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Summers pov.

    As I drive up to school, I can already feel everyone's eyes on me. I park my car into the first spot I see. I get out and start walking to to the office to get my class schedules and locker number. When I enter I see Mrs. Glenda the secretary filing papers at her desk. I walk up  to the counter and put my school bag down by my feet.

    " Hey Mrs. Glenda I need my schedules and book. "

" Good morning summer, here you go darling. "

  I walk out of the office and head towards my locker to drop everything off. When I get there I realize I left everything in the office. Way to go retard. While running to the office the bell rings signaling class has started. The sea of people around me starts to move as there all heading to there classes. People bump into me as I'm fighting to get through. Quickly running in and grabbing my bags which is thankfully still there, I run out and immediately head for my class.

I walk in class and everybody turns there head to stare.

The Algebra teacher Mr. Bumper says with a attitude, "Thanks for finally joining us in class summer." He looked slightly mad but you can never tell with him. I put my head down and mumble sorry while walking  to the only desk left.  While walking, I never noticed the foot sticking out from the side of the desk next to me. I tumble over hitting my face on the ground, immediately everyone starts to laugh. I look up to see something else I didn't notice before. Brandon, stares down at me looking amused at what he's done. He looks me in the eye while saying with no emotions but humor, "Watch were your going geek."

Me being me I stay quiet as I get up and grab my glasses. My face now bright red I quickly take a seat at my desk. As I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn around to see Jayden Walker, Brandon's right hand man. Amazing two of them in my class. He glances around to make sure no ones watching before whispering, "I hope your ok"

I quickly nod and turn around. This is going to be a long day.


Sorry for it being rambley ~KK  

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