The vamps

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He is so nice. I don't trust anybody, but i have a feeling that i can trust him. I mean, who else want to talk to me? Not even his friend, Jake was it? Didn't talk to me.

When i get home Buzz walk straight to his bowl, so i just go to my room. Bradley is such a cute name. What was the band? That he said he was in? The vampiries... No. Ehm, oh! The vamps! I find the laptop and start searching the name.

I found something. I'ts four of them. I click on a song on YouTube, that they sing. I see that he is the one that sings, I am not sure of the rest of them sings too, but they are good.

One song that i really liked, is called "somebody to you". Maybe because that was the only song that looked at, but i usually don't listen to music.


I get up earlier than usually because I couldn't sleep. I do the things I always do in the morning, and say goodbye to my parents.

I walk to the bus and sit in the front. I look outside, just sitting and thinking. The bus ride was short, and i get to school. I open the door and enter.

I finish the day with a smile. The day wasn't that bad. I was alone all day, but it was good.

I can't wait to come home to Buzz. When I'm home and done with my school work I decide that I'm going to the café near my house.

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