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10:27 pm. That was the time that you and Yeonjun got back to the apartment. Neither yours nor his, instead an apartment that the company had rented whilst he was on tour. Coincidentally, the dates of both yours and his own had lined up, meaning that tonight you were both free. Now, roughly half an hour after entering the cold dark apartment, you were both sat around the low coffee table in the living room; The steaks that you had ordered were long gone and the two bottles of wine now down to half a bottle. You laughed at each others stories as the fire crackled behind you. Your eyes met his as you caught your breath. They glistened in the dim light from the candles on the table before him, his pupils were waves of chocolate and honey as they pulled you in. His lips curved into a gentle smile as he stared into your own. His hair still slick from the gel was now falling and framing his face; It was messy, but handsome nonetheless. Silence fell around the two of you as you became absorbed in the moment. It was comfortable. Yeonjun's eyes flickered to your lips and then back. He licked his own as he adjusted the way he was sitting, placing his almost empty glass of wine down on the table next to him. He had been drinking all night, and yet, as he became absorbed in your gaze, he found his mouth to be dry. This was an all to familiar feeling he had around you. His heart would quicken, his palms would become clammy . [Knee's weak, arms heavy. Vomit on his sweater, mom's spaghetti... Sorry- Back to Yeonjun-] He could say he was obsessed. Obsessed with the thought of you. Obsessed with just the idea of you. Night after night he lay thinking about you. He even dreamt of you. You lived in his mind. He had never felt this way for anyone else. Sure, he had hooked up with other girls here and there. But as much as he didn't want to, his thoughts drew back to you. He imagined your face, your body, your voice. No one else knew this, he never told anyone, although maybe he didn't have to, he wasn't exactly subtle with it. And now here you were, sat in front of him, more than half a bottle of wine in the both of you. Neither of you knew what was going to happen when you agreed to go back to his apartment. Or maybe you did, you just didn't want to admit it. You definitely didn't want to admit it. For you hadn't known about Yeonjun's thoughts and feelings, yet yours were the same. However tonight, maybe it was the wine talking, but you had a new found confidence. Striking joke after joke. Making a flirtatious comment here and there, much to the dismay of Yeonjun. If only you knew what you did to him. How his thoughts were painted thick with images and scenarios, all including you. How his body craved you. But all the same, if only he knew what he did to you. Your own thoughts infested with the very same images. Your body craving him just as much. Neither of you ever thought anything would happen. Not until now. You still held his eye contact. Neither had realised just how long you had been staring as you were both lost in your thoughts. That was when Yeonjun moved once again. This time a hand reached into his hair and pushed it back, the hairs refusing to go back to their place and instead falling in front of his eyes. He looked down at the ground, and then back up to you. God. You were beautiful. The way the moonlight hit your exposed skin. The way your black sequined dress fell loosely off of your shoulders and your collarbones. He was the only one to see you like this, in this moment. That thought did things to him. Things he was ashamed to admit around you. He was struck with thoughts and ideas that he swore he would never act on. But here you are. It's the perfect opportunity. Now or never. That's what he told himself as he looked out of the window before once again turning back to you. You were watching his every move. Everytime silence fell, he was fidgety. The entire night he had been struggling to sit still. You had realised long ago what was happening. But you had decided to push it. See how long it would take for him to snap. Whilst he was holding himself back as not to taint the innocent image he had of you, you were the opposite, wanting exactly that. Your thoughts had become full of filth, leaving any dignity at the door tonight. Maybe before tonight you would have surpressed your urges, but now all you could think about was how long it would be until he took you to bed. You thought about how he looked delectable in his slightly unbuttoned white dress shirt. His tight black dress pants. The way his hair draped over his eyes casting shadows against his face. You could only imagine what he looked like in the moment, sweat dripping from his porcelain skin, makeup smudged under his lust filled eyes, clothes discarded carelessly somewhere across the room. Little did you know he had the same thoughts about you. You had both realised by now what was about to happen. What you both wanted to happen. And that's how Yeonjun found himself staring at you once again. One final thought, risking it all. After this your friendship could be over, for better or for worse. A possible relationship between the two of you, or it becoming forever awkward. How could you ever face each other again if it doesn't work out? What could you tell the others? Contradictory to the battle going on in his mind. Yeonjun's body had moved on its own accord. He found himself inching closer to you. You realised and mirrored his movement. His eyes closed and yours did to. His hands reached your waist and yours reached either side of his face. "Are you sure?" He asked. His voice was low, barely above a whisper. His warm breath tickled your lips as your foreheads met. "So sure." You responded. Your voice matching in volume. He took one last deep breath and shuffled his body closer again. "God... I've wanted this for so long." He chuckled. "Me too." It finally hit him. You were here, in his arms, about to kiss him. He smiled. He couldn't wait any longer. Yeonjun's lips crashed into yours. You met him with the same energy. Desperation took over the two of you. You sat up onto your knees and he helped you onto his lap, he now leant against the white couch. His hands roamed around your waist and lower body, yours on his face or his neck. Your lips moved in sync, teeth clashing as impatience took over. Your body ached, longing for some kind of friction. Yeonjun however wanted to make the moment last. He was needy all the same, yet he was still unsure as if you were serious or if the alcohol was now talking. "Listen." He spoke pulling away. His breathing unsteady from the kiss. Your hands fell to his chest as his held your face. Your attention was brought to his. Your own breath stolen as you stared at his features from this close. "I need to know if you really mean this. We've clearly had a lot to drink and I don't want us to go home and regret this tomorrow-" "I'm serious. Yeonjun." Your raked your hands from his pecks to his shoulders and leaned close to his ear. You whispered "I need you."