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•Yeonjun <3
- Confident. - It didn't take long for him to warm up to pda and showing you off to members and staff. - You two tried to hide your relationship at first, but Yeonjun ended up exposing it by accidentally referring to you as his girlfriend. He tried to laugh it off but the damage was already done. - Is the type to buy you flowers whenever he thinks of it. It can be when you're having a rough day, when he's been away on tour for a while, special occasions, or even just when he misses you (which is a lot) - Speaking of, he is very clingy. Not to the point that it's impossible for you two to be apart, but whenever you are together, if he has the chance, he is right next to you, holding your hand, his hand on your waist, or some other romantic gesture. - This may also be because he can get jealous easily. It's not that he doesn't trust you, it's that he doesn't trust other guys and wants to make sure they know that you are his. - Your dates mainly consist of shopping, fancy restaurants, and/or taking pictures around the city. - Very caring. If you get hurt, need help, or even just look slightly unhappy, he is right by your side asking if everything is okay and if there's anything he can do to help.
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•Soobin <3
- Boyfriend material. Like- have you seen the pictures?! - You two have a classic K-drama relationship. You probably even met in a café, or he might've given you his umbrella in the rain. - It's what you tell others anyway- - You two often game together, most of the time it is him teaching you how to play the games, and you failing miserably, but you have fun and it's an excuse to cuddle. - Movie dates on the weekly. Whilst Soobin does love going out with you, he also loves to stay inside and spend quality time together, this means that pretty much every week, maybe more than once, you have movie date nights at the dorms. - Mother to Odi <<33 - You are the best big sister the boys could ask for, and they make fun of you for it. A lot of age jokes, but all loving of course. (Unless you're younger than them, in which case, you're the best little sister. Still age jokes but just in the opposite direction.)
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•Beomgyu <3
- The only way I can think to describe your two's relationship, is cozy. - Whether you're snuggled under the covers, sharing a jacket or a blanket, or even just cuddling next to each other, you two just radiate love and warmth. - Beomgyu loves the quieter moments, and you two share a lot of them. There's a lot of comfortable silences when you two are together but doing your separate things. - Whenever you're around, Beomgyu just seems to calm down, I mean this positively! He feels like he can let his guard down when he is around you and tends to let people know how he's really feeling with your help. - Doesn't hide when he feels upset. He doesn't want to worry you, and still puts on a happy face most of the time, but even if he does, he lets you know with a quiet word or tug at your sleeve that he needs your support. - So, so, so sweet. Everything he does, he thinks about you. When he goes shopping, he thinks about what you might like, if you would like any food or coffee, stores he sees that you may like. - You know that picture of Beomgyu camping in front of the fire? Well, that's it, that's the vibe here.
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•Taehyun <3
- He teaches you magic tricks :) He also taught you how to shuffle cards like a pro. - The cutest dates. He always finds the cutest cafes or small parks for you two to spend a couple hours or the day. - Random duets around the house. You can randomly start singing while cooking or while in the shower, and chances are, if Taehyun hears, he will join in. - Sometimes you guys will go on gym dates, however not often as Taehyun feels they're not romantic enough as he can't treat you. But he always enjoys the company and spending time with you. - This man is strong af, and he will not hesitate to show that off. Sometimes he'll just pick you up and place you where he wants you. - If and when you are both tired, you'll do your skin care routines together before bed. Which is more you doing your routine while getting him involved as he rests his head on your shoulder and stares at you in the mirror. - He sings you to sleep while you both cuddle if you can't sleep. - His nickname for you is shorty.
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•Huening Kai <3
- I probably say this for everyone- but you guys are so cute together. Like- It's just adorable. - The amount of plushies you guys have combined is- worrying. Let's just say, if you were to put them all on one bed, it'd probably fill it up. - Speaking of plushies, almost every occasion you both receive at least one as a gift. Whether it's from each other of either of your guys' friends. - Your dates mainly consist of gaming or watching movies under a blanket. You guys make a whole event of shopping for snacks and drinks before hand though, sometimes even dedicating a whole cupboard just for snacks for date nights. - He's just- so very gentle with you. He cares for you so much and anyone can see. - +4 protective big brothers :) - You're basically besties with his sisters and frequently hang out with them. A bonus, his parents also adore you, treating you like another one of their kids. - Everyone looks after you just as much as Kai does, you even sometimes hang out with them when Kai's not around. But don't worry, he loves how much you get along with his members.