Dare or dare

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Author's note :
Hii guys , It's been a long time I drafted this episode but I didn't get time to update this episode
So with less talks let's get started 😉😉

Jungkook: is this any of your quality ????

yn: [ignores]

With this yn left from there

Jungkook's pov

Why don't she speak to anyone??? Maybe she is introvert

With this Jimin came

Jimin : what are you thinking kook ?

Jungkook : ....hmm......nothing

Jimin : lets go home

Jungkook : okay

Yn's pov

Why was he talking to me is he crazy or what don't he have alot of fangirls who are crazy over him maybe those bitches found him crazy just like me

Whatever let's talk to yuna it's my birthday next week and she told me she'll try to come this year I wish I could meet her or I'll just go to USA to meet her it's been a long since we met

Yn went back to her home

on call

Yn: hello sunshine

yuna: hii bunny

Yn: how are you

Yuna: I am fine how are you ????

Yn: Just like a new fresh bloosm so you coming next week

Yuna: Sweetie I have a some work in college for annual function

Yn: It's okay you finish your work and get some rest

Yuna: Are you angry???

Yn: Nope

Yn : I'll hang up now

Next day

Your dress:

Your dress:

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Yn pov

I was in class waiting for professor Lee to come but a staff member came to infrom that professor Lee is on leave due to some personal reasons

With the staff left

And the students started to howl and were discussing what to play when someone shouted let's play truth and dare I sigh in frustration when Sia [one of jungkook's fangirl ]  came

Sia: Yn join us

Yn: [I was going to deny but she pulled me and made me sit around the circle and gamed started jungkook was also said he don't want to play but agreed as soon as he saw me there in circle he was sitting in front of me]

The bottle was spinning and it stopped on sia and jane

Jane: truth or dare

Sia: [smirk] Dare I choose dare

Jane: Show us our funny dance

Sia: [gave a wtf look] change the dare

Jane: OK I'll but if you don't do this one you have to smell ur sock

Jane : You have to write my notes for a month

Sia: what no never.. I.. i better smell my socks i washed them yesterday only

[ And like this the game went on peacefully but little did I know it was silence before storm
And fvck bottle landed on me and Sia]

Sia : Dare or dare

Yn : [ I gave questioning look ]

Sia: what's with that look you only chose truth the whole game you need to chose dare this time

[You looked around everyone nodded their head ]

so you finally said

Yn : okay

Sia : Sit on jungkook's lap for the rest of the game

Yn : no way [now way I'm letting this jerk take my first kiss]
change the dare

Sia : Okay then kiss him on lip

Author's note :

What do you think yn should choose ????

What will happen the next ???

Will yn kiss 😘😘😘  jungkook ????

Is her first kiss gonna be wasted on someone who she hates 🤨🤨🤨

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