New Roommate

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"I'm home!", no one answered just the silence he received in return. Malay sighed before closing the door behind him not noticing there was another presence that had enter the house.

Malay then toss his bag onto the couch and sat beside it. He then took a remote and switches on the TV, going back to watch random channels to see what is going on in the outside world.

Meowing of a cat was heard but Malay wasn't bothered by it thinking it was the stray cats outside wandering around.

The meowing somehow started to irritate him as it gets louder and louder. "God, they are so annoying man", groaned Malay as he stood up and goes to the door and opens it.

No cats were in sight. This is strange, the meowing still could be heard, is from inside his house.

"A cat entered my house?", Mal thought. He then closed back the door and started looking around in the house in search for the source of the cat's meow.

He went into the store room first, it wasn't there , just a pile of stacked up boxes and brooms and other items needed in the house. Then, the bathroom, it was not there either not even in the buckets or the bathtub.

He looked under the couches and anything under the furnitures that is easy for cats to go under but sadly it wasn't there either.

The Malaysian man then head to the kitchen which is getting louder and louder of the meowing. A cat was seen on the table resting on the table while meowing.

This is kind of normal scenario for Malay already because of the neighbouring he is living in has lots of stray cats. He then approaches to the cat.

Knocking on the table softly in order to get the cat's attention without scaring it, the cat turned around looking at Malay. "Okay now, this isn't your home, kitty", said Malay as he picked up the cat gently and heads to the backdoor.

He opens it and puts it down, gesturing to ask it to go away but the cat keeps trying to come in. 

"Hey hey! This isn't your home and I'm not your owner, shoo now", protested Malay as he keeps blocking the cat from entering. "Singa wouldn't like it if I have a cat!", sighed Malay as he squats down to the cat.

The cat just goes up to Malay and keeps leaning on him pleading him to let them stay and be his owner.

Unable to deny a pleading from such a cute animal, Malay sighed and picked up a cat smiling at it. Closing the door behind him, he sat back on the couch putting the cat beside him after moving his bag aside for more space.

The cat purs as a thank you before leaning back on Malay while resting. The Malaysian man just gives a slight smile and continues watching the TV.

During dinner, Malay prepared tuna in a small bowl and puts it in front of the cat. The cat meowed in response before started consuming its food. He pat its head smiling in joy. "I should name you Tuna", said Malay before going back to sitting at the dining table eating his dinner.

It is now half past seven, Malay was watching the TV again, this time is a new channel, it somehow caught his attention when the reporter said there was a komodo on the loose and the zoo it has escaped from was a building located a few blocks away from his neighbouring home.

Malay was concerned at first but was also relieved that he took the cat in before anything bad happens to it. He looked at the cat, it was resting on the floor, in a loaf position.

Malay find it cute and took out his phone snapping a picture of it. He chuckles again before putting his phone away. He then drank his big water bottle as his late mother always nagged at him for not always drinking water despite how he isn't dehydrated.

It was now a quarter till ten, it was time for bed and tomorrow is Friday, he should get ready for work in the early morning. One problem was, how about Tuna? Maybe bringing his cat wouldn't cause any trouble, Tuna looks like a quiet and calm cat.

He then alerts Tuna that is time for bed, the cat yawned and stretches itself before following Malay after he switches off the lights before heading to his bedroom.

Malay starred his night routine which was showering and brushing his teeth, changing into his sleeping attire aka his pyjamas. He then set his alarm clock to six'o clock in the morning. Turning on his mini lamp since he is a lil scared of the dark, he then checks all the windows and doors if is locked or not one more time before heading back into his bedroom.

Closing the doorm behind him, he switches off the main light in his bedroom. He hop into his bed and cover himself with the blanket, Tuna too hop onto the bed laying near Malay.

"Goodnight Tuna", smiled the Malaysian man before closing his eye. Tuna just meowed as a response before also sleeping.

The neighbouring was really quiet and peaceful at night, a bush near Malay's house, zooming in we could see a reptile yellowish eye glowing.

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