Chapter One

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I will say now that the 'reader' character will be written as an English/Spanish speaker of Mexican roots but everyone is welcome to read! Those will be the only definitive characteristics. I want to leave racial and complexion features up to the reader!

This is my first attempt at writing in a very long time and even before I wrote fanfic work that was not that good lol. So please be nice. The chapters will either be very short or kinda long so bear with me please. Also I'm not good with titles and just cooked one up quickly. So I might change it.


Monica ☆

"Muchas gracias señor. Que tenga un buen día!" You said thanking the friendly old man for the ride he gave you.

(Thank you so much sir. Have a good day!)

"De nada muchacha. Espero que encuentre lo que busca." He replied smiling.

(You're welcome miss. I hope you find what you're looking for.)

You returned the smile and waved as you watched him drive away in his tiny work truck. 'I hope so too.' You thought while slightly grinning. The scenery started to catch your eye and you spun around facing the small village. At last you had gotten to your destination you thought while observing the people converse, some working on beautiful crafts, and some children playing. One old lady who seemed very wise and native to the area caught your eye.

"¡Disculpe señora!" You called out. The lady turned in your direction and you continued introducing yourself. "Hola mi nombre es Y/N y tengo un par de preguntas si no sería mucha molestia."

(Excuse me ma'am!) (Hello my name is Y/N and I have a few questions if it's no trouble.)

The lady seemed hesitant but accepted. "Sigueme, por aqui." The lady led you to her small hut. You followed her and smiled, gesturing that you were thankful.

(Follow me, this way.)

She offered you a seat and some food. You humbly accepted. When she indicated that she was ready for you to ask questions you started by introducing yourself more and explaining why your research led you here.

You shared your upbringing in the U.S. as a second generation Mexican-American and the early desire to learn about your ancestor's history.

"He oído muchas leyendas míticas sobre muchos dioses. Pero uno me llamó la atención por las historias contadas a lo largo de los años en estas áreas." You hinted to see if she would pick up on who you wanted to know about.

(I have heard many mythical legends about many gods. But one stood out to me because of the stories told over the years in these areas.)

"¿Estás segura que eres saber de él?" The old woman asked immediately changing her demeanor to an apprehensive tone.

(Are you sure you want to know about him?)

"Si por favor." You responded quickly even though her reaction slightly scared you. As much as the many accounts of sightings seemed to have some ground in the back of every conspiracy theory fanatic's head there's some doubt. So her indication of truth sent slight chills throughout your body.

(Yes please.)

"Esta bien. Pero te advierto que muchos otros han venido por aquí preguntando también y nunca más fueron vistos otra vez." The lady warned. You softly gulped and assured the old lady that all you wanted was to see where the sightings were at.

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