6. Do you mind?

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November 9th of 2034...

Y/n was in the back of a moving covered truck along with Owen, Abigail, Mel and the rest of the Salt Lake crew with Manny driving. A firefly pendant with the name Y/n L/n moved slightly with every movement the truck had made. She looked down at her feet, moving them from side to side every so often. Looking around at everyone sitting and quietly talking, then taking the firefly pendant around her neck off, holding it in her hands to fidget with it. A loud clink, followed by loud silence could be heard throughout the back of the truck as Y/n dropped the dog tag on the floor.

She quickly retrieved it off the ground, securing it back around her neck, looking at everyone who was looking at her. There weren't many as most of them went back to looking around or doing their own things, except for Abby Anderson. She had her eyes dead set on Y/n. She wouldn't lie and say she wasn't somewhat scared of her cause she was. After their first encounter at the hospital in Spring, they were separated, one side of the hospital was Abby's territory, the other was Y/n's. After the handprints of Abby's hands on her neck had faded away, taking three to four weeks to do so as Abby had been trying to choke her to her death, Owen had tried to get them to be in the same room together, which didn't end well.

"Why the fuck is she still here?" "Oh, like your everyone's cup of fucking sunshine." "Dump her in the city, see how long she lasts looking like that." "Looking like what? I can't possibly look as bad as you." Those were the only words heard throughout the small hospital cafeteria. "Get her out of here, I can't be in the same room with her." "Fuck you, Anderson." "Say my last name again, see what happens you cruel bitch." Abby yelled at Y/n, Manny starting to walk up to Abby, getting ready to take the blonde girl out of the room, Owen doing the same with Y/n. "Fuck you Abigail Anderson." Y/n yelled at her as they got escorted out of the cafeteria and walked back to their rooms.

"This is gonna take ages." Owen said under his breath, sighing. "She'll come around soon, and so will you, you do realize that you have to put in work too if you want this to work out." He said as they reached Y/n's room in one of the hospital wings. "I will if she does." Y/n responded plainly, scoffing at his words, sitting on the bed that had become her's in a little over three weeks. Moving back till she hit the backboard, putting her knees in her chest, resting her chin on them and focusing on the ground, ignoring Owen when he sat in a seat near a wall. A couple silent minutes went by until Owen asked her a question.

"What's going on in that brain of yours?" She let out a small chuckle, moving her focus onto him. "I'm just thinking." Y/n responded, looking down at her mom's bandanna tied around her wrist. "About what?" "My mom." She said turning back to him. "What was her name?" Owen asked hesitantly, looking her in the eye. "Tess. She had me four years after the world went to shit. She was an amazing mom. She cared about me so much, more than anyone else. She died almost a year ago. At the beginning of summer, we were taking Ellie, the immune girl, to the capitol building in Boston. We were gonna deliver her to the fireflies like Marlene said to, but when we got there, they were all dead and my mom kept saying how she wasn't going anywhere. Ellie then realized she was infected and it was true. She had a bite mark near her neck and we had to leave without her. I haven't spoke of or about her again until now."

"I'm sorry." He said, getting up from the chair to go sit on the bed. "Don't be, you didn't have anything to do with it." She said, moving her legs into a criss-cross position, fidgeting with her hands. "Same goes for you, you didn't have anything to do with what went on here. Like I said, it'll take time for Abby, she lost her dad, and so did-" "He's not my dad anymore, he never really acted like one." Y/n said to Owen, going back to fidgeting with her hands. "I wanted to give you something." Owen said, holding a closed hand out to her. She put her hand under his and he dropped a firefly dog tag in it. She inspected it, the name 'Y/n L/n.' was on the back of the pendant. "Since you're one of us now, I thought you might want one of those. I hope you don't mind that I put a different last name on there, thought you wouldn't want your original one there." He said, smiling at her. "Thank you, for everything you and the rest of your friends have done for me, it means everything to me." She said, giving him a side hug. "You're one of us now Y/n, one of our friends." He said, patting her on the back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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