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Disclaimer: I do not own Glee!

Mercedes's smile fell as she walked into glee club. She had never felt more alone. Rachel was sitting next to Finn, going off about some insignificant performance, the older boy trying to follow along. Quinn and Puck were off to the side of the room, probably planning out the days they would go to visit Beth together. Mike and Tina were kissing chastely on the top row of bleachers. Brittney and Santana were whispering to each other with their pinkies linked between them. And Blaine, her old ally in the singles club, was sitting in his usual seat with a dopey smile on his face and a cell phone attached to his hand.

It had been two weeks since Blaine had confided in her that he and Kurt were officially going out. They wanted to keep it quiet, at least until Sectionals was over, because they weren't sure how everyone would react. Kurt knew inter competition dating was a sore spot for Rachel.

Mercedes was happy for her friends. Really, she was. But she couldn't help the longing she felt as she glanced around at the couples. Why couldn't someone look at her like Finn looked at Rachel, kiss her as Mike kissed Tina, or take her out on romantic dates like Blaine did for Kurt?

Mercedes let out a soft sigh and took her seat next to Blaine, who sent her a small smile before returning to texting Kurt.

If only the dark skinned girl had noticed the blonde boy who was openly staring at her throughout glee practice, wanting nothing more than to have the chance to do all of the aforementioned things.

Kurt smiled at his phone and giggled when he reread Blaine's texts. He was blissfully happy, very much liking having Blaine as a boyfriend. Kurt had been thoroughly swept off his feet. He had been spending all of his time with Blaine since they had started going out.


Kurt looked up at Sam and remembered that he was in fact out for coffee with one of his closest friends and therefore should probably pay attention.

"I'm sorry what?"

Sam chuckled at his friend.

"I take it you were thinking about a certain Hobbit."

Kurt sighed dreamily.

"He's just so perfect Sam. He always holds doors open for me, and holds my hand even when we go out. He cuddles up to me when we watch movies and he looks at me like I'm the only person in the world."

Sam smiled at how his friend's eyes twinkled when he talked about Blaine. Kurt looked so happy, so unlike the broken boy he had met a year ago.

"And, oh my Gaga, he is like the most amazing kisser in the world. He does this thing with his tongue-"

Sam turned cheeks became red, "Okay! Listen, Kurt, I know I said you could talk to me about anything, but, well, yeah I lied. You can tell me anything not involving Blaine's various body parts and what he does with them."

Kurt was in hysterics by this point.

"Why, you could take notes, I'm sure Mercedes would love it if you kissed her the way Blaine kisses me."

Sam's eyes widened considerably.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Pu-lease. You're a smitten kitten."

"Smitten kitten? Really, Kurt. You've been spending way too much time with Blaine."

"Regardless, how are you planning to win her heart?"

Sam smirked, "I don't know. Teenage Dream seemed to work well for you. I mean Blaine has had hearts in his eyes ever since."

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