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The sound of alarmed ranged loudly in the bedroom, it went for awhile until a hand reach out and switches it off, it was Tuna with its small paw. It looked at Malay who was still sleeping soundly. It then hops onto Malay and meows at it waking it up, it even tried licking his face but it was no use. The cat groaned before reaching out its paw and smacked Malay in the face finally waking up. Malay acked in pain from the hit.

He soon sit up rubbing his eyes. "Oh Good Morning, Tuna.. thanks for waking me up", said Malay tiredly. He had a messy hair, a bed hair, his face still looked tired despite how he went to sleep early. He yawned as Tuna gets off the bed and went to the door scratching the door gesturing Malay to open. Malaysia then stood up stretching himself turning on the ceiling light before opening the door for Tuna to get out of his bedroom.

Along the way to the bathroom, he switched on a few lights in the hallway to be able to see clearly in the dark since is still 5 in the morning and sun hasn't rose up. He brought along a towel on the way to the bathroom. Switching on the lights of the bathroom, he took off his pajamas and tosses them into the laundry basket before closing the door behind him. As he turns on the shower and grabbing his toothbrush before adding his toothpaste cream ontop of it.

He started showering himself with the soap bar while brushing his teeth. Washing his hair he realised his shampoo is empty. "Damn it, I need to go buy them", groaned Malay as he used the last few drops of shampoo that is still left. After brushing his teeth and showering, he dried himself with a towel he got. He then wrapped around the towel on his waist . He walked into bedroom once again wearing his work attire. He then heard Tuna meowing, it was breakfast time.

He walked to the kitchen, grabbing a can of tuna and also a slice of bread. He opened the can of tuna and pours it into a bowl in front of Tuna. The cat then started eating and meowed at Malay as a thank you. The Malaysian man just smiled and pat Tuna before going to place his toast into the toaster. While waiting for the toast to be toasted, Malay grabbed a tin of milo powder inside out of the kitchen cabinets. He grabbed a mug filling it with hot water and took out a spoon from the drawer scooping up the milo powder before pouring into the mug. He also make sure he does not exceed over three spoons of Milo powder as he might gain weight again. Stirring it , the toasted made a ding sound as the toast hoped out of the toasted.

Malay quickly grab the toast and places it on the table. He grabbed the small container of butter in the fridge before taking out a butter knife from the drawer again. He then smear the butter on the knife onto the toast. Instead of an ordinary toast butter, he added a bit of sugar as he really likes it. He then chomped on the toast before putting back the butter into the fridge and places the utensils into the sink. Malaysia then heads back to his mug of Milo. Stirring it again and pouring some cold water into it so is much cooler to drink it. He stirred till all the powder is dissolved. He finished his toast and picked up the mug and drank it.

After breakfast , he goes to pick up the dishes including Tuna's bowl. Tuna was looking outside the window. The sun was about to rise. Malaysia them started to wash the dishes in the sink. After finishing the dishes, he start to pack his bag that is used to carry to hid workplace, he also took his wallet and places it in his pocket as he doesn't want to forgot to bring it when the police inspected him like last time. He then picks up Tuna. "Tuna, this is gonna be your first day at my office! Please behave well yeah, Singapore would be angry if he finds out", sighed Malay before placing Tuna into his bag to, Tuna just sat in there adjusting itself to a comfortable position.

Malay then hook his bag around his shoulder and picked up his giant tupperware water bottle and went out of the house after checking all the eletricity is offed and the windows are shut tight. He too also made sure the door to his house is locked properly or else burglary might happen. He then started to walk aling the sidewalk going to his workplace. Malay lived a few blocks away from his workspace so is easy for him to get there and also he had to save up money instead of taking a bus or call for a taxi.

Little does he know, someone was from behind was following him slowly and sneakily in order to not get caught by Malay .

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