Danforth Johnston

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That same day...

"Ah..." Danforth sighed as he takes off the VR headset. "Another win." He smiled as he walks to get water. "Hey Sebastian! How's it looking!?" Danforth asked his stepfather, Sebastian Sieg, who is also the son of the CEO named Josiah Sieg.

"There's some animation goofs. But the VR is a great success." Sebastian smiled.

"Ah, the government will be very happy." Danforth sighed as he clapped his hands together.Samuels walks up to the young man. "Your skills are quite impressive. You sure have come a long way."

Danforth smiled. "Hey, I loved guns and being in a warzone in VR. A couple years of testing and I'm unstoppable."

"Not exactly. But it's good enough." Samuels said.

"I'm not worried. If there's any bad guys, bring them on!" Danforth shouted. "So, am I done for today?"

"Actually, you may be done with the VR testing. Samuels, if you will." Sebastian said before Samuels and Danforth walk out.

Danforth sighed, but in disappointment. "It was a good job, but it wasn't gonna last long..."

"Don't be depressed, Danforth." Samuels said. "I'm sure things will be bright in the future. Even anything, you have some more time on your hands." He smiled. "Oh, and just a reminder; Aviana is gonna be around for Christmas break."

"Oh yeah, awesome." The young man smiled. "She's something isn't she? I've said this already, but while I'm not interested in dating, if I have no other choice, I will go with her. And- Ugh..." Danforth groaned. "Don't get me started on that bitch..."

"It's fascinating that you could've just used some of your money to get so much stuff, but instead you use it for charities and to help Aviana to get to college." Samuels commented.

"Yeah well, I could have so much, but really I want to little and to just get by in life with little to no worries and stress." Danforth said and then sighed. "And... don't get me started on my 16th birthday."

Samuels puts his hand on Danforth's left shoulder. "It wasn't the best birthday, I understand that. You are the most sensitive human I have ever met; we only gave you a couple things that you weren't interested in and in a few moments, you cried, thinking you upset your mother and stepfather for wasting money when really it was less then 50 dollars spent."

Danforth doesn't say anything and just sighed as they both continue to walk the two managed to get outside and get into the car, but while Samuels starts the car, Danforth sighed again as Samuels looks to the young man.

"I have seegson and I have you and my family and a couple friends... But It's not gonna forever." He began. "I'm still working on my plan of being a reviewer on the internet to earn money. But... I would LOVE to be a gunslinging hero. Not just a hero or a superhero, just a guy who can shoot bad guys and be praised for it. I can prove how amazing I can be and how us normal guys could do anything even if we don't have a superpower." He smiled a bit. "Someone who people will be like 'Whoa, that guy doesn't have powers and doesn't wear a costume or mask, BUT DAMN!!! He looks cool!'" Danforth shouted, but after a few seconds he sighed. "But right now, I'm barely getting anywhere with my life, and I barely have the glory outside of just being related to Seegson because my stepfather is married to my mother... Just what and I doing sam?" He asked.

Samuels looked at the young man, Sam is an android, but he's got a heart and clearly felt bad for Danforth. He focuses on the road and exits the area.

"It's probably unlikely, but I have to ask; Are you hungry?" The android asked.

"No, just take me home." Danforth sighed as he puts his headphones on as snow began falling.


Later at Night:

Danforth felt better after a few hours as he and Samuels are sitting in the car somewhere in town covered in snow.

"Nothing is happening..." Danforth growled a bit before chuckling. "I'm SO glad that you can lie and not record what I'm doing. Otherwise, this occasional look out for criminal activity wouldn't have happened."

The police scanner picked up as Samuels copied what the police are saying before transferring. "There's some kind of robbery going on."

"Oh, a robber! Wanna catch a robber?" Danforth asked in excitement, maybe something exciting will happen.

But then two cars drive by as the police chases the robber, which causes Danforth to yell in frustration.

"Well, that's unfortunate. You want to get some desert?" Samuels asked.

"No." Danforth replied before rubbing his temples.

"Just to point out, New York has a lot of criminal activities and when it comes to suburbs and the city we live at, it's like finding diamonds in the rough." Samuels said.

"Well, the only downside is that I'm a bloodhungry psychopath and I just want to shoot shit!" Danforth screamed.

The police scanner picked up again as both Danforth and Samuels listened.

"All available units, there's a terrorist group, MINOS and they just stole a few weapon trucks-"

Danforth widen his eyes. "Terrorists... and we're close!" He smiled and then screamed. "YEAH BABY!!!!"

Samuels smiled a bit and drives with Danforth cheering. "IT'S TERRORIST SEASON BABY! YEAAAAAAH HAAAA!!!!!"


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