Getting me out

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Relationships end too soon because people stop putting in the same effort to keep you, as they did to win you.

"Minho come on you can't stay home forever and keep yourself shut in." The blonde-haired boy said. "Ugh I can if I want to Hyunjin." Minho replied. "You are my best friend after all. And besides it's been too long since all of us have been together." "At least since high school."

Minho and Hyunjin were the only two of their friend group who kept in touch religiously after high school everyone kind of went their own way and including Chan their Aussie friend who went back to Australia.

"Chan is coming home for the holidays and this is a great opportunity for us to hang out again." Hyunjin smiled. "When is he coming?" Minho asked. "Mhmm this weekend I do believe. The others have already agreed, and I told them that you'd be coming." "Guess I have no choice then." Minho grumbled. "Also, Chan is bringing his cousin." Hyunjin said.

So, a new face to see and five people who they haven't seen in a few years at least. Chan had rented a cabin up in the mountains for the holidays and had gotten in contact with all of his high school friends. Chan wanted this to be a special holiday vacation for everyone and a chance for everyone to meet his awesome Aussie cousin.


Was I excited about this trip absolutely not, but my best friend was right I needed to get out of my house and socialize, I guess. It would definitely be nice to see everyone and I'm curious about this so-called cousin of Chan that no one has heard about.

Maybe a getaway in the mountains will be good for me and maybe it will be like none of us had lost touch with each other and we can be our goofy selves.

If anyone was going to get me out it would be Hyunjin believe me he has tried for months now, and I decided to finally give in. Hyunjin knew I needed the space but at the same time he was being a good best friend and trying to be there for me.

Hyunjin was there for me when I got out of a really bad relationship, and it really messed me up in a way where I didn't want to trust anyone ever again. It has been months now that we had broken up, but I still remember like it just happened yesterday.

"So, who is this mysterious cousin anyways?" I asked curiously. "I've heard Chan talk about him a couple of times, apparently he is around my age and is apparently cute." Hyunjin replied. "You'd think anyone was cute." "I guess we will just have to go and find out then. Besides my eyes are set on someone else." "Right the same one you've been chasing all throughout high school." I chuckled.

My dumb blonde of a best friend has been chasing after the same boy for years and he never paid him any mind. One because Hyunjin was a player and a flirt and two because Hyunjin didn't do relationships, and everyone knew about his bad boy reputation.

"Not everyone likes bad boys Jin." I grinned. "Yeah, well everyone else would be glad to even have a fling with me." Hyunjin cheekily said. "Not everyone wants just a fling. Besides he is a down to earth guy and can be very inappropriate, but he likes to joke. When it comes to someone he likes or relationships he is serious."

Hyunjin's so called crush was no other than our chubby cheeked friend Han Jisung, how he deals with our asses is beyond me, but he fits right in with us. Jisung was cute and had chubby cheeks which made him all the cuter and he was short, but he was the life of the party. He knew of Hyunjin's reputation at school and as true as it was most of it was rumors with the occasional truth of Hyunjin's boy toys as you would call them.

So, to see them in a room together again will definitely get me out of the house, you'd think with their bickering and name calling they were together. It was highly entertaining to watch.

Hyunjin had left in a hurry to go pack and left me to pack my own things, but I wasn't told when we would be leaving. Let's just hope I don't get told last minute we are leaving the day of like Hyunjin usually does.

So, being in a cabin full of highly attractive and inappropriate males and one newcomer what could possibly go wrong?

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