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Summers pov.

"Summer.......summer wake up."

I was shaken awake by Jayden ', I raised my head from the desk. I rubbed my eyes and looked around noticing how Jayden and me were the only ones .

"How long was I asleep" I questioned him sleepily while standing up and grabbing my stuff.

"You fell asleep after you know who tripped you." He stated awkwardly while walking out of class . I nodded while a faint blush coated my cheeks. The warning bell rang through the halls telling people class was about to start. I turn around facing Jayden and look anywhere beside his eyes glancing at his face once and a while.

"Well I have to get to class, but thank you for waking me up and being nice to me " I stated.

"It's no problem really, I always found you different. Not the bad different the good, you know the when like your different but like -" Jayden was cut off from his rambling by me kissing his cheek.

"Thanks jayden I'll see you around " I smiled while pushing my glasses back up. Did you really do that summer ! I mentally yelled at my self. But as I was walking to class I glanced back to see Jayden with a wide smile with blushing cheeks. Making me blush again thinking, maybe kissing him on the cheek wasn't that bad? When walking I bumped Into a hard chest. I look up to see ice cold blue eyes staring back with a hard glare . I gulped and scurried up frozen in my spot.

He looked around and as he did so I glanced around noticing everyone was gone. Thanks world. Brandon grabbed my shirt and slammed me into the lockers.

"You better leave my friends alone. Your just a little nerd who has no friends and will never again. And you better not tell Jayden. You may have used to be my best friend but everything is changed. I will ruin your life if I hear you say anything about anything, understand?" He said with a strong tone of hate laced in his words.

I whimpered while my body was shaking uncontrollably from fear.I nodded quickly, he let my body fall to the floor with a loud thud .

" watch your back summer" he murmured while walking away without a second glance .

You created this monster I thought to myself as the tears overflowed my eyes and fell down my cheeks in small rivers.

Wow that was interesting. I created Brandon and I even hate him .

What do you think happened between summer and Brandon ?

Do you like Jayden?

What do you think will happen next ?

I finished it early so I decided to post it.... SUPRISE! Any way don't forget to comment and vote!~K

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