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"HEY! OBANAI! wanna go to the bookstore with me after school?" [name] asked brightly

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"HEY! OBANAI! wanna go to the bookstore with me after school?" [name] asked brightly. "oh, sorry, i'm already planning to go to the shopping mall with kanroji-chan," obanai sweatdropped with a hint of guilt. "oh.." [name] trailed off– a visible hint of disappointment was tinting her face. her eyebrows furrowed; since when did they get so close? "alright," [name] said as she smiled brightly, outshining all of the disappointment that was just present on her face earlier.

"i hope you both will have a great time!" [name] exclaimed brightly. "are you sure you're okay with it..? i can just cance–" "NO! don't!" [name] immediately yelped. "go on! i'm happy to know that you're making lots of friends," [name] exclaimed brightly, she grabbed onto his arm and squeezed it reassuringly.

obanai peered at her quietly. "alright," he sighed after a while. [name] let go of his arm and clasped her hands together in utter delight. "very well then," she said. "have fun you two!" [name] trotted away, as she turned on her heel. her bright smile fell into a deep frown. her face scrunched in annoyance as she made her way towards the chemistry lab. jealousy overwritten her heart, it felt as if a monster was starting to form in the pit of her stomach.

"don't worry, they're just friends." she reassured herself as she ran her fingers through her luscious [h/c] locks, desperately trying to calm down. she took a deep breath before entering the lab. 'or are they?' [name] thought silently as she sat down on a stool. she fixated her gaze at the notebook in front of her, thousands of questions started clashing in her mind. 'what if— obanai and mitsuri–?' she thought silently. 'no, it's too early, obanai wouldn't take an interest in a girl that fast,' she continued.

'or will he?' she thought. at this point, she doesn't even know anything anymore. it hurts her heart to think more about the boy. there's just one conclusion to pull from all of this; it's time to move on.

┊ ┊ ┊. ➶ ˚

[name] silently sat in an empty table in the canteen. she watched her childhood best friend chuckling at what a junior had said. "would you like to have a sakura mochi?" a chirp was heard— "oh, no need, keep it for yourself, kanroji-chan," obanai said with a warm smile.

he never smiles at other people besides [name]. "eh? but these are delicious! you've got to try these!" mitsuri exclaimed brightly with shining green spectrums. [name] poked the egg in her lunch with a hint of jealousy. she sucked in a sharp breath before she started eating her own lunch, in the end, she glanced up again at obanai—who was placing a strand of pink gradient hair behind mitsuri's ears.

[name] felt her heart plummet to her stomach as she immediately closed her lunchbox, placing her spoon in a plastic wrap and stuffed it in her lunchbox. she hurried to scurry away. her heart ached. her head pounded.

her [e/c] eyes glossed with tears. it hurts her— so incredibly much. it felt as if she wanted to scream. she ran into the lady's bathroom, still holding her water bottle and lunchbag as she bolted quickly into one of the stalls. she sat on the closed toilet as tears started running down uncontrollably.

her tears glistened as they fell to their demise. [name] tried to control her breathing, as it wasn't in rhythm. it hurt her so badly. she wiped her tears and sat down silently— staring down at her shoes, she practiced her breathing practices. in the end, her breathing calmed down as the tears from her eyes had stopped pouring. [name] stood up after a while, collecting herself and let out a breath. she opened the stall and left the bathroom, still trying to get a grip of herself, she made a sharp turn.

glancing at her watch, she noticed she's still got 10 minutes till lunch break ends. she continued striding— not knowing where her feet were leading her– in the end, she ended up in the school's courtyard.

this was the worst day of her life.  

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