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Yn came out of her thoughts when she heard yuna and jk talking about their hobbies, likes and dislikes

[time skips to the leaving of cafe]

yuna: It was fun meeting you

jungkook: same here

yn: [mimick jk] same here

Yuna : did you say something

yn: no

But someone heard her and smirk internally and said plan successful to himself and thought of playing more of his drama

Jungkook : Let's have some more fun together next weekend !!

Yn: I am busy

Yuna: I'm not...... let's go to amusment park

Jungkook: : so you and I ???

Yuna : Okay

Yn pov
What the hell ????????

Do they think about me ?? Am I invisible for them

Yn: NO

JK: wae ????

Yn: umm......ummm [thinking]

Jk: ummmm what??

Yn: she is busy with me

Jk pov
Let's stop teasing her
Her jealousy is overloaded

Jk : ok

Yuna : we can decide next time ???

Jk : right

Yuna : bbye kookie

Jk smiled shyly showing his bunny teeth bcz she called him kookie.


A knock at the door was heard
Yn's mom came and opened the door

Ynm: welcome back dear

Yn and Yuna : yeah

Ynm: Did you guys had fun ??

Yuna : Yes aunt

Yn: I am tired I am gonna sleep mom [#suga'slonglostsis]

yn left

Ynm: What happened to her ?

Yuna : I don't know aunt

Ynm : You might be tired you should rest as well

Yuna : ok

Ynm : I'll call you guys for dinner
Get freshened


Something interesting is coming up soon

Vote or else jk and yn aren't ending up together

Author: hii hope you all like this chapter
I thought I should keep a target if I achieve it
I'll upload new chapter's soon after that

So let's start with this one

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love you all <<<3

Total words : 311 words

26th June 2023

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