Marley: ...
Chris: The girl wasn't supposed to be there. It was a way for you to do an activity so this company would move on.
Marley: What?
Chris: I've sent the girl to another company that is near New Jersey. I only did this to get the money.
Marley: ...
Chris: I'm sorry if this is disappointing to you. I just thought--
(Marley starts shooting a bullet at Chris to the wall bleeding)
Chris: Aaagh...
Marley: ... Money this. Money that. I took care of her without any money. How promising is that?
(Marley starts holding Chris up and bashes Chris to the wall)
Marley: I won't let you mess with my head. Why do people keep doing that?!
(Marley starts bashing Chris to the wall until his head skull breaks open and spills out a lot of blood)
Marley: Aaaagh...
(Marley starts getting down to the ground)
Marley: I don't understand why...
(Chris' body starts falling down and then a recorder falls off from Chris)
Marley: What? What is this?
(Marley starts picking up the recorder and presses the stop button)
Marley: He must've planned this...
(A truck appears behind Marley and then a rocket starts flying by to target Marley and then Marley quickly turns around and dodges the rocket missile and then the rocket missile exploded the wall)
Marley: Those people would always come for their leader.
(Marley starts running off)
Tub: Hey, Mamner! Shoot that missile again!
(Tub starts running through to the front)
Tub: Steer faster! We need to kill that bitch!
Other lady: I would try to steer to get to this bitch. But this is way harder than it looks like, man.
(Tub pushes the other lady down and starts controlling the steering wheel)
Tub: I'll show you how I want this truck to move!
(Tub starts stepping on the pedal and steers the truck to move)
Marley: They got some speed.
(Marley starts pointing the gun at the Mamner and shot him)
Mamner: Aaaagh!
(Mamner starts dropping the rocket launcher)
Mamner: No! I dropped it!
Tub: Damn it!
(Tub starts stepping on the brake pedal and stops the truck)
Tub: Go get it!
(Manmer starts getting down and starts seeing right by the rocket launcher)
Marley: Oh, you're out of time. Guess it's my turn to use this.
(Marley starts picking up the rocket launcher)
Manmer: No! Don't!
(Marley starts shooting the missile at the truck and then the truck exploded and made Mamner fly forward and landed on the ground hardly)
Mamner: Aaaagh...
(Marley starts walking to Mamner)
Marley: Now to show you no mercy, I would have to give you a present.
(Marley starts stepping on Mamner's neck)
Mamner: No! Stop...
(Mamner starts holding onto Marley's leg and Marley starts pushing Mamner's arm with her other leg)
Marley: Grrrgh.... Aaaagh... Aaaagh...
(Mamner starts getting out a fist to punch Marley but Marley starts covering her hands up to block the punch but the punch hit Marley's stomach)
Marley: Haaagh!
(Marley starts spouting out blood)
Mamner: Just give up!
(Mamner starts pushing his fist at Marley)
Marley: I don't... give up... so early!
(Marley starts snapping the Mamner's neck and then Mamner dies)
Marley: {Panting}
(Marley starts taking off her glasses)
Marley: {Cough} {Cough}
(Marley starts feeling the blood from her face)
Marley: These cells are like screaming violence. But now they're just fallen to be useless prey.
(Marley starts putting her glasses back on and started walking around the street)
Marley: I need to find a place to clean myself up.
(Marley starts seeing a convenience store)
Marley: This should have something to clean the blood off.
(Marley starts walking to the convenience store)
Marley: Hello Mam.
(The female employee starts looking at Marley covered in blood)
Female employee: Um... Oh god... Mam, are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital? I don't think you're okay...
Marley: No, I am fine. I just need to clean off this blood.
Female employee: I'll give you some paper towels... Just please leave... You're scaring me.
Marley: What are you scared of?
Female employee: There's paper towels in the restroom. You should be able to find them.
Marley: Okay, thank you.
(Marley starts walking to the restroom while the female employee continues staring at Marley from behind)
Marley: Okay, they have a sink. Now I just need to use it.
(Marley starts turning on the sink and then the water starts coming out of the sink and then Marley starts pulling down her skirt and starts unbuttoning her shirt)
Marley: I can see that it's hot in here.
(Marley starts taking off her bra and starts pulling down her panties)
Marley: Just need to clean this off first.
(Marley starts rinsing off the blood from her glasses)
Marley: There. All new.
(Marley starts putting her down to the sink water and started having the water cleaning off the blood)
Marley: Aaaagh... It's all warm now. Very warm.
(Marley starts taking the water and started the water in her chest and wipe the blood off)
Marley: My chest...
(Marley starts looking down to her breast)
Marley: Have they got a bit bigger? They almost look the same...
(Marley starts grabbing her glasses and puts them back on)
Marley: Okay, it's time to find Momi.
(Marley starts pulling her panties up)
Female employee: I'm telling you the truth. She is in there and she was covered in blood.
Cop: Is there anything else?
Female employee: She just looked creepy. She might be a killer. I could see through her eyes...
Another cop: Well, we should try to ask her questions so we can see the problem.
(Marley starts buttoning up her shirt)
Marley: And now we're done.
(Marley starts hearing a knock on the door)
Marley: It seems that someone else needs to use the toilet.
(Marley starts walking and opens the door)
Marley: Excuse me. I'm already finished.
Cop: Mam, we need to ask you some questions here.
Marley: ...
Cop: Are you a killer?
Marley: ... I do kill people. But most of the time I would do it for revenge or by accident. That was when I was young. But whenever I get the joy of it, I do more. And from these images from my head that will start to spin a film projector of chaos, I just become this way.
Cop: Were you doing this type of behavior on purpose?
Marley: No. I don't tend to kill people for no reason. Every reason would always come to destruction.
Cop: Well, there's a young lady who is concerned about you entering through this store. Were you responsible of killing those people outside?
Marley: Yes.
Cop: Why did you do it?
Marley: They were bothering me.
Cop: How? How were they bothering you?
Marley: They were following me. Wanting to kill me. For something that I did. I killed the man who would manage them. And it was all for a purpose. To find my girl.
Cop: Okay, we have to take you to a better place so you would be able to be okay. You understand?
Marley: I won't see Momi if I just let you take me.
Cop: Mam, you are going to be safe.
Marley: I won't listen to you.
Cop: Okay, we need to get your arm so you can be with us.
(Cop starts reaching to grab Marley's arm until Marley starts grabbing the Cmmg and shoots the Cop's head off)
Female employee: Aaaaaaghh! Aaaaaghh! Aaaagh!
Other cop: You need to get down to the ground now!
(Marley starts shooting the other cop in the face)
Female employee: Aaaaghh! Aaaaaagh!
(Marley starts walking right by the female employee)
Female employee: {Crying}
Marley: Stop crying. You're not even hurt. I don't get how people would cry when they don't hurt.
(Marley starts hugging the female employee)
Marley: When you get to my age, you won't able to see a good life when you fade away from your young times.
(Marley starts letting go of the female employee)
Marley: Now go.
(The female employee starts running out of the convenience store crying)
Marley: Hm...
(Marley starts seeing police cars arriving in front of the convenience store)
Marley: She might've called them here. I knew that she was scared.
(Marley starts running out to the back and went outside and started climbing through the walls)
Marley: Hugh! Haaagh!
(Marley starts seeing that there's police approaching below)
Police: Get down to the ground and face down. You don't have to do this.
Marley: I don't need your pity.
(Marley starts climbing on top of the building until the police starts shooting their bullets at Marley and then Marley started running and then Marley jumps to another building and then jumps to another building)
Police: We lost her.
Marley: This is awesome. I can't believe that I'm coming back to where I was.
(Marley starts remembering a flashback)
Young Marley: Mommy. Mommy.
Marlin: Marley, why are you calling me Mommy?
Young Marley: Because I don't know where my mommy is.
Marlin: I've told you before, I don't want you to know about it. Your mother is somewhere now. And I'm not your mother.
Young Marley: But can I just call you Mommy so we can both be happy.
Marlin: Hm... Okay, only at this age. But when you get older, you're going to call me your guardian.
Young Marley: Okay, mommy!
(The flashback ends)
Marley: Hm...
(Marley stops for a second)
Marley: I'm getting sick of seeing Marlin in my head. She was really annoying. But for some reason, whenever I was younger than 10, she would be kind to me. But whenever she sees me getting older, she acts different. I wonder why.
(Marley starts looking behind and sees nothing)
Marley: It doesn't seem like they're following me, so I might be off the hook.
(Marley starts jumping down to the ground)
Marley: Time to get to searching.
???: So you must be her daughter?
Marley: Hm? Who's talking to me?
???: I can see from your hair, your eyes and your charisma. You both are so slim.
(Shelia's mother is seen)
Marley: Wait, you must be Shelia's mom.
Shelia's mother: Yes I am. I am the one who you knew from my daughter. My notorious name would be memorable to the ones who seek the danger that is Shelian.
Marley: I thought you died. From what Shelia told me.
Shelian: She was very young when that happened. But I'm not surprised that you don't know the whole story. I'll just start it off with the beginning.
(A flashback appears)
Shelian telling the story: Near 1977, I came through the desert to kill off numerous killers around the way. Most of the time, I'll just do it to keep off my emotions. But usually, I'll just do it to send the world a new message. I begin to find a woman who was in a cabin that I would find. And she was the one that I wanted to target.
(Shelian starts grabbing Marleen and slicing her neck with the knife in the memory)
Shelian: Soon after, that's when that man would come and help you become a newborn.
(The flashback shows another memory)
Shelian telling the story: Moments later, I've had a daughter who soon became a suitable advantage for my close care. I've named Shelia. She was only born from that other man that I killed to receive his injection. Sustainable Rape.
(Young Shelia is seen shooting a deer in the head with a sniper)
Shelian: Good girl.
Shelian telling the story: In the future, she would hopefully become an ally to me. But afterwards, I've noticed that you was alive.
(Shelian starts seeing Young Marley playing with Kitty)
Shelian telling the story: I've told my daughter to kill your animal so she would learn to kill off other people around her surroundings. When you kill something smaller, you'll begin to kill something bigger.
(The flashback ends and shows another memory)
Shelian telling the story: Not that long after, the troops from the government soon found me later on.
(The troops starts rushing and grabbing Shelian)
Shelian: Gaagh!
(The troops starts holding Shelian down)
Commander: That's the one.
(The commander starts getting out a document that starts showing Shelian's Info)
Commander: Take her to the truck!
Shelian telling the story: Shelia would soon find out about this from looking at the ashamed moment of her life. She was quiet and very disowned for this placement. I never saw her again after that.
(The troops starts handcuffing Shelian and started opening the trunk and puts Shelian inside the trunk and close the doors)
Troop: Alright, we're good.
(The truck starts driving through the road and stopped to a lake and then the troops got out the truck and opened the trunk and took Shelian out of the trunk and took her right by the lake)
Commander: Alright, get ready for the beating!
(The troop starts smacking Shelian to the face)
Shelian: Gaagh!
(Another troop starts stabbing Shelian to the stomach)
Shelian: Haaagh!
(Another troop starts beating Shelian with their fist)
Commander: Keep going!
Shelian telling the story: It was painful torture. The torment will still go on. And after feeling it makes it even worse.
(Shelian gets electrocuted by a taser)
Shelian: Haagh! Haaagh!
(Shelian starts getting stuffed in a bag and gets picked up)
Commander: Okay, troops. Start throwing her in there.
(The troops started throwing the bag with Shelian in it through the lake and then the commander starts getting out a pistol and started the bag with Shelian in it)
Commander: That should teach that son of a bitch!
(The bag with Shelian in it began going underwater)
Shelian telling the story: Those imbeciles would always think that the world be helped if someone else exterminated by a group wretched Idiots. They soon left after thought I was dead for good.
(Shelian starts getting a knife and stabbed the knife the bag and cut open the bag and get out of the bag)
Shelian telling the story: It takes many ways to kill me. In fact, those bullets within my body would still remain inefficient.
(The flashback fades away)
Shelian: That is the story of it all happening. Can't tell you that you're really--
(Marley starts getting out a Cmgg and points at Shelian's head)
Marley: Don't try to make me forget that you're the one that made me feel this way in this world. I've lost my mother because of you. And I even lost my friend who was the only one that I cared about in my youth within my time. Kitty... And the fact that you're still cold hearted still shows that you're the bitch that needs to go to hell!
Shelian: You're mighty different than your mother. She would always break apart whenever there's violence involved.
(Shelian starts grabbing Marley's arm and snaps her arm by elbowing it)
Marley: Gaaaaahagagh!
(Shelian starts kicking Marley down to the ground)
Shelian: Pieces of shit like you don't belong to bother with these people.
Marley: Aaaaagh! Aaaagh...
(Shelian starts picking up the Cmmg)
Shelian: Well, I guess it is time for you to die. Guess my daughter didn't see you far enough yet.
Marley: Aaaagh!
(Marley starts kneeling to Shelian's stomach and starts grabbing the Cmmg and shoots Shelian with a bullet)
Shelian: I knew you would try.
(Shelian starts unbuttoning her shirt and showed multiple bullet holes)
Marley: ?!
Shelian: These are the prime example of how to survive. To think that a daughter from a woman who believes that spreading God's illusion was going to make a big difference. Hm-mm-mm... You're all fucking Idiots.
Marley: Get down!
(Marley starts grabbing Shelian and try breaking her neck)
Shelian: Stop trying. You know that you can't kill me.
Marley: If I killed your daughter, then I might have a chance to kill you too!
Shelian: Hm... So my daughter was unable to make herself useful...
Marley: She said it was your fault that you made kill all of those innocent beings for your likable trade. You're the one who made her feel this way. And you still don't care about her?!
(A flashback starts conveying)
Shelia: I would usually think that it was my mother's death that made me feel this way. But it was my mother's fault that I went and became a killer. I just wanted to use all of that pain on you because I hated you. I always wanted to kill you. And now, that is the opposite.
(The flashback ends)
Marley: Just see that you're the one who ruined me and Shelia!
(Marley starts snapping Shelian's neck)
Marley: Aaaagh...
(Marley starts stepping away from Shelian's corpse)
Marley: Aaagh...
(Marley starts holding her head)
Marley: Gaaaaaghh! Gaaaaaghh! Gaaaaghh! Gaaaaaghh!
(Marley starts tearing up)
Marley's mind: I would always remember her. My enemy, my friend...
(Marley starts putting her hand to her chest)
Marley: We were both alike. I just feel sad whenever both of our mothers have to die like this.
(Marley starts staring at Shelian's corpse)
Shelia's voice in Marley's head: I'll now see you, Mother. Your daughter will finally hug you forever.
Marley: My friend... What the fuck am I thinking?
(Marley starts holding her left arm)
Marley: Am I really that delusional?
Marley's voice in Marley's head: Yes, you are.
Marley: Fuck...
(Marley starts seeing that the world is turning red)
Marley: No!
Marley's voice in Marley's head: What is the point? Why go ahead? You won't even find your dumpster of a baby in no time.
Marley: I still have a chance. I can't leave her without me.
Marley's voice in Marley's head: She still has a family. She doesn't need you. She can't even say your own name.
Marley: That's... foolishness..
Marley's voice in Marley's head: Why can't you just die?
Marley: I have Momi. That's why.
Marley's voice in Marley's head: She would betray you.
Marley: She wouldn't.
Marley's voice in Marley's head: She would betray you.
Marley: She wouldn't.
Marley's voice in Marley's head: She would betray you.
Marley: Stop it!
(Marley starts kneeling down)
Marley: Get out of my head... Just get out of my head...
(Marley starts reaching the Cmgg and points it at her head)
Marley: {Pant}
(Marley closes her eyes and pulls the trigger and then the Cmgg didn't shoot any bullets)
Marley: What?
(Marley starts pulling the trigger multiple times and it never shot any bullets)
Marley: Damn it!
(Marley throws the Cmgg down to the ground and starts stepping on it until it started breaking apart)
Marley: Stupid piece of shit! I fucking hate you!
(Marley starts beating the pieces from the Cmgg with her fist)
Marley: Haaagh! Haaaagh!
(Marley starts seeing that her fist is bleeding)
Marley: I have to control myself. I might not be able to survive for this long...
(Marley starts getting up and starts walking away)
Marley: Now, I just need to find Momi.
(Marley starts seeing a truck move by the street saying The Hernandez Value Experience)
Marley: Huh? A clue! A clue!
(Marley starts running up to the truck)
Marley: Shit! These legs are almost worn out!
(Marley starts reaching over to grab the truck)
Marley: Gaagh!
(Marley starts grabbing onto the truck and started opening up the trunk and went inside the trunk and closes the trunk)
Man: Hey, did you hear something back there?
Another man: Nope. It might've been that broken thing again.
Marley's mind: Okay. I just need to go inside my mind.
(Marley starts laying down)
Marley's mind: Going inside my mind.
(Marley starts slowly closing her eyes)
Marley's mind: Going inside my mind...
(Marley closes her eyes and everything fade into black and it showed little Marley doing Ballet on Stage)
Judge: That was very good. You did a great job.
Judge 2: I would say, how long did it take for you to those lessons?
Little Marley: Um... I would say... about 2... 2 weeks.
Judge 3: That's wonderful. Well, for more closed events. We have to discuss about this and see if you're the top one.
(The judges started whispering to each other)
Judge 3: You're the winner!
Little Marley: What? Mommy! Mommy! I won! I won!
(Marlin starts arriving and picks up Little Marley)
Marlin: That's going to be the last time that you're going to call me that...
(The judge starts getting a 1st place trophy)
Judge: To have the best daughter, you must be proud.
Marlin: She's not my daughter. She's my Niec-- I mean, I am taking care of her because she was adopted.
(Marlin starts grabbing the 1st place trophy from the judge)
Marlin: Thank you. Goodbye.
(Marlin starts leaving while holding the 1st place trophy and Little Marley)
Little Marley: Hey, what does a Niec mean?
Marlin: It means that you're a girl who is from another person that is no longer from my way calling you my daughter.
Little Marley: I don't really understand.
Marlin: No need to worry. I'll have this trophy in your room and soon after I'll give you a special present for being too good.
Little Marley: Oh boy, I wonder what it is!
Marlin: Possibly a way to stop bothering me. So, you'll have to wait.
(Everything turns white and shows another memory)
Young Marley: Guardian.
Marlin: Hm? You never call me.
Young Marley: Well, since I can't call you Mommy, I might as well call you Guardian. Or is it Marlin?
Marlin: That name came from someone that I don't want to talk about. Now, just go.
Young Marley: But... I want to ask you a question. Why is Kitty gone?
Marlin: {Sigh} I knew that you would keep asking that. Here, I got you a new friend.
(Marlin starts getting box and opens it and then a pink cat came out)
Pink Cat: Meow.
Young Marley: That's not the same!
Marlin: This one is a girl! I know the other one was a boy but you have to be thankful that this is the same as you!
Young Marley: It's not the same!
Marlin: Marley, just give her a try. She might be a cute one.
(The pink cat starts walking to Young Marley and starts looking at her)
Pink cat: Meow.
Young Marley: Aaagh... Okay, I will give it a try.
(Young Marley starts picking up the Pink cat and starts looking at it)
Young Marley: I'll call you, Pouka! As in Puke-ka, but I'll just replace the word "Puke" with the word "Pou".
(Everything turns white and shows another memory)
Young Marley: Come on, Pouka. Play fetch!
Pouka: Meow.
(Young Marley throws a stick and Pouka starts rushing through and came back with the stick in her mouth and then drops it in the ground)
Pouka: Meow.
Young Marley: Good job, Pouka!
(Young Marley starts petting Pouka and picks up the stick)
Young Marley: Now, go fetch, Pouka!
(Young Marley throws the stick)
Pouka: Meow!
(Pouka starts rushing through)
Young Marley: Okay, Pouka. We should go now. It's getting late.
(Young Marley starts getting close)
Young Marley: Pouka?
(Young Marley starts scratching her head)
Young Marley: I might need to wait for her. She sure is taking her time to fetch this stick.
(Young Marley starts sitting down and started waiting and then got up)
Young Marley: Okay Pouka. I'm coming for you.
(Young Marley starts walking)
Young Marley: I wonder where she is. She can't be that far.
(Young Marley starts looking around and starts seeing that Pouka is caught in a beartrap and started bleeding to death)
Young Marley: Pouka!
(Young Marley starts pulling Pouka out of the beartrap and broke Pouka's neck off and splattered a lot of blood)
Young Marley: No! Pouka!
(It starts raining)
Young Marley: Oh no! She's going to be mad at me!
(Young Marley starts running away)
Young Marley: I'm going to be in big trouble! What am I going to do!?
(Young Marley arrives at the house and started seeing Marlin)
Marlin: Marley, you came here just in time.
Young Marley: Yeah, I sure did.
(Marlin starts seeing that Pouka is missing)
Marlin: Marley, where's the cat?
Young Marley: I... I lost it...
Marlin: What?! What are you talking about?! You haven't spared one week with that cat and you somehow made it run away?!
Young Marley: Actually... It went to get the stick that I threw and then it got into a spiky trap and died.
Marlin: Damn it! Why are you so stupid?!
Young Marley: I'm sorry. I tried to--
(Marlin starts slapping Young Marley's face)
Marlin: Go to your room.
Young Marley: Ow. That hurt.
Marlin: Go to your room right now!
(Young Marley starts running to her room)
Young Marley: You never believe in me!
(Young Marley starts going to her bed and starts crying)
Marlin: I spent 80 dollars on that cat. How did she manage to screw up? I think Marleen made a Fuck up.
Young Marley: {Continues crying} Why can't I just have a happy day?! Why does everything have to have a bad ending?! Why can't I just be happy?! I want to be happy!
(Everything gets dark and Marley starts seeing that it's dark)
Marley: I'm back here again...
(Marley starts walking over)
Marley: Hello? Is there everyone here?
(Marley starts hearing baby noises)
Marley: Hm? Aaagh!
(Marley starts seeing Baby Marley)
Marley: Wait, you're the only one here?
(Baby Marley starts making noises)
Marley: Mmm... I guess this will do.
(Marley starts holding Baby Marley)
Marley: I guess this is the end. I went so far and now this is it. It will finally become my own future.
(Baby Marley starts making noises)
Marley: If it wasn't for you, the world wouldn't have me. It would be impossible if you wasn't here. You made everything come together. And I still love that from you.
???: You still learned.
(Teenage Marley appears)
Marley: It's you.
Teenage Marley: You later realized that not everything has to go away when you have yourself to love you for all of things that you've done. Even I couldn't see that.
Marley: Yeah, you're right about that.
???: That's not all.
(Little Marley starts appearing)
Little Marley: You was the one who all of us keep everything keep going. You helped her make it this far. The world would still forget about you if you wasn't trying.
???: It's not just that.
(Young Marley appears)
Young Marley: It's that you had courage against everyone. You made all of us happy from our mistakes and devour every evil that will remain complete disgust.
Marley: Wow, you sure did make me feel important.
Teenage Marley: You did get beaten up and got back up.
Young Marley: You would always get neglected from your aunt but still made through this awful turn of events.
Little Marley: And most importantly of all, you would always have these memories to cure you back together.
Marley: Thanks, Marlies. You did everything that you could to create me. Now, I must remain to reality so I can decide what way I would choose for now on.
(Marley starts walking over and gives Baby Marley to Teenage Marley)
Marley: Farwell, Marlies.
(Marley starts vanishing while Young Marley, Teenage Marley and Little Marley started waving goodbye)
Marley: Aaaagh...
(Marley starts getting up)
Marley: Okay, I'm ready.
(Marley starts opening the trunk and got out of the truck and starts seeing the building)
Marley: Let's do this.
(Marley starts rushing through the building and tackles the guards and started choking them to death)
Marley: Ha ha!
(Marley starts taking the key and opens the door and heads inside the building)
Marley: I have to take the stairs.
(Marley starts heading upstairs and opens the door and starts seeing several men walking through the hallway and started hiding)
Marley: Time to invite.
(Marley starts rushing and kicks one man and grabs a rifle and pulls it from the man and started shooting the men and started shoving the rifle through the man's stomach and takes the rifle)
Marley: What a bloodbath.
(Marley starts walking through)
Marley: Hey, Bossman. I know that you're in here.
(Marley starts kicking the door the open)
Marley: There you are!
Toby: Hey, it's you again! Glad to see that you've aged a bit!
Fern Hernandez: She's the enemy, you fool! Quick, kill her--
(Marley starts shooting the rifle at Toby)
Fern Hernandez: Uggh...
Marley: You. Mr. "I'm the father of the person who wants to rape their daughter and her Mother". Tell me where she is.
Fern Hernandez: You need to calm down. I'll tell you--
(Marley starts pointing the rifle at Fern Hernandez)
Marley: I don't have time to get fooled right now! Just give her to me and you don't have to get killed.
Fern Hernandez: No.
(Fern Hernandez starts pressing the button and activated several bombs to detonate)
Marley: Damn you!
(Marley starts rushing and pushes Fern Hernandez out the window)
Marley: Aaagh!
(Marley starts holding on and gets back up to the office)
Marley: I have to find her quickly!
(Marley starts running through the hallway)
Marley: Momi! Momi! Momi! Where are you?! Momi!
???: Momi.
Marley: Momi!
(Marley starts running the through the hallway)
Marley: Keep up with that!
Momi: Momi.
(Marley starts rushing and opens the door and finds Momi)
Marley: Momi!
(Marley starts grabbing Momi)
Marley: Come on, we need to go!
(The detonator starts exploding the bombs)
Marley: No! Not now!
(Marley starts running out of the room while holding Momi)
Marley: Gaaagh!
(Marley got out of the building while holding Momi and then the whole building exploded)
Marley: {Panting}
(Marley starts holding Momi to see her)
Marley: Momi, are you okay?
Momi: Momi.
(Marley starts hugging Momi)
Marley: Thank god. Thank god that I can still see you.
(Marley starts seeing that the sun is rising)
Marley: It's finally a good day for once.
(Marley starts walking Momi through the streets)
Marley: I can't believe at first I found you from a trashbin and now you're with me again. I'll say, that's a story that no one will believe!
???: Wait, stop!
(A man and woman started arriving)
Marley: What?
Woman: That's our baby!
Marley: No, you might be mistaking something.
Man: We heard you said something about finding a baby from a trashbin. That was from us!
Marley: That doesn't explain why you did it.
Man: You see, I was holding a sandwich while I was holding our baby. I accidently threw away the baby in the trashbin and went home. And then my wife got scared and then me and her went back never found her in there!
Marley: That's the stupidest lie I've ever heard! I'm not letting you have her!
Woman: Please! We haven't found her in 7 years! You have to give us to her!
Marley: No! You're not keeping her!
Momi: Momi.
Marley: Hm?
(Marley starts looking at Momi's face and then Marley slowly started tearing up)
Marley: I just realized that I'm just making myself a bad person. I can't keep something that's from someone else. That's not being myself...
(Marley starts giving out Momi)
Marley: Here! Take her! I don't need her! She will have a great future with you!
Woman: Thank you! Thank you so much!
(The woman starts taking Momi)
Woman: We can finally name you Marcy. Come on, we can go home now.
(The man and the woman leaves with Momi)
Marley: I guess the only person that I should up to is myself. I'll keep myself comfortable.
(Marley starts walking away)
Momi: Mo...
(Momi starts looking at Marley leaving)
Marley's voice in Momi's head: Having a baby alone in the streets is going to be hard apparently. I just don't know if I should take care of you. But I'll try my best to.
Momi's voice in Momi's head: Mo-mi...
Marley's voice in Momi's head: You want that to be your name? Momi it is.
Marley's voice in Momi's head: Come on, we can soon make up all of it with a long path ahead.
Momi's voice in Momi's head: Mo-mi.
Marley's voice in Momi's head: Momi.
Marley's voice in Momi's head: Do you seem to remember me now? I haven't seen this little one for a long time now.
Marley's voice in Momi's head: Momi!
Marley's voice in Momi's head: It is now a happy ending.
(Momi starts getting sad)
Woman: Honey, I think our girl is almost speaking her first word to us. Come on, call me mommy!
Momi: ...
Woman: Mommy!
Momi: Not Momi.
Woman: Huh?
(Momi starts running up to Marley)
Marley: Huh? Momi!
(Momi starts hugging Marley)
Momi: Mo... mi... I... love... you...
Marley: I love you too forever...
Man: Hey, that's our baby!
Woman: Just let it go. You meant to throw her away. We didn't have enough time to take care of her.
Man: You're right. I don't know what got into me.
(The man and woman started leaving)
Momi: Momi!
Marley: I'll make sure that you'll be taken care. As long as we're together!
[3 years later]
Marley: Alright, Momi. This is the home I grew up in. Don't you remember?
Momi: Mm-hm. Are... you going to be... okay?
Marley: What do you mean by that?
Momi: You... seem to ask about... do you remember... but... I would always... remember...
Marley: I guess it has been that long. I'm sorry if it was troubling you.
(Marley starts staring at the skellington of Marlin's corpse)
Marley: ...
Momi: Who is... that?
Marley: She's not important. She was someone that I knew.
Momi: Momi...
[5 years later]
Momi: Mom, you have been staying here for a long time. Is there something wrong?
Marley: You're fine here. It's just great to have memories.
Momi: Mom, I'm serious. I don't know if you're okay.
Marley: I'll be fine. I'm going to be okay.
Momi: ...
[12 years later]
Momi: Mom, I don't know if you're okay or not. This doesn't seem normal.
Marley: ...
Momi: Mom... I don't like it when you want to stay here. You have to tell me what's wrong.
Marley: ...
Momi: Mmm...
[8 years later]
Momi: Mom, I have a wheelchair for you. Let's go.
(Momi starts picking up Old Marley and started putting her to the wheelchair)
Momi: Since I found out what happened from just asking questions with the doctor a month ago, he says that you might have dementia. It's a disorder on which you forget or feel what you've had before. Most people would try to regain those memories over and over again to remember those times.
Old Marley: ... I don't want to go.
Momi: Mom, you have to.
Old Marley: This was where I was in. I can't go back to those times on where I had to go back and try to make new events happen again. My anxiety... it's just not strong enough to go out for this long.
Momi: You have to face your fear. You need to become stronger.
Old Marley: I don't want to change. I want to go back to being young and important. I later realized that I have nothing important for the future for myself. It will just be erased and forgotten over and over again. I can't have that happen.
Momi: Listen to me.
(Momi starts holding onto Marley)
Momi: You've made my life important. Without you, I would've died alone out there. No one would've helped me except for you. You were the one who would support me. I never found that from someone before when I was a baby. You were the only friend, the only human and even the only mother supporter who could help me. So after all of this time with you, I want to thank you. I might not see you again, but this might be the last time. So... I'll miss you, Marley.
Marley: I'll miss you too, Momi.
(Momi starts letting go and started taking the wheelchair and moved out of the house and started moving the wheelchair through the woods and then went through the streets and stopped in front of the hospital)
Momi: This is it, this is your new home.
Marley: I might enjoy it near my Mother's home.
(Everything starts fading into white and then showed Marley sitting in a chair with a white void)
Marley: Hm... this might be your final day, Marley. Welcome back, Marley Hernandez.

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