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Aj pov

I reached home yesterday and I don't even know how. I just walked and asked for directions then called my father to pick me up which made me get questioned the whole ride. I lied, I can't tell him that I meet up with 'D' supermodel, went to her house, faked wrestle in the pool then kissed her, then she broke and denied me. I wasn't expecting her to say girlfriend but she could have at least say I was a friend or someone she just met.

Now I'm laying on my bed angry as hell! That is why I hate her! I absolutely hate her! I don't want to see her face again but let's be honest that is close to impossible. "Ugh!" I groaned and hit my head multiple times. She is such a...... I won't use that kind of langue.....yet. Why the hell did I even kiss her?! Why the hell was I going to allow her to do it again? Why do I still want to kiss her? Why do I still feel tingles from it! MY LIFE IS A MESSED UP SWIRL TO NOWHERE!! I got up an sit on my bed only to fall right back down on it, poor me. I placed a pillow over my face and just went over my entire life, wondering what the hell did I do so wrong but so right. See I don't even make sense. I was disturbed from my mind -which I'm happy about- by my phone. I picked it up and saw Renee picture and number calling, she better not talk about Brie.

"Hey." I answered as nice as I could without sounding fake.

"What happened yesterday? You didn't even call me back." Renee argued.

"Sorry Née, I was just ugh....busy."

"Doing what?"

"Um...Uh.. I barely remember. I went to the grocery then I came back home and sleep."

"That wasn't busy, that was being lazy. Anyway want to come over? Paige is coming."

"Sure, I'll be there in a bit."

"Okay, bye."

She hung up and I sighed louder! I want to stay in bed and think but I can't say no to Renee! She is like an elf that everyone loves. Plus I can't mop around for the rest of my life....well I could but....

I push myself off the bed and walked over to my closet, so I could put on presentable clothes to leave the house. I spend the whole day in my pj's. It was glorious. I pulled out a cotton checked pants and a white tee. I zombie-ly undress then redress in the better clothes. Changing clothes is so tiring! I grab my phone and left my room.

"Dad! I need money!" I shouted through the house as I looked for him. I heard a footstep and walked towards it. I saw my dad, he kicked the air when I saw him. I placed my hands on my hips watching him. "Dad....." I raised a brow at him. "Every time I see you I lose money. Don't you have a mother?" He joke....well it is partially true. I rolled my eyes then narrowed them at him. "Dad you know how mom gets when you ask her for money." I held out my hand as he placed the $45 in it. "Let me know so I could act so as well." He told placing his wallet back into his jeans. I shook my head and hugged him. "I'm heading to Renee's." I informed him fixing my long black hair behind my shoulders. "Is Renee house the only house you go too? Doesn't Paige have a house?" He joked again and I crack a smile shoving his shoulders. I also went to a supermodel's home. I thought as I hugged him. "Later!" I waved as I ran out of my house, slipping my slippers on, on the way out. I mean I'm just going by Renee's house in a car. Not a fashion show- darn you Brie!

Brie pov

I'm in my tv room- more like big comfy place with a huge comfy seats that has a huge screen and speakers all around the room. This is my favorite room in my house. It is just so comfy-cozy. Yesterday I left shopping with Michelle  early because I couldn't stand her after a while and I was so regretful for what I did to AJ. I could have said she was a friend but Michelle is so judgmental and I wouldn't hear the end of it! I'm not embarrass of AJ or anything but, I just can't be seen talking to someone like that unless for media. I know I sound stupid but this business is stupid! Worst yet I can't be lesbian because I'm an underwear model and we all change in front of each other and I don't want people feeling scared around me or calling me names. That's the thing though I'm not lesbian but something about AJ just messes with my head and to be honest I don't mind. I want to apologize but I know I'll just make her more angry and I have no sort of contact with her......yet. I wonder what she is doing? She is such a beauty but for some reason insecure. She really broke me when she said she hated me but then I made it up and she liked me now she hates me more but just she has a reason. I just can't and don't want to stop thinking about her. I never felt sparks like that with anyone else.

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