chapter 17 goku's recovery part 1

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bulma and everyone except for goku, vegeta and krillian is at capsule corp getting everything ready for goku "goten-are you sure dad is okay with a welcome home party thing?" "bulma-of course this is goku were talking about" "picalo-true but that was before the poison did a lot of damage to him everyone does have their breaking point even goku" "bulma-I hear you and that's why were having a party to let him know were here for him" "goten-I still can't believe mom actually would do that" "gohan-well at least she's In prison now so she can't hurt anyone hey whis how you doing?" "whis-well I finished the outside but I don't know how much longer I can keep lord berrus from the buffy table "gohan-we'll I promise you can have all the left overs my dad made" "whis-I'm sure I can hold him longer now". back at krillian's house where they were getting ready krillian is brushing goku's hair, goku had bit's of bags under his eyes and looked so depressed and moody and is in a wheel chair "krillian-there that should do it" goku looked in the mirror "goku-looks great..." "krillian-hey just so you know no one is expecting you to bounce back so soon okay?" he just sat their with no response "vegeta-you guys ready?" "goku-yeah.." they leave and head to capsule corp "bulma-hey goku welcome back!" "goten-daddy!" goten ran up to him and sat in his lap goku holds him with a small smile "vegeta-thanks for this bulma" "bulma-it's no problem" vegeta pushes goku inside "gohan-okay you can let him go now" whis releases berrus and berrus charged to the food and gohan gives whis the left overs he promised "bulma-he doesn't look too good..." "vegeta-neither would you if you went through what he went through" "bulma-is he feeling any pain?" "vegeta-no I haven't felt anything so he's not feeling any physical pain at least I decided to stay out of his head so he can have some space" "bulma-yeah it just hurt me to see him like this...I've known him sense we were kids and I have never seen him even a little bit sad and now..." "vegeta-i know and the senzu beans aren't working on him" they both sigh. after the party and everybody left vegeta helped goku get into bed and they went to sleep. goku was having a nightmare again he woke up and breathed hard he looked over and vegeta and sighed of relief that he was still asleep or so he thought vegeta's back was turned but his eyes were opened he woke up to the fear that was coming off from goku. goku got into his wheel chair and went outside and looked at the stars to calm his mind vegeta shortly followed after him "vegeta-can't sleep?" goku shook his head vegeta kneeled down to him "vegeta-kakarot...we've tried to give you as much space as you needed but I'm really worried about you. you barley eat you hardly sleep will you please go see whis?" "goku-alright...I'll go..." vegeta puts his hand on goku's shoulder "vegeta-were gonna get through this I promise" goku and vegeta hugged each others tight. the next day goku and vegeta went berrus world whis had goku in a pool to take a look at him "whis-the poison did a lot of internal damage so did the utanimis ultra instinct "goku-can you fix it?" "whis-I can guide the healing prosses but whether you get better or not is up to you" goku sits up a bit "whis-I know it's hard to get through a heart breaking event but I promise if you work hard you will get better" "goku-that's what I want" "whis-then try and do something for me try to focus on your big toe visualize it moving" vegeta has his hands on goku's shoulders goku gets his toe to move and in the first time in a while he is happy and is smiling to big "goku-did you see that?!" vegeta smiles and hugged goku from behind and goku chuckled a bit. the next day goku is holding himself up with some railings "whis-try to picture yourself walking to vegeta and make it a reality" goku grunts trying so hard to walk he takes two steps then gets flash backs of him being poisoned and then he collapsed and has his hands on his head vegeta and whis goes over to him "vegeta-you okay?" "goku-I'm fine" "whis-you're body still thinks it's in danger your safe" "goku-i think I'm done for today" it's been 3 weeks and goku still can barley take a couple of steps "whis-shall we try again?" "Goku-what's the point? we've been at this for weeks and I can barley take a few steps without collapsing" "whis- I know it's frustrating but you just need-" "goku-of course I'm frustrated! a crazy man poisoned me now I can't train or cook for myself or anything for myself and your supposed to be powerful and you can't even heal me!" vegeta and whis eyes opened wide and so did goku he put his hand on his face "goku-that came out wrong" "whis-no it's okay let the anger flow through but do you think your the only one to go through heart ach? can you imagine how jerin felt when he lost his parents and his master as a boy?" "goku-that must have been so hard..." "whis-but he never let it take him down he made it his strength and I promise you can too" goku is at the railing again he takes a couple of steps and he stumbles a bit but pulls himself back up and grunts whis and vegeta smiles goku made it to vegeta and vegeta caught him "whis-well done goku" "vegeta-you did it" goku hugged vegeta and they go home for the day

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