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1.      Yn

Name : Kim Yn Siblings : NoneStatus : Single

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Name : Kim Yn
Siblings : None
Status : Single

Short flashback
(Had a crush on a guy when she was younger but didn't confess due to some personal reasons
And not she don't have any crush)
Job : College student
Age : 21 y/o
Friends : Yuna
Nature : Cold , savage, rude sometimes, but total a softie for her loved ones

2. Yuna

Name : Choi Yuna
Siblings: None
Status : Single
Job : Arts student in college in USA
Age : 21 y/o
Friends : Yn Kim
Nature : Friendly, bubbly, polite, and warm hearted but can be a total baddie if you hurt her friends or family

Yn's friend is in USA where as yn is in South Korea it's been years they meet eachother after they went away for making their careers soon yn starts being cold

Present :

At yn's home

yn mom: wakey wakey yn now you are not kid anymore wake up

yn: MOM ~~

yn mom : okay now wake up u are getting late for college

yn: i know you will not let me sleep even if I ask u to let me sleep 5 more minutes

Yn's mom *chuckles*

After doing your morning routine you came down

yn' mom to yn's dad: look how good looking our princess is !

Yn: good morning mom dad

your parents: good morning sweetie

Yn dad: Should I drop you to college sweetie ??

yn: no dad it's ok I'll go by myself

At yn's college

yn's pov

I went to locker to take my books but soon I heard girls howling like a manic and I am not shocked as it is their daily work to see the badboy heartrob of our college and howl like wolves [ smiles]
Soon I came out of my world when someone interrupted me

????: See who is smiling the nerdy ??

yn: [ignores]

soon the bell rang and everyone went to the lecture room and you sat alone at the last seat

Little did u know someone was staring at you, you looked aside and found "HIM" looking at you. And he is him the badboy heartrob jeon jungkook why is he staring at me?
I questioned myself

Jungkook's pov

In was looking at yn while thinking how can a nerd be so cute, hot, savage and sexy at same time when yn looked me I moved my gaze towards professor Lee

Time skips to the end of the class

Jungkook: What are you doing nerd???

yn: none of your busniess

jk: so rude *pouts cutely*

yn: hmm

Author's note :

Wait for the next episode 😉😉
I'll just post it as soon as possible

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Till that bye bye take care of yourself

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