Swimming Fool

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The day starts off with Dillon and Dally both sitting at the t.v. Their parents were out for work so they were home alone. Dillon was channel surfing, not finding any good shows while his twin was reading a book.

Dillon: There really isn't anything good today.

Dally: Then you should try reading something. The book I'm reading is actually getting really good.

She flipped to another page as Dillon rolled his eyes at her, not being interested in the idea of 'reading'.

Dillon: Laaammme. Rather rot my brain with mind numbing cartoons then read your non-fictional novels.

Dally shrugged her shoulders knowing well she wasn't going to get her brother to read one of her books

Dally: Suit yourself.

They both sat around for a while until the youngest of the trio walked into the living room.

Molly: Dillon, Dally, can we do something? I'm bored.

Dally takes her attention off her book to her sister.

Dally: Why don't you play with your toys?

Dally: I tried to, but Mr and Mrs. Photobucket aren't really getting along. Junior seems pretty upset about it.

Meanwhile, In Molly's room, two stuffed, alive bears were seen arguing over something while a little bear was seen crying in the corner.

Baby Bear: Why are Mommy and Daddy fighting?

Back with the kids, Dillon and Dally cringed.

Dally: Already know that relationship is faltering fast.

Dillon: So, what do you want to do?

Dally thought for a second before snapping her fingers with an idea.

Dally: How about the pool? We haven't been there for a while.

Molly smiled, nodding rapidly.

Molly: Yeah and you guys can finally teach me how to swim without my floaties.

Dillon: Yeah sure we can do that.

Molly jumps up and down cheering until they hear crashing in the background and screaming.

Dally: Let's do it quickly. It's getting heated!

(Timeskip brought you by Dillon and Dally trying to separate the bears.)

The Cortez kids then entered into the community pool. People played around in the water, laughing and cheering. Dillon took a good breath in, giving a satisfied sigh.

Dillon: Love that good chlorine in the morning.

Molly rushed past him, giggling like a gremlin. She tried cannonballing into pull, but was grabbed by Dally by the scruff of her color on her purple one piece.

Dally: And where do you think you're going?

Molly: To the pool, where else am I going to go.

Dally sat Molly down and Dillon put on her floaties, airing them up. She got back up and jumped in the pool, paddling along through the water.

The twins shook their heads with smiles on their faces.

Dillon/Dally: Kids…

Dally walked off towards the pull and Dillon was going to join up when he heard someone come through the door and looked over to see the Green family coming through the door. They all looked out to the pool, astonished by it being inside.

Greens: WHOH/WOWZA/It's beautiful!

Bill: An indoor pool! Now I've seen everything.

They then heard an infamous line that they heard many times.

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