From shy to confident

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My time last night... it was beautiful...

This suit... it feels so wonderful...

The sensations for when I move and rub my own skin... damn...Last night, I took it out for a test run.

I'm faster, I'm a bit stronger, I can climb, run on all fours, and I'm far more agile.

Admittedly, it was scary as hell.

But when I thought about seeing my human face, it tingled, but I managed to take off my mask and realize... I've been gifted with something special.

It was a rather pleasant experience testing the suit out, but when I saw Danforth of all people, shooting some bad guys, I was shocked.

I knew he's a gun loving bloodhungry psychopath, but I didn't think he would actually do something like this.

The next day, when I woke up admiring myself in the mirror. Things were starting to become simple now I have this wonderful suit.

There are a few things I could do with my life now. Maybe I could be a superhero, or heroine... 

Sounds easy enough. Don't think it's gonna get me some cash though, even if I could steal a few bucks from baddies themselves.

I just know that there's things I can do with this suit and I'm sure that it'll help me with my life.

 Though, If I'm to be a hero, I should think of a name for myself and my suit...

My thoughts are cut short though when I get a call from Danforth himself.

What to do with my life with this suit? I'll take one step at a time.

She picks up her phone with her black chitin coated hand. "Hello?" She asked.

"Hey Aviana, it's been a while." Danforth said over the phone.

She smiled. "Hey Dan, I missed you so much!"

"Missed you to. Now, since you're back, would you like to hang out around one o'clock? I'm gonna be messing around at Seegson at 2 and I figured, 'Hey, she's out of college for now, give Aviana some attention!'"

She giggled. "That would be lovely!"

"Alright, cool. I'll pick you up."

"Alright." She said, but when looking at her suit she smirked. "Actually, don't pick me up... I got other means of traveling."

"Oh, uh... okay." Danforth is a bit surprised at her response.

"I'll text you at where I'd like us to eat at. Okay?"

"Alright, thanks. See you soon."

"Alright, bye."

"Bye." They both hang up.

She managed to get into the city miles away, but she also had some thoughts about her suit she wanted to try out. And luckily, she has a few hours to try some things out.

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