She is special

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"No," Lizzy says. "You can't hate him. Maybe you are mad at him but to hate is a little bit too fast to say," she says.

I stay silent. "And..we don't know who kissed who.. She could have kissed him, you know. One thing I know, is that I have lived with that diva of a blond long enough to know that she could do something like that. Like, break up with somebody, and then hit on someone else the next day. Or kiss someone to hurt them or piss them off."

"Maybe your right, but he could have pushed her away.. Maybe he liked the-"

"Don't say that. He likes you. I'm sure."

"I don't know."

She sighs, and when she does that, the schoolbell rings and I find out that the random classroom that I dragged her in, is the classroom that we are supposed to be in.


Of course I miss the bus, so I have to walk home. Wile I walk home, I try to find out what to say to mom about the bracelet.

Oh, when I saw the guy I like, kiss a girl I dislike, I ran so that I lost my bracelet. Now I don't know where it is.

I cant just say that.. Maybe she forgets that I have it? I'll just not show my wrist. When I get home I go straight to my room and change to a long sleeve shirt.

She don't know about any guy, or any girl I dislike. She don't even know that I am an loser in school and that I don't have any friends. Didn't. She knows nothing..

I don't wanna hurt her feelings. I will find the bracelet before she finds out that it is gone.

I walk up the stairs, and feel that it's getting a little warm. Of course. "Hey, honey, " mom says. "How was your day?" She asks. "It was okay," I say to her. She doesn't look convinced, but she lets it go.

"You aren't too warm? A long sleeve isn't too much on this sunny day?" she says and walks closer. "Ehm," I say and walk little backwards," yeah, but when I go outside it will be okay. Me and Buzz need some fresh air," I say fast.

I run down the stairs to get Buzz and say goodbye to mom as I walk out the door.

Brad Pov.

We all laugh at Tristan's childish joke. We are childish so It doesn't matter. "I'm thirsty, where is it something to drink?" Tristan asks. "I'll show, you," Connor says as they both stand from the comfortable couch.



A hand is waving in front of my eyes, and I shake my head. "Sorry, I was just thinking.." I say. "About what?" James asks.

"I was thinking about.. A girl," I say still thinking. "A girl?" he asks. "Yes, it's this girl at school.."

"What's her name?"

"Katrine.. I like calling her Kat," a smile is now on my face. "So she's kind of special to you, huh?" James asks.

"Yeah.. Everything about her is special. She is special."

"I used to say that about a girl too," he says. "The park!" I say. "What?" He's confused. "She lost something today, and I know where to find her," I say wile I try to find the bracelet I my pocket.

"You don't have her number?" James asks. "No," I say with the thing now in my hands," she wouldn't answer my calls anyway."


"It's complicated.. Bye!" I run out the door, and take a taxi to the park.


When I get there, I look for Kat. Some seconds pass until I'm on the ground with a dog on my chest licking my chin. "Buzz!" I say and stand up.

She is here.

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